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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Started by d_goddard, July 24, 2007, 08:28 AM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Hemp activists get the joint jumpin

Two of the nation's leading advocates for legalized marijuana were arrested on Boston Common yesterday for lighting up a joint during the Boston Freedom Rally, a pro-hemp event that promotes decriminalizing the drug.

R. Keith Stroup, 63, founder of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, and Rick Cusick, 53, an editor at High Times magazine, were charged with possession of marijuana, a misdemeanor. "We were smoking a joint behind the booth here," Stroup said. "I'm sure the police would rather be chasing real criminals. We're both productive, hard-working taxpayers."

Stroup, who was arrested once before 24 years ago, said he and Cusick were relaxing and smoking a joint in the park, an activity he said was no harm to anyone.

Both men said police treated them well and professionally during the booking process.

"I've been waiting 33 years to get arrested," said Cusick, chuckling. "When it happened I was calm, like a monk. I told them I'd call my lawyer, but he got arrested with me."   ;D

Marijuana rally a big hit with supporters

Tom Sawyer

Photo from MassCann

Photo from Boston Herald


Grr. Look at all those people smiling.  Something must be done to stop this madness!   :glasses7: :crazy3:

Tom Sawyer

Yeah the only drug problem I witnessed was alcohol related...

The president and I were on the edge of the mosh pit and some guy passed out and landed flat on his face. William said "What's wrong with him?" I said "He's drunk son, he can't handle his partying." Some folks picked him up, walked him off and the fun continued.

A very pleasant group of peaceful people, lots of smiles and very nice attitudes.

Tom Sawyer

In addition to link info for the end of the video, I need the name of the rap act that performed right before Graveyard BBQ. Can't locate their info online.

Got the piece down to less than 10 mins. the length youtube allows.

Matt, Denis send me some link stuff and I'll be able to post a file for your feedback soon (before public release). I've got to get back to the paying work.  ;)

Tom Sawyer

OK I've gotten good reviews for the video. :)
I will be making a few minor adjustments and then will post the finished video. World premier in a few days.


Homer Simpson does medical marijuana.  ;D





60s minutes is doing something on MJ tonight.  I have the Tivo set.

Tom Sawyer

Video from the 2007 Boston Freedom Rally :weed:
Thanks to the activists that planned and attended this recruitment effort.  8)


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on September 19, 2007, 11:34 AM NHFT
Got the piece down to less than 10 mins. the length youtube allows.

Director accounts allow for more than 10 minutes, and they're free.   :icon_pirat:



Great video, as always Roger.

Political Graffiti rules!  8)

Tom Sawyer

Thanks Ian.  :)

Now if we can get others to spread the video around.


Thank you for the gratuitous plugs, by the way.   :icon_pirat:

Pat K

Nice work as always Roger.
That white haired old guy
with the Red shirt at the
beginning was scary.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 27, 2007, 12:15 AM NHFT
Thank you for the gratuitous plugs, by the way.   :icon_pirat:

That is because Denis keeps plugging ya'll.

I see these pieces as a way to cross promote the different groups.