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Illegal Immigrant charged with tresspassing in Jaffrey, NH

Started by PinoX7, June 25, 2007, 08:16 PM NHFT

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JAFFREY, N.H.—A small-town police chief used a criminal trespassing charge to try to turn back one illegal immigrant, saying he was frustrated that lax federal enforcement means "if you make it past the border patrol, you're free and clear."

New Ipswich Police Chief W. Garrett Chamberlain charged a Mexican citizen with criminal trespassing—a violation comparable to a traffic ticket—on April 15 after immigration officials refused to take him into custody.

Jorge Ramirez, 21, was having trouble with his sport utility vehicle and had pulled along a state road. When a police officer asked for identification, Ramirez admitted he was living in the United States illegally, working for a construction company.

Ramirez pleaded guilty to the trespassing charge as well as operating a vehicle without a valid license. He agreed to report to immigration authorities by Friday.

"It's basically a situation here where right now if you make it past the border patrol, you're free and clear," Chamberlain said. "What I'm hoping to do is find a way that if the feds aren't going to help us out, then local enforcement can take care of it."

The criminal trespassing statute says a person is guilty if, "knowing that he is not licensed or privileged to do so, he enters or remains in any place."

"It is a novel application of state law," said Kris Kobach, a law professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, a specialist in immigration law who was counsel to former Attorney General John Ashcroft.

Paula Grenier, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, criticized the tactic.

"The police chief is choosing to use this alien to grandstand about illegal immigration," she said. "We prioritize our investigations on criminals and criminal networks that pose a threat."

Heres the article http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2005/05/nh_try_tactic_w.php


That was two years ago...and the true story is that ICE said they were too busy to do anything about it, because they have so many illegals here that they only do something about the ones who are doing something criminal. (I mean REALLY criminal...)


Quote from: PinoX7 on June 25, 2007, 08:35 PM NHFT
well its news to me

Why you did not think we had any illegals here? For the most part they do no harm. But how do we know this guy could SEE? If he did not have a driver's license, he could have been driving blind.

It won't affect you until he runs over and kills one of your own kids.


Quote from: CNHT on June 25, 2007, 08:37 PM NHFT
Quote from: PinoX7 on June 25, 2007, 08:35 PM NHFT
well its news to me

Why you did not think we had any illegals here? For the most part they do no harm. But how do we know this guy could SEE? If he did not have a driver's license, he could have been driving blind.

It won't affect you until he runs over and kills one of your own kids.

Oh, so that's why Russell went to jail.  Because he might have been blind.  Got it.

Stop it, Jane, you are really looking bad.


Quote from: Brock on June 25, 2007, 11:03 PM NHFT
Oh, so that's why Russell went to jail.  Because he might have been blind.  Got it.
Stop it, Jane, you are really looking bad.

You know, that's idiotic. I never said anyone was blind. And coming from you, the insult means nothing.

To say someone is 'looking bad' just because they believe in using a driver's license shows just how out to lunch and immature some of your ideas are. Give it up Brock.


Quote from: Brock on June 25, 2007, 11:19 PM NHFT
Have facts failed you again?

It's clear to me that in order to justify your belief that one needn't use a drivers license you feel you have to browbeat someone else who does into thinking they are somehow 'bad'. It's sort of like a form of racism, you know? Well, I hate to remind you again but you are in the minority.

As I said, it doesn't bother me what you think -- you certainly don't make me feel like I am 'looking bad' or being bad just because I have a driver's license LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DOES. If you drive without one and get caught that is your business.

It's not on the top of the list of things I really care about you know? 

So stop browbeating an old woman, it isn't becoming to have a pissing contest with someone who isn't interested in competing.

Lloyd Danforth

When this first happened, Chamberlain was the darling of Brain Dead, non-libertarian, republican Kool Aid drinkers, some of whom failed to show at Porkfest!


If 99% of people do a bad thing, it is still a bad thing, Jane.


Quote from: error on June 26, 2007, 01:53 PM NHFT
If 99% of people do a bad thing, it is still a bad thing, Jane.

Yes if you don't want me in your house that's your right... by my forcing my way in, well, that's a bad thing.
There is nothing bad about wanting a sovereign country.

If people can make rules that cause others to be booted off a forum, then I think it's a reasonable assumption that people who gather to create a country can do the same to screen new members.


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on June 26, 2007, 06:34 AM NHFT
When this first happened, Chamberlain was the darling of Brain Dead, non-libertarian, republican Kool Aid drinkers, some of whom failed to show at Porkfest!

Chamberlain was at Porc Fest? I did not hear about this and I interviewed him on my radio show at the time.

Chamberlain did not actively seek anyone out, he simply reported those he discovered while they were doing something else.

To me, those who fall for the open borders/NAU/one world order of Bush are the Republican Kool Aid drinkers.


Quote from: CNHT on June 26, 2007, 02:02 PM NHFT
To me, those who fall for the open borders/NAU/one world order of Bush are the Republican Kool Aid drinkers.

Maybe I won't be welcome in your NH, Jane.  Guess I'll go drink my koolaid like a good little Neo-Con.




Quote from: Crocuta on June 26, 2007, 02:35 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on June 26, 2007, 02:02 PM NHFT
To me, those who fall for the open borders/NAU/one world order of Bush are the Republican Kool Aid drinkers.

Maybe I won't be welcome in your NH, Jane.  Guess I'll go drink my koolaid like a good little Neo-Con.



Why? where are you coming from? Why wouldn't you be welcome in NH?

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: CNHT on June 26, 2007, 02:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on June 26, 2007, 06:34 AM NHFT
When this first happened, Chamberlain was the darling of Brain Dead, non-libertarian, republican Kool Aid drinkers, some of whom failed to show at Porkfest!

Chamberlain was at Porc Fest? I did not hear about this and I interviewed him on my radio show at the time.

No. You are the one who failed to make Porcfest :P