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Harry Browne

Started by Kat Kanning, January 08, 2005, 07:36 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Hey guys,

I got mentioned on Harry Browne's Journal today:  http://www.harrybrowne.org/Journal.htm

Here's the article I was responding to:



Hoo hoo!

Say what you will about Harry... There's a lot of things about the guy I like......



He is a personal hero.  He's been instrumental in helping me shape my politics.

Maybe one day he won't be able to deny our success, and change his mind about coming to NH.  He has been known to change his mind before (read How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World to find out on what)

Harry! Harry! Harry!


Quote from: jgmaynard on January 08, 2005, 02:03 PM NHFT
Hoo hoo!

Say what you will about Harry... There's a lot of things about the guy I like......


I like what he has to say most of the time, it is when he doesn't pay his CHILD SUPPORT that I begin to have a problem with him.


Kat Kanning

I wouldn't be so quick to judge men about that.   If men react badly to virtual enslavement by the ex-wives who dumped them...

Russell Kanning

Did you guys read the article Kat responded to that got this started. It was very inspirational. :)


Quote from: katdillon on January 09, 2005, 07:19 AM NHFT
I wouldn't be so quick to judge men about that.   If men react badly to virtual enslavement by the ex-wives who dumped them...

Well, it isn't as simple as all of that. My dad and Mr. Browne were very good friends and there are a lot of details not public. However, I will go no further about it.


Kat Kanning

I didn't mean Harry Browne in particular, just heard so many stories of men being abused in the name of child support.  Sounds like you know much more about Harry's situation than I.


Quote from: katdillon on January 09, 2005, 07:55 AM NHFT
I didn't mean Harry Browne in particular, just heard so many stories of men being abused in the name of child support.  Sounds like you know much more about Harry's situation than I.

Aye. I too am typically sympathetic. I have seen some horror movies take place before my very eyes with two of my uncles and their ex wives. So usually I am very weary about that sort of judgement, this however is a bit different.



Great job Kat!  :-*

As for child support . . . I ALLWAYS paid ALL of mine - they are my kids . . . Who else would I think should pay their bills . . . that said, it is an ABSOLUTE SHAME the way that fathers are treated by the courts.  IT IS ABUSIVE! . . . well anyway, as of LAST WEEK it looks like I'm a free man.
I keep thinking of the words "What a long strange trip its been."


(BTW, the kids are doing fine.)


What is the allegation against Harry?  I thought he only had a daughter?



Quote from: FTL_Ian on January 09, 2005, 04:58 PM NHFT
What is the allegation against Harry?  I thought he only had a daughter?


That is correct, one daughter.


Kat Kanning

Lloyd Danforth

Great Kat!
Wonder if it will generate any sign-ups.