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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Thanks, Jon!  Was about to try and call again.

Kat Kanning

Here's the article from the Keene Sentinel:

Free-Stater busted for manicuring in protest

CONCORD ? A young self-taught manicurist who said he was inspired by the movie ?Ghandi? manicured without a license outside the state licensing office Monday, earning himself a date in court and a trip to jail.

Michael Fisher had advertised his protest and planned to get arrested to call attention to what he considers needless obstacles facing small-time entrepreneurs. Among them he counts the requirement to get a license from the state Board of Barbering, Cosmetology and Esthetics.

?These types of restrictions, anything that gets in the way, deter or kill businesses,? he told the Exeter News-Letter for a story published Friday. ?People who just start a business just want to do it.?

Fisher said he and his wife moved from Burlington, Vt., to Newmarket last year to start a home-based computer troubleshooting business.

MANICURE MANACLES ? Concord police officer Michael Pearl arrests Mike Fisher for giving a manicure in front of the state Cosmetology Board office Monday in Concord. Fisher, a member of the Free State project, was demonstrating against the government requiring a license to give a manicure.

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Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: JonM on May 10, 2005, 02:55 PM NHFT

and the twin


We should work to get rid of this judge.  He should have just accepted Mike's plea and kept his mouth shut.  How does he know what effect this will have on the law?
The guy's freakin name is Italian slang for wine!


LMAO, and a damned nasty wine, to boot!

I totally agree- how the hell can he predict what outcome this will have on the law, especially considering what has gone before from the IJ regarding hair braiding?  :::thwack:::


Mike's home.  Expect he will be around in a bit to tell his story.

Russell Kanning

Pat K

Quote from: davemincin on May 10, 2005, 05:25 PM NHFT
Mike's home.? Expect he will be around in a bit to tell his story.

Did he tunnel out,or did our grand protecters let him out. ;D

Pat K

When I was driving back to Keene on 9, I picked up radio 610 am they were talking about Mike's protest.

Michael Fisher

Uhhh, guys...

The court sentenced me to 32 :o :o :o days, 30 of which are suspended for 1 year pending a minor violation like even a freaking speeding ticket that I will inevitably get.

The court even told WMUR Channel 9 that I would be in jail until my birthday, which is tomorrow, and which makes sense to me.

However, the jail was filling up and they may have "accidentally" let me out a day early.? I think it was no accident.? ?The COs (Corrections Officers) were very friendly with me.? ;)


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on May 10, 2005, 08:21 PM NHFT
Uhhh, guys...

The court sentenced me to 32 :o :o :o days, 30 of which are suspended for 1 year pending a minor violation like even a freaking speeding ticket that I will inevitably get.

The court even told WMUR Channel 9 that I would be in jail until my birthday, which is tomorrow, and which makes sense to me.

However, the jail was filling up and they may have "accidentally" let me out a day early.  I think it was no accident.   The COs (Corrections Officers) were very friendly with me.  ;)

Welcome back, Mike!

So... just when do you plan to break probation? Or are you just going to use this as a springboard, a bully pulpit, to harangue the General Court about these silly laws?

Oh, and if I'd thought of it ahead of time, I'd have advised you to address the jail staff as "Hey, CO?" Some get rather irritated at being called "guard".


Pat K

 32 days in jail for a manicure!!!!

Land of the free?

Thanks Mike for showing how little it takes for the state to send men with guns out to make you obey or be jailed .
It should scare the crap out of any thinking person.

Michael Fisher

Yep.  Filing nails without permission is Class A Misdemeanor!!!   :o :o :o :o :o :o :o


Hi Mike, Glad your out of the hoose-gow. This response by the state is totally unbelievable. That lady from the board is making a complete fool of herself. She thinks it is SOOOO important to protect us from ourselves. GET A LIFE LADY!!!!!


Welcome back to the world of the semi-free, Mike.  I think everyone is wondering... what's next?

Michael Fisher

OMG, my wife recorded this as my birthday present yesterday around 2pm, probably while I was cuffed in the police car on route from the police station to the jail:

Amethyste Fisher - No One Like You
