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Dr. Robert Bowman Patriot Tour - Monday

Started by jaqeboy, July 22, 2007, 06:46 PM NHFT

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This ought to be good. Bob Bowman is a retired Army Lt. Colonel who was on the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) project.

Dr. Robert Bowman Patriot Tour

Dr. Bob Bowman will speak about peace, justice, and anti-war and 9-11 activism, as part of his nationwide Patriot Tour. Described by the Los Angeles Times as "The Best Public Speaker in the Country," Dr. Bowman challenges us to "Take Back America" for the people. He explains why we need a government that (1) Follows the Constitution, (2) Honors the Truth, and (3) Serves the People.

Admission: $5 at the door.

Sponsored by: Seacoast 9-11 Questions Group, Seacoast Peace Response, Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth, and Seacoast Progressive Alliance, and supported by Merrimack Valley 911 Truth and Independent Voices for Truth.

For more information on the Patriot Tour, go to Bob's web site at www.thepatriots.us

Location: Sugar Shack, on Route 4, a half mile west of the Lee Traffic Circle in Barrington, turn in at the Park and Ride Parking Lot (no sign on street for Sugar Shack)

RSVP: to Seacoast 9-11 Questions Meetup site: http://9-11.meetup.com/284/calendar/5913116/

When: Monday, July 23, 2007 at 7:00 PM

Where: Sugar Shack
    314 Route 4
    Barrington, NH 03825-3198

Event fee: USD5.00 per person

More information about the event and about carpooling from the Merrimack Valley area at: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org - join this Meetup group to receive other announcements regarding 911 Truth events in the Merrimack Valley area of New-Hampshire.


This was a great meeting with about ~70 people total in attendance and the Sugar Shack is an interesting little venue for meetings if you want to hold something over halfway between Concord and the Seacoast.

It was an interesting mix of Conservatives, Liberals, Porcupines, Peaceniks, Progressives, Ed Brown supporters, Ron Paul supporters, Kucinich supporters, 9-11 Truthers, Tax Honesty people and Freedom to Fascism fans. That was Bob Bowman's point, though, really - that people of all stripes are coming together to Take Back America.

Several groups had exhibit tables, drinks and snacks were available.

Others should catch Bob somewhere along his tour - schedule on his site.


BTW, there was a fair secessionist sentiment at the meeting, and I was surprised to hear it from a Democratic former state Senator.

There was talk of organizing a meeting, starting a web page, attending secession conferences, etc. I know there has already been discussion on this forum about this and there are some websites existing (Caleb's, for one), but I wonder if anyone wants to participate in some serious non-partisan meetings that may come up.


I would certainly be interested in participating!

Russell Kanning


It was a really good time; I was pleased beyond expectation at the turnout and reception of the message. Kiss-my-ever-lovin but there were even some other Porcs there  :)


Bob is also speaking in Worcester, Massachusetts on Thursday, 26 July - another chance to see him! All Porcupines ought to hear this guy!

Details at Central Mass 911 Truth Alliance Meetup site: http://9-11.meetup.com/277/calendar/6002046/ - They're big libertarians and Ron Paul supporters in the Central Mass group. They came up for the Ron Paul gig at Murphy's after the Repub. debate. Wendy and her husband were there and were ecstatic to see all the New-Hampshire action.


A transcript of Dr. Bowman's outstanding speech is finally available! http://www.thepatriots.us/pg_02_speech.html