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FIJA disobedience at courthouse? (fully informed jury)

Started by Dave Ridley, June 29, 2007, 11:21 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 30, 2007, 09:18 PM NHFT
hey how about this instead....what if i were to just announce that i will enter the jury pool area and inform the jurors of their rights?

I like that one .... you are getting to the audience .... or at least attempting to. :)

Russell Kanning

wearing a black robe .... while "informing" potential jurors with facts would be fun.

Yes officer ... I was just wanting to fully inform these jurors since some of these judges forget to .... or this particular judge fails to :)


It is not uncommon to find black graduation robes at local thrift stores.  I bought the one at my place.  ;)

Also, I think writing on the sidewalk may be quite effective - starting from any/all areas where jurors may park - and contiuing toward the courhouse. . .

Various colors?  (including Red, White, and Blue?)
Large chalk?

September 5th is "Jury Rights Day!"  It is the aniversary of the Penn case.  Reporters should be well aware of the importance of Jury Nullification in the Penn case.

If Penn does not recall it for them, and they are still unclear about the right to peacefully assemble and to speak freely; then SURELY they will remember WHEN YOU TELL THEM about the case directly relating to the FREEDOM OF THE PRESS!

Surely they will recall the John Peter Zengar (colonial NY) case FROM THEIR STUDIES!  Jurors held fast and protected the RIGHT to FREEDOM OF THE PRESS!

Wouldn't it be nice if reporters had the GUTS/BRAINS to stand up for jurors rights - just like jurors have stood up for reporters' rights over time?


Kat Kanning

Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 06, 2007, 02:25 PM NHFT
wearing a black robe .... while "informing" potential jurors with facts would be fun.

Yes officer ... I was just wanting to fully inform these jurors since some of these judges forget to .... or this particular judge fails to :)

I like that idea.

Kat Kanning


Pat K

Dave Ridley

latest hypothetical news release/note to judge (could be almost any federal or state judge who hears jury trials).   

also i've posted a copy of our civil dis ideas to the mainstream forums around the state....believe it or not reaction was 90% positive, altho some folks suggested you need more numbers to be effective. 


Civil disobedience @ XYZ court

"It is not only (a juror's) right but also his duty... to find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgment, and conscience, though in direct opposition to the direction of the court."

-  President John Adams

What:       Civil disobedience at XYZ Court, probable arrests
How:         Activist will stand at entrance with sign reading "Jurors may overrule judges."
Goals:       Inform public of Jury Nullification, the right of jurors to acquit if conscience dictates.  Increase likelihood of acquittal in victimless crime cases.
Where:     (Address/Town/NH)
When:      Day X, time Y
Who:        Dave Ridley, activists from NHfree.com.  Projected turnout: 20
Contacts:  ________
Updates:   http://newhampshireunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=9482.0

Judge John Doe
XYZ Court

Dear Judge Doe:

At time X on date Y, I intend to peaceably approach XYZ Court and stand near the entrance with a sign.  The sign reads:

"Jurors may overrule judges

I may also distribute flyers and place tiny copies of the sign on external doorways.  I won't impede traffic.  I *will* treat government personell with kindness and respect.  But I'll continue carrying out these activities until the day is done or I am dragged from the scene.

The goal is to inform citizens of their "right to nullify," a right judges are neglecting and actively hiding from jurors.

Why do you and other judges yank jurors away from their lives and jobs, only to actively keep them in the dark regarding their rights and powers?  It gives the impression you covet these powers for yourselves and that you prefer guilty verdicts. 

Sometimes such verdicts are just.  But the concentration of authority in the hands of judges has helped fill our jails with persons who have - in many cases - committed only victimless "crimes."   And it has forced taxpayers to foot the bill.   It has forced us to help lock people up for owning unapproved plants, engaging in peaceable commerce, even for exercising Constitutionally enumerated freedoms.

Historically, jury nullification helped Americans preserve freedom of the press and end alchohol prohibition.  In those days nearly all citizens knew their nullification powers; they knew it only takes *one* principled juror to trigger mistrial when the government tries to enforce a bad law.  Juries aren't always right, but they're traditionally the last line of defense against tyranny.

Sadly, Americans have recently fallen into a state of ignorance and subservience, believing they must do whatever a judge tells them.   Some judges even expel jurors for learning the simple truth about their rights. 

Please become an exception.  Restrain yourself from covering up jurors' rights; restrain yourself from clutching to your own chest those powers which belong to the average citizen. 

Despite your efforts to keep jurors ignorant, they still have the right to judge the law and the merits of a case.  If you won't try to inform them of that right, I will.


Dave Ridley
(contact info)


Dave Ridley


Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 06, 2007, 02:25 PM NHFT
wearing a black robe .... while "informing" potential jurors with facts would be fun.

That is brilliant and would make great television!   8)



Bikesagainstbush creator Joshua Kinberg was arrested while taping an interview with MSNBC's Ron Reagan in Manhattan Saturday afternoon.

Kinberg was stopped by police while demonstrating the bicycle for the television interview. His bicycle is a high-tech graffiti writer, using chalk to print anti-Bush political messages sent by people via the internet. Apparently there was a question of whether or not the sprayed messages were a defacement of property.

When Kinberg showed the police sergeant how the bicycle used a non-permanent spray chalk, the sergeant seemed to agree that it wasn't defacement, at which point Kinberg asked, "am I free to go?" After conferring about it, officers decided to call superiors, then came back moments later to place Kinberg under arrest and confiscate the bicycle.

Kinberg cooperated fully with the officers as he was being handcuffed, only asking, "can I ask what I'm being arrested for?" to which no one provided an answer. As of 11:00 PM Saturday evening, he was still in custody without being charged with anything.