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Drivers license and Drivers Ed

Started by lyn rn, July 27, 2007, 11:33 AM NHFT

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lyn rn

O.K. Have a question here.

We live in FL and plan to move to NH next summer. My son is almost 16 so he will have a Drivers license by then. In FL Drivers Ed is not required to get a license. You get a permit at 15. Drive with a parent for a year and then you can get your full license.

I called NH Dmv as their website states anyone under 18 must have Drivers Ed before they can get a license. So basically he will arrive in the state as a licensed driver and he can drive for the first 60 days on his FL license then he can apply for a NH license when he completes a Drivers Ed course in NH.

My question is Does anyone know how much it costs for Drivers Ed in NH? And how much time is the course? Anyone with any experience in this area I would appreciate your help. My son is all on board for the move and I want to have as few negative things happen for him as a result of the move so it can be the positive experience I keep telling him it will be. Thanks.  Oh and I did ask the lady from DMV but she really had no answers.


P.S- by the time I move you will all be sick of me cause I got lots of ????? ;)


263:5-a Application by New Resident.

  I. When a person who has established residency as provided in RSA 263:35
applies for a driver's license the director shall not issue a driver's
license to the applicant until he has:

    (a) Determined the validity of all licenses being surrendered; and

    (b) Secured a certified copy of the motor vehicle record or records
on file in the jurisdiction or jurisdictions of the licenses being

  II. The director shall establish a new driver record for a person who
applies for a driver's license as described in paragraph I and shall
include any conviction for an offense which occurred in another
jurisdiction as long as such an offense, if committed in this state,
would have been included in the driver record.

  III. The director may issue a temporary driver's license to a person
who applies for a license under paragraph I until he receives the record
and determines whether the person should be granted a driver's license.
The director may refuse to issue a temporary driver's license to a person
who is under suspension or revocation in another jurisdiction or who
would present a hazard to the safety of others.

  IV. The period for the temporary license may be extended or the
temporary license renewed if the applicant would qualify for a driver's
license suspension or revocation under the laws and rules of this state,
until an opportunity for a hearing has been provided and a decision made
on whether to issue a license.

  V. The director may satisfy the requirements of subparagraph I(b) by
obtaining the applicant's record from the National Driver Record
Repository, or by checking the applicant's record through the problem
driver pointer system.

  VI. A person who applies for a driver's license under paragraph I and
provides false information shall be subject to the provisions of RSA 260:10
and RSA 263:12.

263:17 Special Requirements for Minors.

  No person under the age of 18 years shall be issued a driver's license
unless the person's father, mother, or guardian, or, in the event there
is no parent or guardian, another responsible adult, gives written
permission for the issuance of such license, insurance coverage is
presented at the time of application or the person under 18 is emancipated
by marriage.


From the DMV website:

Driver Education Certificate
Earning a Driver Education Certificate is done through an approved driver education course. There are 30 hours of classroom instruction with textbooks, workbooks, and assignments.

Driving lessons are given by the licensed instructor?10 hours are required for the certificate. An additional 10 hours of observation time are required; observation time means you are a passenger in the vehicle while another student driver is behind the wheel.

The final requirement is 20 hours of logged driving time. The time you log can be driving done with a parent or adult 25 years old or older.

If you are 16-18 years old you need to bring the Driver Education Certificate with you when you apply for a driver's license.

I think many of the classes are through the public high schools. I don't know how much they cost.