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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Your idea would save taxpayers and licensees millions of dollars.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: russellkanning on May 30, 2005, 10:48 AM NHFT
Your idea would save taxpayers and licensees millions of dollars.

I'll have to patent the idea.  ;)

Russell Kanning

...but then we have to keep open the patent office :-\


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on May 30, 2005, 10:45 AM NHFT
how about reimbursing the state and local agencies that expended money and manpower for you to play your game?

I agree if they didn't create stupid laws, than money wouldn't be wasted enforcing them, and besides who said this was a game??  Last time I checked standing up for personal freedoms and speaking out against government waste was no where near being a game.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: LeRuineur6 on May 30, 2005, 10:45 AM NHFT
I have a further action for you - Mike - how about reimbursing the state and local agencies that expended money and manpower for you to play your game?

What expended money?  The bureaucrats had to walk out of their office and serve Mike with their warning, and, the cops were on duty and being paid, before they got the call to collect him.
The local Dunkin Donut's might have some sort of claim for Mike's diverting the cops from their place, but. thats a legal stretch.

Michael Fisher

How about Gandhi reimbursing the British for arresting him for boiling saltwater?

How about Martin Luther King reimbursing the government for wasting their precious time beating black people on Bloody Sunday?

Maybe Jesus should have reimbursed those who wasted their precious time and tax dollars while nailing him to the cross.  (I'm an atheist, BTW)


Michael Fisher

Quote from: LeRuineur6 on May 30, 2005, 10:45 AM NHFT
Exeter Newsletter
May 24, 2005

Man should reimburse state and local agencies
To the Editor:

I am glad Mike Fisher has decided he is satisfied he made his point and no further action is necessary. I have a further action for you - Mike - how about reimbursing the state and local agencies that expended money and manpower for you to play your game?

With all this recent discussion about immigration, too bad we can?t deport people back to Vermont.

Chris Carr

Here is my reply:

Dear Editor:

This is regarding the May 24 letter "Man should reimburse state and local agencies" by Chris Carr of Newmarket.  Chris, this is not a game.

Is it justice to jail a man (me) for selling an unlicensed manicure to a customer (Kat) who wants to buy an unlicensed manicure?  I was willingly jailed to prove that this is clearly an unjust restriction upon my economic freedom and the personal freedom of my customer.  Kat and I only asserted our freedom and personal responsibility, but the law took those rights away from us in full view of the public.

Should Martin Luther King Jr have reimbursed the Selma police for spending precious tax dollars to beat Amelia Boynton Robinson and other civil rights activists on Bloody Sunday?  Amelia knew she would suffer if she asserted her freedom by violating the law, but she obviously felt the self-sacrifice was worth it.

I am saddened that you are personally offended and would wish to deport me back to Vermont for this harmless act of self-suffering.  It was never my intention to offend anyone.  My real crime is that I want "too much" freedom for this country, and I plea guilty.  I prefer too much freedom to not enough.

Mike Fisher


That was an excelent response Mike, I hope it gets published.


Thank you. ?Again.
I'm still learning somthing from all of this mess.
It is very easy for me to smile about the forward movment of my freedom.

Unfortunatly we have come to the point that these matters are moved forward at the price of your suffering. ?When the time is right, maybe Ms./Mr. Carr will see it to.

One reason why I smile is that there is still hope that others are willing to learn about freedom - yet sometimes my heart is heavy because I'm unsure.

" . . . Learning to read and to write is part of the fight
But for her it's somthing that's new
Down all of the years she's afraid of her tears
Imprisoned behind a black veil . . .
Soldiiers kicked down the door, called her a whore . . .
Internment tore them apart, brought her to the heart
Of resistance . . .
Her strugle is long, it's hard to be strong . . .
She holds the key to the unfinished revolution.
(Unfinished Revolution)


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on May 30, 2005, 10:45 AM NHFT

Perhaps if people weren't arrested and imprisoned for filing fingernails, the state wouldn't need to spend any money on licensing, inspection, and enforcement.  There's a novel idea.  Why didn't I think of that before?   ;D

If you don't think people should be arrested for giving a manicure, then eliminate the licensing laws.

You should write a letter to that same paper to that effect in reply to the good gentleman.

I see it as money well spent myself. While they were harrassing you they weren't harrassing others, at least right?  ::)



Quote from: LeRuineur6 on May 30, 2005, 07:14 PM NHFT
Quote from: LeRuineur6 on May 30, 2005, 10:45 AM NHFT
Exeter Newsletter
May 24, 2005

Man should reimburse state and local agencies
To the Editor:

I am glad Mike Fisher has decided he is satisfied he made his point and no further action is necessary. I have a further action for you - Mike - how about reimbursing the state and local agencies that expended money and manpower for you to play your game?

With all this recent discussion about immigration, too bad we can?t deport people back to Vermont.

Chris Carr

Here is my reply:

Dear Editor:

This is regarding the May 24 letter "Man should reimburse state and local agencies" by Chris Carr of Newmarket.  Chris, this is not a game.

Is it justice to jail a man (me) for selling an unlicensed manicure to a customer (Kat) who wants to buy an unlicensed manicure?  I was willingly jailed to prove that this is clearly an unjust restriction upon my economic freedom and the personal freedom of my customer.  Kat and I only asserted our freedom and personal responsibility, but the law took those rights away from us in full view of the public.

Should Martin Luther King Jr have reimbursed the Selma police for spending precious tax dollars to beat Amelia Boynton Robinson and other civil rights activists on Bloody Sunday?  Amelia knew she would suffer if she asserted her freedom by violating the law, but she obviously felt the self-sacrifice was worth it.

I am saddened that you are personally offended and would wish to deport me back to Vermont for this harmless act of self-suffering.  It was never my intention to offend anyone.  My real crime is that I want "too much" freedom for this country, and I plea guilty.  I prefer too much freedom to not enough.

Mike Fisher

Dude. Where's that Novel Idea? You should have written that if we didn't have these laws it would save the government, taxpayers, nad licensies a lot of money! It's really win/win/win situation for everybody conserned -- including the government when you think about it economically, like this.


Michael Fisher

Quote from: tracysaboe on May 30, 2005, 09:03 PM NHFT
Dude. Where's that Novel Idea? You should have written that if we didn't have these laws it would save the government, taxpayers, nad licensies a lot of money! It's really win/win/win situation for everybody conserned -- including the government when you think about it economically, like this.


Feel free to write it if you want to.

I only felt that my post was too obvious, sarcastic, and offensive.? That's not the message I want people to see, although I am apparently filled with sarcastic emotions.   :-[

I have a lot to learn.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: John on May 30, 2005, 08:49 PM NHFT
Thank you. ?Again.
I'm still learning somthing from all of this mess.
It is very easy for me to smile about the forward movment of my freedom.

Unfortunatly we have come to the point that these matters are moved forward at the price of your suffering. ?When the time is right, maybe Ms./Mr. Carr will see it to.

One reason why I smile is that there is still hope that others are willing to learn about freedom - yet sometimes my heart is heavy because I'm unsure.

" . . . Learning to read and to write is part of the fight
But for her it's somthing that's new
Down all of the years she's afraid of her tears
Imprisoned behind a black veil . . .
Soldiiers kicked down the door, called her a whore . . .
Internment tore them apart, brought her to the heart
Of resistance . . .
Her strugle is long, it's hard to be strong . . .
She holds the key to the unfinished revolution.
(Unfinished Revolution)

Wow, that's amazing, John.   :o  You are a good man.

Do not give up hope.  Even if we fail and fail again, we will pick ourselves up and continue.  Liberty is inevitable.


I'll never give up hope - nor the smile.? We will live free - or die.
(btw,that poetry is from the Christy Moore album but my eyes are to tired to read the author's name.)

My eyes (nor legs, nor feet, nor mind & spirit) were to tired to climb around the rocks (for a few hours) and take some pics over at your coast on Sunday morning.? Some were even a bit "undergroud" from the eyes/lense of the profesional photo dude who was captureing the same morning.

I don't think I could give up even if I wanted to.
The NH coast is glorious.? We are home!


Apparently, it's not so obvious to normal people.

I'm not really in NH, so I'm not sure how apropreit it would be for me to write it. But anyway,
