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FIJA disobedience at courthouse? (fully informed jury)

Started by Dave Ridley, June 29, 2007, 11:21 AM NHFT

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While the Wookie idea is a good one, how about a play on 'FIJA' which will stick in people's minds: FIJI
Instead of a furry costume, put on grass skirts, and be hula girls (and boys).  That will be viral still, and closer to spread the FIJA meme.

I can just picture Dave now, wearing his gun on his hip, as he sways to music outside the courthouse.  Heck, put out a small thing to collect coins in, and the demostration might even turn a profit.

P.S.  Jon dared me to post this.  We now return you to your SethFree nhfree, already in progress.


Maybe a porcupine suit would be better than a wookie?


Kat Kanning


Quote from: feralfae on March 27, 2008, 03:42 PM NHFT
West Texas Jury Nullifies After 11 Minutes of Deliberation    http://fija.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=402

Great! That's good old Texas Penal Code Section 9.22, "Necessity". It's a defense whenever not breaking the law is riskier than breaking the law (speeding to the hospital in an emergency, kicking down someone's door to alert them to a fire, shooting an attacking dog, etc.)

§ 9.22.  NECESSITY.  Conduct is justified if:                               
      (1)  the actor reasonably believes the conduct is
immediately necessary to avoid imminent harm;
      (2)  the desirability and urgency of avoiding the harm
clearly outweigh, according to ordinary standards of
reasonableness, the harm sought to be prevented by the law
proscribing the conduct;  and
      (3)  a legislative purpose to exclude the justification
claimed for the conduct does not otherwise plainly appear.


Quote from: Defender of Liberty on June 29, 2007, 10:56 PM NHFT
I remember a judge testifying against fully informed jury legislation.  He said that while the jury can legally judge the law, they don't want them to know that they can because fewer people will be convicted.  I didn't get his name, but I remember his face.  One idea I have is to park a van near the courthouse with FIJA information written on it in large text so that it is easily readable by any passer-by.

I found an article by someone else who was obviously also at the hearing. 
Here is the relevant part:
QuoteA FIJA bill has been presented to the NH legislature something like 8 times already, and every time it goes down in flames. This year was no exception.  Rep. Ingbretson, who sponsored this year's bill, spoke eloquently about the benefits of fully informed juries.  When he finished, you could hear crickets chirping; not a single committee member had any questions for him.  He was followed by the Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court, who said fully informed juries are, and I quote, "a terribly bad idea".  He freely acknowledged that juries have the legal power to judge the law, but said "we don't want to encourage them to use it!"
I think I got there just after he started talking.  I don't think there was anyone videotaping that hearing.  Next time, I think it is very important that someone videotape it.  A video of a judge saying something like that would be great material for youtube and for sharing with the press.

First, your suggestion of a VAN Marked with FIJA Quips parked on the street with FIJA info available is GREAT! This provides the visability to reach the jury pool silently as well as supporters on the sidewalk or public parking lots handing out FIJA lit. As for Paul Ingbretson FIJA efforts, Paul was one of my cosponsors and when I lost my 4th term by the recount, with 51 mysterious ballots being "found", that had not gone through the single vote counter, I asked Paul to take over for me. He did, and you know the results. I have been successful in having the the House pass FIJA but when the House passed bill gets to the Senate, the attorneys in the Senate all support the CORPORATE COURTS who are "in business" to extort the wealth from the creators of wealth and redistribute what they have extorted for use inter alia, their own Bar Associations. The N.H. BAR Association has 2 slush funds with millions of $$$ in them, and the legislature has no control over them as they are all PRIVATE COMBINATIONS, created by the Supreme Court and operating as an unlawful MONOPOLY in violation of Article 83 Part II. The supreme court bills every one of the over 5000 attorneys in New Hampshire through the NH Bar Associaton, which acts as the vehicle through which the billing takes place. Average cost per attorney is about $500.00 per year, from copies of bills that have been shown to me. There are some attorneys who despise the system but they have to live and practice in these so-called courts. Actually, these are NOT courts of justice! They are nothing more than Administrative Tribunals, enforcing the terms of "commercial contracts" that the unknowing people have with the CORPORATE GOVERNMENT. Think this is insignificant? Take a look at Dun & Bradstreets report below and I welcome comments.
Dick Marple

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