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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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Has absolutely everyone except Seth forgotten that the Free State Project is a non-profit organization which is prohibited by law from supporting or opposing anything?

I suppose if you want 20 cents of every dollar to go to the federal and state taxmen instead of marketing efforts to recruit more signatories, then that'd be the cost for the ability of the FSP to issue position papers and support and oppose legislation and candidates.

But I thought that's what the NHLA was for.

Kat Kanning

Every single time we talk to the press, they ask if we moved to NH with the Free State Project.  We tell them that what we're doing isn't because of the FSP.  They print what they want.  I don't see any reason to get in such a panic because they print stuff like this.


Perhaps because IRS revocation of 501(c)(3) status and the back taxes and fines that could result from that would scuttle the Free State Project corporation?  Seems worthy of, if not panic, then prompt remedial action.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: president on June 03, 2005, 07:34 PM NHFT
Quote from: Scott Roth on June 03, 2005, 06:32 PM NHFT
I mean, afterall, most of the FSP higher-ups don't even live here.
Jason P. Sorens is moving to NY this fall to take a assistant professor appointment at SUNY-Buffalo.

Amanda Phillips plans on attending Harvard Law School for three years.

A year ago both said they planned on moving to NH in about a year......I'm not missing them.? ?:P




 ?If I, as an individual, were to take a ploitical action and claim I was doing it on behalf of the Red Cross, could they take away the Red Cross's 501C3 status? No. It must be the Organization that takes the action. What is all the hullabulloo about, anyway?

Kat Kanning

The FSP doesn't have 501c3 status.

Russell Kanning

As of January they were applying for 501c4.


Promote the Underground!  The FSP is about getting people to move, the Underground is about getting people to do stuff!

"Did you move here because of the Free State Project?"

"Well yes, but I'm doing this because of the [New Hampshire Underground/NHLA/etc], the FSP is just about convincing people to move here"


Quote from: JonM on June 04, 2005, 11:07 AM NHFT
Promote the Underground! The FSP is about getting people to move, the Underground is about getting people to do stuff!

"Did you move here because of the Free State Project?"

"Well yes, but I'm doing this because of the [New Hampshire Underground/NHLA/etc], the FSP is just about convincing people to move here"

For me no, I am moving for a better life which NH offers for my family and myself.
The people in the FSP and The NH Underground are a bonus? ?;D? It's nice to know we will be in good company.

Lloyd Danforth


I do all of my activism as a member of the  Liberty Tree Society


When I'm helping burn UN flags


I'm a member of Democrats Concerned About The UN ;D


Liberty Tree Society? That bunch of freaks? They're always talking about and promoting Freedom! Don't they realize that the Government knows what is best for us? This America! The Land of Pork, remember?

Pat K

You know, what you NH people need is a good mission statement.
So stop causing all this trouble and write one up will ya. >:D

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Pat K on June 05, 2005, 12:04 AM NHFT
You know, what you NH people need is a good mission statement.
So stop causing all this trouble and write one up will ya. >:D

Our Mission Statement:

To do what we want as long as we don't hurt anyone.


Quote from: president on June 04, 2005, 12:14 PM NHFT
Quote from: JonM on June 04, 2005, 11:07 AM NHFT
Promote the Underground!? The FSP is about getting people to move, the Underground is about getting people to do stuff!

"Did you move here because of the Free State Project?"

"Well yes, but I'm doing this because of the [New Hampshire Underground/NHLA/etc], the FSP is just about convincing people to move here"
Did you read the SOI before you signed on to the FSP?

QuoteStatement of Intent
I hereby state my solemn intent to move to the state of New
Hampshire. Once there, I will exert the fullest practical effort
toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of
civil government is the protection of life, liberty, and property.

Sorry, but that is more than just "convincing people to move here".?
Russell and Mike are following the FSP SOI.

Yes, I did.? When I move to New Hampshire I will do my best to fulfill my statement of intent, but it will not be at the direction of the Free State Project or anyone in its leadership.? There are those who think of the FSP as a political party when it is not.? There are those who think the FSP will direct the actions of the participants when it will not.? The FSP has a single purpose, to find 20,000 people willing to move to New Hampshire and follow that statement of intent.? It has never purported to instruct a person on how they should fulfill it.  It is left up to the individual to decide what exactly the statement of intent means to him or her.? For Mike the fullest practical effort involves being willing to be arrested to prove a point.? There are those who might not believe their fullest practical effort includes incarceration.? It is not for any of us to decide if that is right or wrong, for such is the nature of personal responsibility.

Once 20,000 people have signed the statement of intent, the FSP?s days are literally numbered.? It will let everyone know that the time for the move is upon us, and help people link people to whatever groups might help them make the move, but that?s about it for what it will do.? Once the 5 years are up, the FSP is gone.? Some remnant may remain, but it will be groups such as this and the many others that will spring up over the upcoming years who help coordinate the people who want coordinate to work to fulfill the statement of intent, not the FSP.? So perhaps I should have said, "convince people to move here and work towards greater liberty."? I don?t see any instruction manual from the FSP on how to get to that society, and I think that?s for the best.? Allow people to come up with their own ideas and you?ll likely get far better results than by trying to direct them from on high.?

Pat K

Quote from: LeRuineur6 on June 05, 2005, 12:58 AM NHFT
Quote from: Pat K on June 05, 2005, 12:04 AM NHFT
You know, what you NH people need is a good mission statement.
So stop causing all this trouble and write one up will ya. >:D

Our Mission Statement:

To do what we want as long as we don't hurt anyone.

;D 8)