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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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State of Surveillance

Started by error, July 12, 2007, 01:05 AM NHFT

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Seen any surveillance lately? Report it here.

Tuesday night across the street from Murphy's Taproom there was an odd incident where two marked Manchester police cars and a couple of unmarked cars pulled over a vehicle, talked to the driver for a few minutes, and then went on their way. One of the unmarked police vehicles was a silver/gray Dodge Intrepid.

A few minutes ago, I saw this same vehicle cruising slowly around my block. It was rather distinctive in that its third brake light was out. (Though this may not mean much since many surveillance vehicles are wired so that the driver can control which headlights, taillights, etc., are on or off.) Haven't been able to get the license plate number, though that may not mean much either.


Those libertarians and anarcho-capitalists...  You know, dangerous folks, could snap at any time.  I've even heard they like guns (GASP)!!!

Why do voters continue to fall for the same old clap trap of "We just need more money to fight the crime/terr'ists (OH NOEZ!!!)" when all they use it on is new toys to oppress the innocent???


Indeed, I like guns. I have two of them close at hand right now. This is, after all, what passes for a high crime neighborhood in New Hampshire.


The Department of Justice bureaucrats are still searching Google looking for me. Their latest search term was:

"Michael Hampton" Manchester NH We are still looking

Received at 2:54 pm today from Keep looking guys.

Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: error on July 17, 2007, 02:14 PM NHFT
The Department of Justice bureaucrats are still searching Google looking for me. Their latest search term was:

"Michael Hampton" Manchester NH We are still looking

Received at 2:54 pm today from Keep looking guys.

So funny... I love that you track them tracking you  :icon_pirat:


And someone just sent the following message via my contact form:

We will be watching the Murphy's Crew.  So keep an eye out for those cameras and sedans that will be around.  Keep checking over your shoulder.

I suspect it's a fake.


Lol. Every time you post one of these threads, it makes me want to get out the popcorn and start eating it. It's like Hogan's Heroes or something.


Quote from: Rochelle on July 17, 2007, 06:53 PM NHFT
Lol. Every time you post one of these threads, it makes me want to get out the popcorn and start eating it. It's like Hogan's Heroes or something.

I have some microwave popcorn upstairs I'm not using. Enjoy!

Rosie the Riveter

Holy Surveillance -- dig this guy's ad -- he's running for Mayor in Manchester and says he's a republican.

Yikes!! Let's not vote for him!!

[attachment deleted by admin]

Rosie the Riveter

Sorry that attachment is soo big --- I'm still learning...




He should borrow Romney's stylist.


There is an article in the Manchester Express today by Joe Levasseur (who is running for mayor) repeating the need for surveillance cameras all over the place.

He also thinks that all landlords and local businesses should be required to do background checks on all potential tenants and employees.

(Kate - I know you're laughing your butt off at this one!!)

[attachment deleted by admin]


Tips on those tail light switches..

Paint your tail lights with a light coat of the correct colored paint, its still looks legit and still functions but hides the reflectors.. so when lights hit them they don't reflect back but when there on they work fine.. Possably illegal but then again good people break bad laws.  also there are washable paints that you can put on and wash off for a quick color change of your car..

Were a peaceful group of people fighting for freedom.. go bark up some other tree like one with some one bringing harm to people in it.

Like others here, once I move to NH, I'll be gone, disappearing like the night at sunrise.  I'll own no land own no traceable property and not work for anyone, living a life much like a gypsy, but a gypsy with a V mask on  :)