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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

Quote from: tracysaboe on April 22, 2005, 03:59 PM NHFT
Quote from: LeRuineur6 on April 22, 2005, 11:26 AM NHFT
Like other absurd laws, licensing was created with good intentions.

Actually, this is nonsence. Licensing laws weren't created with good intentions. They were from the beginning about protecting current industries from competition.

Good point.  I guess I should have said "licensing may have been created with good intentions."

Dave Ridley

i havent had a chance to read today's post but mike as I mentioned to you yesterday I have an issue with manicure vs. haircut. after talking to you yesterday i feel more strongly manicures arent' the right way to go and will further lay out reasons:  Don't have time to be articulate tonight and won't debate this ad nauseum but I feel strongly we should go with haircuts rather than manicures.  It's simpler, more visual, and will not provoke the distraction of "why is a guy giving manicures, is he trying to make some kind of sexual identity statement?"  Clippers provide a more powerful symbol than whatever various tools people use for manicures.  Only a minority of people use manicures, everyone gets haircuts.   there are more people who give haircuts than maincures. 

those are my reasons, and I do think the PR focus should be on one thing, until i hear a better idea the best thing seems to be haricuts.  Tellling the press you are doing three things will bore and confuse them as they sort through dozens of story options for that day, telling them you are doing one thing will focus them.   we can use electric clippers which are safe, dont have to use scissors.    Manicures are considered frivilous, haircuts a sort of basic right.   I will be more invovled in this if it involves haircuts, not sso active in assisting a project that focuses on manicures

Dave Ridley

Another issue is it's better not to send LTE's so far in advance of an event

but i'm thrilled to see activity and iwiill be supporting to some extent

Michael Fisher

Quote from: DadaOrwell on April 22, 2005, 10:58 PM NHFT
i havent had a chance to read today's post but mike as I mentioned to you yesterday I have an issue with manicure vs. haircut. after talking to you yesterday i feel more strongly manicures arent' the right way to go and will further lay out reasons:? Don't have time to be articulate tonight and won't debate this ad nauseum but I feel strongly we should go with haircuts rather than manicures.? It's simpler, more visual, and will not provoke the distraction of "why is a guy giving manicures, is he trying to make some kind of sexual identity statement?"? Clippers provide a more powerful symbol than whatever various tools people use for manicures.? Only a minority of people use manicures, everyone gets haircuts.? ?there are more people who give haircuts than maincures.?

those are my reasons, and I do think the PR focus should be on one thing, until i hear a better idea the best thing seems to be haricuts.? Tellling the press you are doing three things will bore and confuse them as they sort through dozens of story options for that day, telling them you are doing one thing will focus them.? ?we can use electric clippers which are safe, dont have to use scissors.? ? Manicures are considered frivilous, haircuts a sort of basic right.? ?I will be more invovled in this if it involves haircuts, not sso active in assisting a project that focuses on manicures

Sorry, but it's too late.? The press releases have been sent out, and I'm doing manicures only.? I do not have the training, mentor, or tools to do haircuts.? I DO have the training, mentor, and tools to do manicures.? Haircuts are far more dangerous than manicures given this scenario, or any scenario.

You do not need to purchase a manicure to support this event, and I sure hope such a small detail does not deter you.? I will need willing customers, so try not to leave me hanging out there all alone in my booth.

The sexual identity issue you mentioned is a non-issue, and it would make little difference whether I cut hair or give manicures anyways.? There are many men that seek manicurist services, although women are the majority of customers.? A manicure is mostly about cleaning up your nails.? The hand massage will be optional and I'll ask each customer if they want one, but I'm sure the women won't mind a hand massage.? Besides, let's see how manly you are when I pull out the cuticle nippers.? Try not to scream out of fear.


Which service I will do is entirely secondary to the point that I'm going to make.? The real focus of the event will be WHY.? WHY would someone break the law and risk suffering the consequences?? WHY is this person being prosecuted, fined, or even jailed for selling a simple service?? WHY do we have these laws?? WHY don't we just get rid of them?

Pat K

Sexual identity statement? ::) ::) um not the first thing I would think of.

Damn I just knew watching those Queer eye guys would make me to damn sensitive.

Kat Kanning

Don't worry, you wont be out there alone, Mike.  It's tooo tooo bad.  Kira just up and cut her mile-long fingernails off.  It woulda looked great to have you do it!  Heck, I don't even really know what a manicure is, but if it'll piss off the government, you can do it to me!  ;)

Russell Kanning

The sun disappeared today....I am thinking I will need a good tanning session by May 9th 8)
I sure hope Mike has a license for all of this. ;D

Michael Fisher

It would be nice to have enough female clients there so the guys would not need to be customers, although I will still do manicures on male clients.

Will the Liberty Ladies be there?? ;)

There won't be that many customers anyways.? Most people would only be there to support the cause.? Manicures take 30 minutes to an hour each.

What I'll probably do is hold a silent auction for each manicure in order to make maximum profits.? :)? I'll have a piece of paper that people can write their first names on and their bid to see who wins the manicures.? Whoever pays the most wins, preferably a female.? lol

Russell Kanning

Open auctions on the sidewalk....that probably is breaking some laws in itself :D


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on April 23, 2005, 10:00 AM NHFT
It would be nice to have enough female clients there so the guys would not need to be customers, although I will still do manicures on male clients.

Will the Liberty Ladies be there?  ;)

I'll be there with my daughter. :)

Michael Fisher

Kat Kanning

That would defeat the purpose.  His message is that he doesn't need any stinkin license to do business.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: wholetthedogin? on April 26, 2005, 02:41 PM NHFT
Did you say your wife had a beautician's lic.?? ?She could be administratively dinged for keeping such bad company.

They would pay dearly in court if they turn this into a personal matter and take action against my wife or her employer.

I'm telling them that it is not a personal matter, that it's not their fault for the way things are.

Whew... just moved into our house two days ago.? Things are crazy right now!? ?:D

Dave Ridley

Hey just wanted everyone to know I haven't forgotten about this event but am out of town and bouncing all over:  Feel free to grab my draft press release above and send it out with the following changes requested by mike :

Hey just wanted everyone to know I haven't forgotten about this event but am out of town and bouncing all over:  Feel free to grab my draft press release above and send it out with the following changes requested by mike :

-Manicures instead of haircuts.
- Mike's not an expert on manicures, but now knows how to do them.
-He's actually 23 years old.

Optional changes:
-This hurts entrepreneurs and entry-level workers.

Anyone who wants to can dump those requested changes into the release.

I may try to change it up myself later but don't wait around for me; take this release and run with it if you like.  I'm not going to do it all..and in any case if two of us email the same paper that's great!  feel free to put this info in LTEs or press releases or what not. 

Mike you can always dump those requested changes into the release.

I may try to change it up myself later but don't wait around for me; take this release and run with it if you like. and in any case if two or more of us email the same paper that's great!  feel free to put this info in LTEs or press releases or what not. 

Michael Fisher


An investigator with the New Hampshire Attorney General's Office called me today and said the NH Board of Cosmetology forwarded my letter to them immediately.

The investigator cited the law, said police WILL be present because of my letter, and warned that I WILL be arrested immediately if I do a manicure without a license.  I told her that a police chief said it would not be an arrestable offense, but she said he was wrong.

After explaining this to me, she asked why I would do such a thing.? When I told her why, she did not know what to say, but she became very cordial with me on the phone.? :)

This is going to work.? I can feel it!? ?;D