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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

If too few people are willing to do what it takes to do a follow-up noncooperation event, then at least some serious lobbying would be welcome.  :)

I don't want anyone to be mad at us for breaking the law, I just wanted to bring the subject up for debate, and it worked!

Rather than asking me what to do, why doesn't everyone just say what they think would be a good follow-up?  We aren't a group to follow orders, or even to follow by example.  We are each leaders of our own lives with our own lights to follow!  ;)

Dave Ridley

Any objections to or suggestions regarding this article I have composed for the Herald?

Dear folks at the Herald:

Thanks much for your insightful coverage of the "outlaw manicurist."    Mike Fisher has made his point well:  In a free country, you should not need the government's permission to start a business.

However in order to get his voice heard, Fisher has had to take serious risks.  This simple act of filing a friend's nails without a license jeopardized his business, his record and his home life.   If you appreciate what he did...please do what I am doing.   Support his business. 

Mike owns Computer Troubleshooters of the Western Great Bay, a small computer repair shop in Newmarket.  I use him as my repair guru whenever practical; he has never let me down, and if you do the same I suspect he will never let you down either.   

Mike defied an unjust law so that your children would someday have the right to start *their* own business without inteference from the government.  Patronizing his company seems the least we can do, those of us who appreciate his sacrifice.

Dave Ridley

Quote from: katdillon on May 11, 2005, 12:53 PM NHFT
Keene Sentinel printed this today:

Manicurist gets two days in jail

The same mini article appeared in the Telegraph.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: russellkanning on May 11, 2005, 05:45 PM NHFT
Alright I can't stand it anymore.....tell us everything that happened Mike...please.

I hate to get all my news through the media.....and if I call you up and repeat it....I might change something. :(

I'm not sure what you want to know, but sure... I'll just start spouting off stuff. ?Let me know when you're annoyed. ?;)

The two police led me over and away from the crowd. ?I shook both of their hands and thanked them for coming. ?LOL ?They were extremely surprised.

When the police asked Dave Ridley to go away, Dave Ridley said "you do have a right to say that, unfortunately." ?The police started to debate with me on the merits of this event and more.

Officer Mike Pearl: ?"Do you understand the law? ?Do you know that you are breaking the law?"
Then I go look for Dave Mincin who's holding the law book the State Inspectors gave to me beforehand, open it up, and read it to the police.
Officer Mike Pearl: ?"You don't think this is dangerous? ?What about doing this outdoors? ?Is that safe? ?Why do you think everyone else does manicures inside?"
Me: "Probably because of the weather. ?I've never read any regulations talking about doing this indoors."
Officer Mike Pearl: ?"You think this is safe? ?What about diseases and infections?"
Me: ?"blah blah blah I researched sanitation procedures and nail conditions, blah blah blah" ?lol
Then the Sergeant comes over and starts listening.
Officer Mike Pearl: ?"Why don't you lobby to change the law? ?
Me: ?"I've tried everything and it doesn't work. ?I see petitioning and asking legislators as pointless begging, and nobody listens anyways. ?It doesn't work."
Sergeant: ?"I have to disagree with you there... you know... lobbying really has a big effect on laws."
Me: ?"Perhaps it doesn't work for me because my views are too extreme for people to accept."
Then they all nod in agreement.
Officer Mike Pearl: ?"You know it's our job to enforce the law..."
Me: ?"Yes, I understand that it is your responsibility to enforce it even if you don't agree with it."
One of the officers asks me if we're trying to pull a fast one on them. ?I said, "no, this is about systems and laws, not people. ?One of you could lose your job if I did that. ?I would not do that." ?I showed them the $1 Kat gave me for the manicure. ?They asked if I was the organizer of this protest and, if I'm arrested, will someone else take my place and start doing something. ?I said, "no, I don't think so."
Pearl pulls out a court summons that appeared to have been filled out beforehand.
Officer Mike Pearl: ?"Okay, this is a court summons. ?Now you have a date to appear in court. ?Even if we arrest you, this date isn't going to change. ?Now will you stop?"
Me: ?"Unfortunately, no. ?I've made a promise to everyone that I will not stop until forced to stop."
Sergeant talking to Officer Pearl: ?"Alright... ?Do it... ?Take him in."
Then Officer Pearl asks me if I have anything else to bring and says it will slow down the booking process a lot if there are many items in my possession, so I should leave it with someone else. ?I turned around and asked if anyone would take them home for me and Brian Pellerin volunteered to do it. ?I shook his hand and thanked him.
The police then started to lead me over to the vehicle. ?Adam yelled "let him go!" jokingly so I turned sideways and said "Come on, please be polite." ?I hope Adam was not offended by this.
On the way there, I said to Officer Pearl, "this is all about systems and laws, not people. ?You know those protestors that refuse to even cooperate with the police and lay down when you try to arrest them?" ?He said, "yes." ?I replied, "I think that's absurd. ?This is about systems and laws, not people." ?He agreed.

They led me over to the police car and Officer Pearl said "now come around here and put your hands on the car please."
He then took everything out of my pockets, patted me down, cuffed me, and started to ask about the quality of my Nextel service in Concord when he saw my mobile phone. ? ;D ?He asked if I had anything concealed, any weapons or anything. ?I even had to give him my belt and hair tie. ?bleh ?The prisoners later told me they only take your hair ties about half the time, so two of us made some out of torn pieces of blanket later that night in jail.
The police did NOT recite my Miranda rights, if I remember correctly. ?Only a CO (corrections officer) in the jail did later that afternoon. ?The prisoners told me that's not necessary anymore, but I was pretty damn sure it is.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: DadaOrwell on May 11, 2005, 06:33 PM NHFT
Any objections to or suggestions regarding this article I have composed for the Herald?

Dear folks at the Herald:

Thanks much for your insightful coverage of the "outlaw manicurist."? ? Mike Fisher has made his point well:? In a free country, you should not need the government's permission to start a business.

However in order to get his voice heard, Fisher has had to take serious risks.? This simple act of filing a friend's nails without a license jeopardized his business, his record and his home life.? ?If you appreciate what he did...please do what I am doing.? ?Support his business.?

Mike owns Computer Troubleshooters of the Western Great Bay, a small computer repair shop in Newmarket.? I use him as my repair guru whenever practical; he has never let me down, and if you do the same I suspect he will never let you down either.? ?

Mike defied an unjust law so that your children would someday have the right to start *their* own business without inteference from the government.? Patronizing his company seems the least we can do, those of us who appreciate his sacrifice.

Thanks, Dave!  However, I really do not want any such benefits from this event.  My wife was upset earlier this morning when she posted that letter, but she supported me before the event and I believe she still supports me now.  She was having a bad morning because FIVE different friends of hers called and told her that what I did was the most stupid thing I could have possibly done.

I cannot stop you from doing what you want, Dave, but please do not submit this letter or anything similar to any media.  I do not want this to be about me.  I want this to be about the issue of licensing only.  I'm sure you understand and you're just trying to help.  :)

Dave Ridley

sent this to channel 9 via their input box at http://www.thewmurchannel.com/contact/index.html

I couldn't find the news director's name on your website but please make sure he/she gets this:

Dear folks at WMUR:

Just wanted to thank you for documenting Mike Fisher's  anti-licensing protest on Monday.  Don't get me wrong; I'm not accusing you of giving him a free ride! :)  But your reporter and her photographer did a great job covering this first major foray into civil disobedience by a Free Stater.  They were both very pleasant to speak with.

If only all political conflict and media-public interaction were this enjoyable and civilized!   

Should you wish to remain in the loop regarding this particular ongoing story and other newsworthy freedom-related activities, just keep one eye on the forums at NHfree.com.   Most of what we do is planned in the open there, and that is probably the place where you will get first wind of things that are about to happen.

I look forward to seeing your crews again and will endeavor to help ensure that events we invite you to are always worth the trip.


Dave Ridley

Dave Ridley

OK understood Mike; that is the reason why I posted the message here for feedback.  I will still probably write an LTE related to this protest but not mentioning your biz.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: DadaOrwell on May 11, 2005, 07:28 PM NHFT
OK understood Mike; that is the reason why I posted the message here for feedback.? I will still probably write an LTE related to this protest but not mentioning your biz.

Thank you.  :)


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on May 11, 2005, 07:04 PM NHFT
The police did NOT recite my Miranda rights, if I remember correctly. ?Only a CO (corrections officer) in the jail did later that afternoon. ?The prisoners told me that's not necessary anymore, but I was pretty damn sure it is.

Q. At what point are police required to inform a suspect of their Miranda rights?

A. After a person has officially been taken into custody (detained by police), but before any interrogation takes place, police must inform them of their right to remain silent and to have an attorney present during questioning. A person is considered to be "in custody" anytime they are placed in an environment in which they do not believe they are free to leave. Example: Police can question witnesses at crime scenes without reading them their Miranda rights, and should a witness implicate themselves in the crime during that questioning, their statements could be used against them later in court.


Is there any chance that a 'friendly' rep would take on this issue for us?  Anyone know one?
I mean if that rep would start after the licensing laws then think of how many people he could have work on his/her campaign.


Quote from: Dreepa on May 12, 2005, 12:21 AM NHFT
Is there any chance that a 'friendly' rep would take on this issue for us?? Anyone know one?
I mean if that rep would start after the licensing laws then think of how many people he could have work on his/her campaign.

Sounds like a persuasive sales pitch... you scratch our back...


In addition to LTE's we need to contact the NH Reps and Senators. We need a Rep to step up and submit legislation to repeal these ridiculous requirements.

Kat Kanning

BTW, did you know Varrin's wife is not allowed to put makeup on other people (she runs a Mary Kay business) without a cosmetology license/degree?  Absurd!

Kat Kanning

Lloyd Danforth

Mike, you mentioned interacting with other prisoners. What did they ( The Guys on the Group W bench) say when you told them what you were?