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7/18 - Another building has collapsed in Manhatten

Started by Dan, July 18, 2007, 05:30 PM NHFT

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Finally some news:
NEW YORK - Fire and emergency crews responded to the scene of a suspected manhole explosion in Manhattan on Wednesday during the evening rush hour, officials said. It was not terrorism-related, the officials said.

No building.  Just a lot of smoke and people thinking the worst: like me.  Sorry.



Pat K


Pat K

No not that either, If I did I could stop all politicians
from talking.

Man what a super power, that would be!!

Quick Dalebert!!

Draw up a comic. ;D

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Pat K on July 18, 2007, 07:18 PM NHFT
I don't control all the Steam on the planet.

What do they do with the steam in the summer?  I know they share steam from generators in the winter for heat, but, where was the steam going down the middle of Manhattan?

Pat K

Well folks still like to have hot water in the summer.
Also steam is used in absorption refrigeration, to cool buildings.

You can do a google search for absorption chillers if you want to check it out.

Their may still be some steam used in biz. manufacturings going on.

Steam is way passed it's heyday but is still widely used every were, for many things.

(NYC did not get rid of the last hand fired coal boilers for school heating till the middle 1990's. Just a little Pat fact for ya.  ;D)

Pat K

Con Edison's steam system is the largest in the United States, producing more steam than the next nine U.S. steam systems combined. The system reliably serves approximately 1,800 customers with steam for space heating and hot water, and provides about 370 of those customers with steam for building cooling. The steam distribution network consists of 105 miles of mains and service pipes extending from Battery Park north to 96th Street on the west side and 89th street on the east side of Manhattan.

Pat K

Oops also some chillers use steam turbines, to drive them.

I saw some older ones in the Bronx,(I think it was Lincoln memorial hospital)
though they make their own steam.

Lloyd Danforth

Just when you start to think you understand physics people start to cool things with steam  and your gas refridgerator's got a flame!

Russell Kanning

Yea ... I would want to cool things with all that cold water in the river nearby ... not by steam pumped in from another place.

Pat K

The water in the river is not cool enough during the summer to
really work as a coolent.


Quote from: Pat K on July 18, 2007, 10:05 PM NHFT
No not that either, If I did I could stop all politicians
from talking.

Man what a super power, that would be!!

Quick Dalebert!!

Draw up a comic. ;D

Cause of global warming found... politicians!