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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

Quote from: ethanpooley on May 11, 2005, 12:07 PM NHFT
Amethyste, I just wanted to say that I do understand what you are saying. Thank you for being supportive of Mike, even though it has caused trouble for you. I agree that it is time for others to step up. I don't think that Mike needs to push the state to greater wrongs against him in order to keep up the momentum; in fact I think that getting into too much of a pissing contest with the state will often be counterproductive.

It seems to me that what is needed now is a strong effort 'within the system' to remove the protested licensing laws, perhaps accompanied by a lot of other people going to the same extent that Mike did. Maybe an official 'unlicensed manicure' day where hundreds of people gather to give unlicensed manicures.

A follow-up event with dozens or hundreds of people selling manicures for $1?

The explosion of coverage would be UNBELIEVABLE!!!

As long as everyone learns the basic sanitary procedures, practices significantly beforehand, learns the major nail conditions to watch for, only files and buffs nails, properly prepares for any possible injuries, and carefully gives manicures ONLY to someone they personally know and trust, and was fully prepared for any important safety questions from the press... it would work! ?It would take a couple of weeks to prepare, train, and learn, but we're a smart group of people, and it wouldn't be that hard to pull off. ?It only takes minutes to learn. ?And a day in jail's not bad, especially with friends! ?;)

Yes, I know it's a little suffering and a lot of risk, but this type of follow-up would be FREAKING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, I'm not asking anyone to do this, but I'm just saying...

What a wonderful birthday present THAT would be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ? :)

Here's a quick intro to nail conditions:

And sanitary manicure procedures:

There are many more resources available. ?Just go buy a simple basic manicure without polish or artificial nails and see what they do - that's the way I learned. ? ;D

Michael Fisher

As long as absolute safety is practiced, I would strongly support such a thing.  :)

Kat Kanning

Michael Fisher

Quote from: katdillon on May 11, 2005, 12:15 PM NHFT
Phil Denisch sent a little poem:

From:   "Philip Denisch (CBIZ MTDonahoe)"
To:   "Kat Dillon (E-mail)" <Bookish_Lass@yahoo.com>
Date:   Tue, 10 May 2005 16:20:03 -0400

From manus-hand and cura-care,
A stout dorsatii braved the air,
Air that smelt of nanny breath,
Is clipping same as cooking meth?

NICE! ?:)

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: katdillon on May 11, 2005, 01:56 PM NHFT
Oh man, that was disgusting.


That was pretty gross. I'm glad, only some of my toenails are green and not my fingernails!  I dropped a sheet of plywood on one of the green ones today, so, maybe, I've got a hematoma.
I think for most of those diseases, even an Anarchist Manicurist, who was an idiot, could suggest to their customer, "you oughta have that looked at"

Kat Kanning

Too much information, Lloyd   :'(


Could they arrest you for just buffing someone else's nails?

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 11, 2005, 02:21 PM NHFT
That was pretty gross. I'm glad, only some of my toenails are green and not my fingernails!? I dropped a sheet of plywood on one of the green ones today, so, maybe, I've got a hematoma.

Like I said right before they arrested me... you should probably have those looked at by a dermatologist! ?;)

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 11, 2005, 02:21 PM NHFT
I think for most of those diseases, even an Anarchist Manicurist, who was an idiot, could suggest to their customer, "you oughta have that looked at"

So what are you saying? ?:'( ?;D

Michael Fisher

Quote from: JonM on May 11, 2005, 02:50 PM NHFT
Could they arrest you for just buffing someone else's nails?

For money?  Yes.

Kat Kanning

 Isn't that what they arrested you for?

Michael Fisher

Yep, all I did was:
-Rub in cuticle oil.
-File 10 nails.
-Buff and polish 2 nails.

And then the wonderful, light-handed government stepped in to protect us from the impending doom of completing the manicure.  :)

Kat Kanning

I guess we'll be on Gardner Goldsmith about 5:20.

Russell Kanning

How about we just have a bunch of us buffing or hand massages ..... it would be even more silly arresting people when we don't even have a file or something abrasive in our hands.

If you think it would work out well Mike......then we should plan it again. I bet we could get a dozen people to join in. I better just rub some oil in or something. 8)

Can you picture those ladies faces pressed against the window if the whole crowd is participating not just looking on? :D

I also could not have a single scrap of ID on me.....I could cooperate as they haul me in....I just wouldn't have any ID on me. :)

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

Alright I can't stand it anymore.....tell us everything that happened Mike...please.

I hate to get all my news through the media.....and if I call you up and repeat it....I might change something. :(