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FIJA article for Keene Free Press

Started by Kat Kanning, July 27, 2007, 03:33 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

I'd love to run another FIJA article.  Anyone interested in writing something?


Quote from: Kat Kanning on July 27, 2007, 03:33 PM NHFT
I'd love to run another FIJA article.  Anyone interested in writing something?

Sure....anything specific?

Why I ask is there are volumes I could write and to overburden is fruitless.

Kat Kanning

How about focusing on how jury nullification could be used to overturn some specific law?  Would that work?



How about focusing on how jury nullification could be used to overturn some specific law?  Would that work?


Sure, but there must be a preface so that the reader understands the, what, when, where and why.

You used the word "Law" when it would be preferable to use Corporate Governments "Public Policy."  Public Policy is NOT law but is being foisted upon the unsuspecting public as LAW when in fact is, it is merely the majority choice of a legislative democracy and can be unconstitutional, therefor not LAW.

I don't mean to be picky but I need to write in language that is nontechnical, so help me.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on July 27, 2007, 09:13 PM NHFT
How about focusing on how jury nullification could be used to overturn some specific law?  Would that work?

I sent this to Russell a few days ago. did you get it?

JURY RIGHTS DAY  September 5, 2007   -- Celebrate!

Jury nullification is an integral part of our judicial system, serving as one of the "checks and balances" required by a free society. The fact that it is unknown to most jurors today has contributed greatly to the decline of our court system into the "kangaroo courts" we see so often today.

Our Founding Fathers accepted the common law principle of jury nullification as an important safeguard for a free society. The jury is the test that laws must pass before gaining sufficient popular authority for enforcement. Jury nullification has been used by jurors throughout our history to "nullify" unpopular and unjust laws, from laws against free speech to Prohibition.

Why aren't juries routinely informed about their power to vote their conscience and thus nullify bad law? Equity Law has replaced the common law and the corporate state becomes a party.

Why isn't jury power taught in school as part of a citizen's "civic duty?"

Well, since it is the corporate state that runs the court and the schools, it is not surprising that jurors won't find out about their right and duty to overturn repugnant state laws.

The Fully Informed Jury Association www.fija.org is a non-profit association dedicated to educating all Americans about their rights, powers and responsibilities as trial jurors. FIJA publishes and distributes educational material but depends upon grass roots activists to inform jurors of their rights and to undertake state-level lobbying and/or ballot issue efforts.

This writer has introduced FIJA 3 times in New Hampshire, passing in the House but losing in the Senate. We must continue to promote the passage of Fully Informed Jury Amendments into state law, to require the practice of informing jurors of their inherent right to bring in a verdict according to their conscience and  judgment as to whether the law itself is unjust or unfairly applied. Especially in any trial by jury where government is one of the parties.

In 1991 FIJA National promoted the first Jury Rights Day celebration, commemorating the acquittal of William Penn on September 5, 1670 by an independent jury, on charges of preaching an illegal religion to an illegal assembly.   The judge fined and imprisoned the jury for refusing to bring in a conviction, but a high court ruling established that jurors may not be punished for voting their consciences.

Todays action should be to promote public awareness of the vital importance of jury power, and help correct the misconceptions about jury nullification. Make Jury Rights Day, September 5, 2007 visable in New Hampshire.

Consider to writing a letter to the editor, weeklies are great and many people read them.
Join groups in informing the jury pool of their rights and responsibilities and thus protect someone from an unjust prison sentence. Consider activities to include radio interviews, speaking at local civic groups, distributing pamphlets, as well as sending letters to papers in the area.

If you're feeling especially active, organize a Jury Rights Day celebration at your local courthouse; invite the press and hand out flyers. FIJA has downloadable flyers and other materials. After September 5, 2007 you can continue to take action on this issue by forming a local jury rights group in each of New Hampshire's 10 county's. Visit and learn more at www.fija.org.

Dick Marple

Kat Kanning

Wow, thanks so much!  I don't think Russell had checked his email recently.  I didn't know you were Dick Marple.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on August 23, 2007, 05:28 AM NHFT
I didn't know you were Dick Marple.
Yeah, armlaw is Marple, the guy who was too radical to stay in NH politics :)

Kat Kanning


Quote from: Kat Kanning on August 23, 2007, 12:22 PM NHFT
Not too radical for here.
Not radical Kat, just a messenger of freedom and truth. Those who found me "radical" are the ones who upset my 4th elected term by paying for a recount at the last moment. 1/2 hour before closing the following Monday after election when the single district voting machine gave me a 9 vote lead in winning my 4th term.

Since it was the last recount paid for, it was the last recount of the election season and guess what. When the ballots were opened they mysteriously "found" 51 uncounted ballots, purportedly ballots that had not gone thru the machine. The Secretary of State conducted an "investigation" but no evidence of ballot tampering could be determined. In the final hand count, I lost by 3 votes; however the corporate agent that replaced me, who was the former Chief of Police of Hooksett, unfortunately did not get to serve more than 80 days before passing away from lung cancer.

The special primary election that was later held, was won by a former Manchester rep who moved to Hooksett and spent, I am told about $5000.00 to win this one year term? The Secretary of State has the actual public records on how much he spent, so draw your own conclusion from the evidence on record at the SOS office, 2nd Floor State House.

I am overwhelmed with constituent requests to run again next year however, I have not and will not take any money. I recycle my old lawn signs which were given to me by supporters many years ago. I am a fiscal conservative.

If constituents want me to represent them, they must write letters to the papers, talk shows etc and know my voting record. See www.lfod.org/2006/. Denis will attest, I placed 2nd in his organizations ranking of legislators 2 years in a row.

I am a life member and Past Junior Vice, and Vice Commander Veterans of Foreign Wars and a Life Member of NRA. spent 8 years as Secretary of Gun Owners of New Hampshire from its infancy to over 5000 members and was intimately involved in enacting Article 2a to the New Hampshire Bill of Rights.

So next year will determine the future for me. In the meantime, I welcome help in exposing the BAR for the unconstitutional monopoly it is. Read Article 83 Part II N.H. constitution. The legislature has a DUTY to expose and eliminate all monoplies.   Thanks Dick