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Michael Moore and healthcare

Started by kola, July 20, 2007, 02:05 PM NHFT

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Darn kola, I was just typing that.

I agree, any more interviews with the MSM should only be live interviews.

I hope everyone had the chance to see Mr Moore's recent interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
Moore was terrific. I had to watch 3 or 4 times..it was so enjoyable.




Quote from: kola on July 20, 2007, 02:05 PM NHFT
Darn kola, I was just typing that.

I agree, any more interviews with the MSM should only be live interviews.

I hope everyone had the chance to see Mr Moore's recent interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
Moore was terrific. I had to watch 3 or 4 times..it was so enjoyable.



You mean it was humorous and comical, right? You don't believe this crackpot do you?   :o


Michael Moore spoke the truth concerning MSM and the Iraq War.

He also spoke the truth about our healthcare system in his movie Sicko, and he proved it with valid stats and data.

I disagreed with some (not all) of his reports in regards to the Fairenheit 911.

I enjoy and respect his passion and courage.



Quote from: kola on July 20, 2007, 03:02 PM NHFTHe also spoke the truth about our healthcare system in his movie Sicko, and he proved it with valid stats and data.

Spoke the truth????

Like for instance his "average" French family which claimed to earn 6,000 and 7,500 a month ($72,000 to $90,000 a year) when in reality the average French family earns $42,960 a year... nearly HALF of the family he shows as an average family.  (http://www.insee.fr/fr/ffc/chifcle_fiche.asp?tab_id=38)

He also ignores that France has the highest taxes in the world and a 19.6% sales tax and yet STILL due to the cost of socialized health care continues to have a deficit budget year after year.  In fact they've had a deficit every year for the past 25 years (http://a1692.g.akamai.net/f/1692/2042/7d/jeansenterre.blog.lemonde.fr/files/evolution_dette_1.jpg) yet this is one of the countries he paints out as doing things right in his movie... and you see this as him speaking the truth???????


With all its flaws, we still have the best healthcare in this country.

And if you want to be a socialist and try that out, why not move to Canada and see how fast they let you die even if you want to PAY out of your own pocket?


Your sources support your statements. Moore states he has proof to back his claims. I did not see anything about Frances average salary listed:

Maybe I can request (email) to see where he got his info from.

WHO has rated the USA 37th in healthcare...AND we spend THE most money in the world on the "system".  I have to disagree that we have the best healthcare n the world. I am one of the millions without healthcare. I had to have three surgeries that sucked me dry. Most insurance companies do not even want me and if they do it is outrageously expensive and they will not cover my pre-exisiting conditions.



Lloyd Danforth

Just reasonably priced healthcare.   Get rid of licensing and the AMA


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on July 20, 2007, 05:46 PM NHFT
Just reasonably priced healthcare.   Get rid of licensing and the AMA

And so who should say exactly what 'reasonably priced health care' is? Government putting limits on how much you can charge?
I agree that for example the procedure I had was way too expensive...but competition, not price controls, would make that better wouldn't it?


Do I want socialized medicine?

I have mixed thoughts on the issue.

But as of right now, I, like many others have nothing. No choices and no healthcare.

I would like to see healthcare become affordable. For a cash paying patient it is not affordable. Not even close.

The top reason for bankrupcy in amerika? is due to medical bills.

You say the US has the greatest healthcare in the world but you forget how many millions don't have access to it. It is great for you but not so good for others...because they can;t use it.

So let's just let americans die off and follow Darwin's survival of the fittest


added after posting: Although I dislike almost all government, I believe a GOOD government agency could cap prices and set pay scales in relation to an individual or families earned wages and assets.


If the AMA did not limit the amount of doctors who can become certified, then we could have competition and lower prices.


Too many MD's have sold their souls to insurance companies. They are slaves. If they want the big bucks they have to follow orders; see x number of patients, push x numbers of meds, spend x amount of time with patients and perform x numbers of procedures. In the meantime their masters (ins co) pick the pockets of the docs AND the patients.

In the end there are two winners, one big loser.

Big loser
Kola   ;)


Quote from: kola on July 20, 2007, 06:07 PM NHFT
Too many MD's have sold their souls to insurance companies. They are slaves. If they want the big bucks they have to follow orders; see x number of patients, push x numbers of meds, spend x amount of time with patients and see x numbers of patient per day. In the meantime their masters (ins co) pick the pockets of the docs AND the patients.

In the end there are two winners, one big loser.

Big loser
Kola   ;)

Well Ron never did that -- never took government programs, treated people free or reduce if they could not pay.

He still managed to make enough money to save to be a multimillionaire in his old age. And a lot of people benefitted by his charity.


Yes, I read that about Dr Paul. He really has walked the walk and talked the talk.

..maybe we should have someone move these posts?
