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contact info for rick stanley jailed civil dis libertarian

Started by Dave Ridley, July 03, 2007, 12:50 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist
E-mail: rick@stanley2002.org

We the People Scoop 7/02/07

WE THE PEOPLE SCOOP - TO EXPOSE!                                 
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RELEASE:  Rick's address at DRDC

For those of you who would like to write to Rick at his current location
at DRDC (Denver Reception & Diagnostic Center) here is the address:

Richard Stanley #137125
P.O. Box 392004
Denver, CO. 80239-8004

He will be there anywhere from 1 to 3 months for testing and psychological
evaluation to determine which facility they will be sending him to perma
nently.  I will inform everyone when I know where his next move is.
Thanks again for your letters to Rick!

Pam Stanley

Disclaimer: Information shared in the Stanley Scoop is not necessarily
the opinion of the editor or staff.  It is shared for information
purposes only and it is recommended that you come to your own conclusions.
Live Free or Die! Liberty in our Lifetime!
We the People Scoop
Reply to: rick@stanley2002.org

Also check out The Revolutionary Coalition!
This group is working to unite all third parties that defend the
constitution, independents, and non-voters (making up 60% of
Americans) into one SUPER THIRD PARTY!

On Yahoo groups at

This group has a single line platform: "To defend our (Natural)
God-given, unalienable, Constitutionally protected and guaranteed

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Please also note that mail sent to our "reply to:" address,
newsletter@wtpconstitutionalactivism.org is usually ignored....

Kat Kanning

This tells his story:  http://victimsoflaw.net/Stanley.htm


Rick Stanley was arrested on Dec 15, 2001 at a rally where he gave a speech about Second Amendment rights in front of 250 people at Veterans Park below the State Capitol in Denver, Colorado. It was alleged that he violated a local ordinance prohibiting the carrying of any weapon locally in Denver. The weapon was a small caliber pistol, in a holster and it was loaded.

Rick Stanley is a Denver businessman for thirty years, a liberty activist who was running for the U.S. Senate at the time. Stanley had two defenses for the actions which were not allowed to be brought up in the Denver courtroom of Judge James Patterson.

Defense #1: 2d Amendment US Constitution: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Defense #2: Article 2, Section 13 of Colorado's Constitution states: "The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question".

The higher laws of the U.S. Constitution and the State Constitution trump any local laws, except in America, the Republic that is alleged to be under the "Rule of Law." Stanley was found guilty of this ordinance, sentenced to 6 months in jail (5 months suspended), $629.00 fine, and 75 hours of community service for "exercising his Constitutional Rights".

Stanley was arrested again for carrying a loaded .357 pistol on his hip in Thornton, Colorado, at the Harvest Festival, in 2002 in another test case of violating their similar open carry prohibition. Stanley was found guilty of violating the open carry ordinance and sentenced to 3 months in jail and $500.00 fine.

The Colorado legislature passed a bill called SB-25, which Colorado Governor Owens signed into law on March 18, 2003. It pre-empted all of the roughly 78 local ordinances across Colorado which prohibited or restricted open carry throughout Colorado. This law is spread out in several statutes. CRS S 29-11.7-101 states:

"(1)(b) Section 13 of Article II of the state constitution protects the fundamental right of a person to keep and bear arms and implements section 3 of article II of the state constitution; (1) (c) The general assembly recognizes a duty to protect and defend the fundamental civil rights set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection"...

CRS S 29-11.7-103 states: "A local government may not enact an ordinance, regulation or other law that prohibits the sale, purchase, or possession of a firearm that a person may lawfully sell, purchase, or possess under state or federal law. Any such ordinance, regulation, or other law enacted by local government prior to March 18, 2003, is void and unenforceable".

Stanley took the law on face value and filed a pleading on October 15, 2003 with the Thornton Municipal Court and the Adams County District which had heard his appeal and turned it down. In this Notice and Order to the courts Stanley communicated to these judges the following:

1) His open carry criminal convictions violated Colorado Constitution Art. 2, Section 13;

2) SB-25, which was signed into law on March 18, 2003, affirmed Colorado Const. Art. 2, Sec 13 and preempted these ordinances;

3) He demanded that these judges overturn his convictions on constitutional grounds; and

4) He said: Failure to do so will result in a treason charge against (name of judge) for failure to uphold the oath of office to defend the Constitution that all public officials and judges must swear to as a condition of their office. This treason charge will result in a Mutual Defense Pact Militia Footnote 1 warrant for (name of judge) if the following conditions are not met:

A. Overturn the unconstitutional convictions of Rick Stanley for violation of (local ordinance) because (ordinance #) violates the constitutional rights of Rick Stanley under the guise of color of law.

B. Return the $1,500.00 bond to Rick Stanley.

C. Return Rick Stanley's property which consists of 1 each Smith and Wesson 6 shot .357 pistol and 6 each .357 bullets.

This court is notified once more, as Stanley gave Notice from the beginning of the proceeding against him, (name of court) has no jurisdiction over him in this matter. Accordingly this order is affirmed. (End)  (Signed Rick Stanley, with a certificate of mailing to the courthouse).

Stanley knew of Colorado's citizen's arrest statute CRS S 16-3-210 which states as follows: "A person who is not a peace officer may arrest another person in the presence of the person making the arrest". Footnote 2

Stanley knew of hundreds of Supreme Court decisions that backed up all of his assertions in the pleading that he filed with the court. He knew he had the First Amendment protected and guaranteed right to "petition the government for redress of grievances." He knew he had First Amendment guaranteed and protected rights to "free speech". He knew that the Supreme Court had decisions from the past that declared a judge was committing treason for not upholding his oath of office to defend the Constitutions.  He knew of all the case law decisions from the US Supreme Court backing those rights as well.  These case laws and issues can be seen at Stanley's website: LEGAL MEMO for Rick Stanley prepared by Attorney Peter Mancus of California.

On October 18, 2003, Stanley was arrested by FBI agents, turned over to the Denver Police department and jailed for 102 days on the previous gun charges and was charged with two new felony charges of alleged violation of a Colorado statute that made it a felony to attempt to influence a public official to make a decision by a threat of violence, deceit, or economic reprisal (CRS S 18-8-306).

In June of 2004, Rick Stanley was found guilty of the two felony charges of "Influencing a Public Official" and was sentenced to 6 years in state prison, 6 years of parole thereafter, $10,000.00 fine and $8,200.00 restitution for swat team protection over the weekend for the two judges "while Stanley had been incarcerated in the Denver City Jail and the Adams County Detention Center." Stanley was released on $80,000.00 paid bond and his case is currently on appeal at the Colorado Court of appeals.

At no time, were any of the juries instructed what the superior constitutional or statute laws were, or any Supreme Court decisions that would have exonerated  Stanley, by any of the judges, in any case he was tried for. In all the cases, the jury was only instructed by the judges to find Stanley guilty or innocent of the charges, that he was charged with, without benefit of the knowledge of the laws that would have exonerated him, with the one exception where Judge Rose had denied Stanley a jury trial in Thornton and Judge Rose made all the decisions himself, about the law and the charges.

Rick Stanley has been saddled with 2 misdemeanors, 2 felonies, arrested many times, jailed many times, and now has 6 years of state prison hanging over his head should his appeals fail in State Courts.  Stanley has said that he will take the case all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary to exonerate him from the charges of "exercising Constitutional rights".  Stanley's Thornton gun case is also at the Colorado Court of Appeals in the form of a Reconsideration Appeal, even though he has already served the 90 days in jail and paid the fine.


Footnote 1 "Mutual Defense Pact Militia" was a group formed by Rick Stanley and appears to be defunct. Victims-of-Law does not subscribe to numerous types of militia groups that have formed in the past 20 or so years. Likewise it does not subscribe to the "Common Law" groups that openly flout our legitimate rules and laws. Here, the Stanley case is one where the judges appear to have been flouting the laws and rules thus creating legitimate grievances for all those in the legal reform communities. True Patriots work within the law to change the law. Our ability to have judges held accountable for malicious and unlawful acts is our goal.

Footnote 2 Victims-of-Law would also like to note the following:

CRS S 16-3-202 related to immunity. "(4) Private citizens, acting in good faith, shall be immune from any civil liability for reporting to any police officer or law enforcement authority the commission or suspected commission of any crime or for giving other information to aid in the prevention of any crime." -- It does not state that judges are an exception.

Colorado's Oath of Office for Judges

Taking the "Oath of Office" issue one step further, most people do not realize that many state judiciaries also publish "Directives" issued by the Supreme Court. Victims-of-Law) accessed the Colorado Directives and the one for  "Oaths of Office for Judges" (reprinted below) is "Directive 85-25". As for "retired judges" Directive 96-04 only allows for judges in Civil Cases by agreement of all parties.

Directive 85-25


Office of the Chief Justice


1. Newly appointed judges may take an oath of office anytime between the date their appointments are announced by the Governor and the effective date of their appointments. Judges who have been retained in office for additional terms usually should take an oath of office on the first day of the new term.

2. Regardless of when an oath of office is administered, judges cannot take office until the effective date of their appointments. The reason for this policy is to make certain that new judges do not enter office or attempt to conduct judicial business while an incumbent judge is still in office or prior to the time when a new judgeship actually comes into existence.

3. All judicial oaths, except for county judges, must be filed with the Secretary of State. County judges must file their oaths with the county clerk and recorder of their respective counties, who, in turn, must send copies of the oaths to the Secretary of State.

4. New judges will not be placed on the Judicial Department payroll until they actually begin performing judicial duties.

Kat Kanning

Dave Ridley

from the rick stanley folks

The People Constitutional Activism <rick@wtpconstitutionalactivism.org>
Sent :    Wednesday, July 18, 2007 9:17 PM
To :    "webmaster" <webmaster@wtpconstitutionalactivism.org>
Subject :    RELEASE: Rick's Permanent Location/Address
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Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist
E-mail: rick@stanley2002.org

We the People Scoop 7/18/07

WE THE PEOPLE SCOOP - TO EXPOSE!                                 
**  Visit the website: http://www.stanley2002.org               
**  OR Our NEW Offshore Site at http://www.wtpconstitutionalactivism.org 
**  Like the Scoop? Forward it to everyone you know!                                         

RELEASE:  Rick's Permanent Location/Address

Hi Everyone,
Rick has been moved to the minimum security facility, Delta Correction
Center (DCC).  The good news is that it is a minimum security facility,
the bad news is that it it 4-1/2 hours away.  Here is the address where
your can write to him:

Richard Stanley #137125
4102 Sawmill Mesa Rd.
Delta, CO. 81416

Thanks again for all the letters and cards you have sent to Rick.  Keep
them coming.  He REALY looks forward to getting mail.

Pam Stanley

Disclaimer: Information shared in the Stanley Scoop is not necessarily
the opinion of the editor or staff.  It is shared for information
purposes only and it is recommended that you come to your own conclusions.
Live Free or Die! Liberty in our Lifetime!
We the People Scoop
Reply to: rick@stanley2002.org

Also check out The Revolutionary Coalition!
This group is working to unite all third parties that defend the
constitution, independents, and non-voters (making up 60% of
Americans) into one SUPER THIRD PARTY!

On Yahoo groups at

This group has a single line platform: "To defend our (Natural)
God-given, unalienable, Constitutionally protected and guaranteed

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Be aware that you may be receiving mail forwarded from a group,
in which case you may have to visit http://groups.yahoo.com to unsubscribe.
Please also note that mail sent to our "reply to:" address,
newsletter@wtpconstitutionalactivism.org is usually ignored....

Kat Kanning

Rick Stanley scheduled to be released in a few days:  July 20th.

Russell Kanning