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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Excellent! A little weaving of the FSP into the LP, but, otherwise excellent., you party members, you!

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

I thought that was your job......whatever happened to the "buck stops here"?

Kat Kanning

Our presidente needs more responsibilities  ;)

Michael Fisher

An anarchocapitalist is a type of libertarian.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: president on May 24, 2005, 09:29 AM NHFT
Someone should write a LTE to correct this mistake


Who really cares?

Russell Kanning

Quote from: LeRuineur6 on May 24, 2005, 09:55 AM NHFT
Quote from: president on May 24, 2005, 09:29 AM NHFT
Someone should write a LTE to correct this mistake


Who really cares?

Somebody does......so we can let them fix it. :)

Kat Kanning

Looks like libertarian_lass in NYC already sent in a correction.   ::)

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: LeRuineur6 on May 24, 2005, 09:46 AM NHFT
An anarchocapitalist is a type of libertarian.

Trust me, they're one in the same!

Kat Kanning

Oh, that editorial author, Bill Dampier, is on the merrimack valley porcs email list.  I told him the editoral was awesome :)


Bill sent Margot a note the other day expressing interest in the FSP, and our activities in NH.  Guessing she directed him to the Merrimack group.

Russell Kanning

After the excitement of the Outlaw Manicurist.....the merrimack porc meeting might be a little boring. :)

Michael Fisher

Quote from: russellkanning on May 24, 2005, 06:31 PM NHFT
After the excitement of the Outlaw Manicurist.....the merrimack porc meeting might be a little boring. :)

I'm going to be there.

So it should be REALLY boring!!!  :)

Michael Fisher

LTE from the Concord Monitor today:

Second, in his commentary about Mike Fisher's arrest for performing a manicure without a license, Bill Dampier talks about how the government is an overbearing presence in people's lives due to over-regulation.

Think about Fisher's arrest. The police didn't have a manicure detail hunting down illegal nail polishers. Fisher called the police and the press, told them where, when and how he was going to break the law and begged for an arrest. If the police hadn't shown up and arrested him, he might have made a story about lax law enforcement.
He claims to have a story about government interference in private business, but this is because he did everything short of breaking into jail to involve the government.

Today's regulations didn't just pop up in a vacuum. Businesses like drug companies and food producers were self-regulated at the turn of the last century. After a few generations of gobbling snake oil and sawdust, the public concluded that you can't rely on every business to act responsibly. That's how we get regulations.

Given recent developments, future generations will have to relearn some of this history.


Now let's apply this text to Gandhi's civil disobedience:

"Think about Gandhi's arrest. The police didn't have a salt-production detail hunting down illegal saltwater boilers.? Gandhi wrote to British authorities and the press, told them where, when and how he was going to break the law and begged for an arrest.? The police did not show up and arrest him, so it made a worldwide story about lax law enforcement until he was arrested."

"He claims to have a story about government interference in private business, but this is because he did everything short of breaking into jail to involve the government."

And James Cole tells us that WE do not understand history?? ????

"Today's regulations didn't just pop up in a vacuum. Businesses like drug companies and food producers were self-regulated at the turn of the last century. After a few generations of gobbling snake oil and sawdust, the public concluded that you can't rely on every business to act responsibly. That's how we get regulations."

"Given recent developments, future generations will have to relearn some of this history."

Indeed, future generations will have to relearn history, but only because they have been fed watered-down "social studies" garbage history at school.? They gain no perspective, or a false perspective, from these teachings.

The real reason why we have regulations today is because governments never stop expanding.? History has proven governments cannot be limited, and our government is only one more experiment in limited government that failed miserably to remain limited.? The true effect of these laws is to raise money for the State, while significantly diminishing the value of a professional reputation or private sector certification through a monopoly of professional classification of over 117 different professions in this state alone.

Public health is only an excuse for expanding the government into every aspect of our lives.? Men like James Cole support the regulation of alcohol, tobacco, fast food, salt, fat, sugar, and anything else that affects the "public health".? There is no aspect of our lives that will be beyond government control under his theory.


Here are some ideas:
? ? ?-handing out novelty IDs to kids who are 20.? Encourage them to purchase alcohol with it.
? ? ?-finding a medical marijuana patient (a person with multiple sclerosis or cancer) taking a hit of marijuana in public.
? ? ?-have your son or daughter take a butter knife to school to butter the rolls you pack in her lunch.? I think many zero-tolerance policies prohibit all knives.
? ? ?-convicing a city council to declare the entire city a "free speech zone"

It'll be a few years before I can move to NH.? I've got law school first.? All this activity has got me excited though.? I'd really like to be in on it today.? Keep it up.? Activity like this is what will ensure members will be enthusiastic enough to actually make the move.