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911 question

Started by Dreepa, July 27, 2007, 07:36 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Insurgent on July 28, 2007, 07:33 PM NHFT
Correct me if I'm wrong, Dreepa but I think the intention of your thread was evoke personal responses about motivation for discussing 9/11 truth.

yeah sorta... I understand what you and Caleb are saying. And don't fullt believe the official story. But beyond that.... I mean my friend spends hours reading everyhing about 9/11 an if it is his new hobby great... but I don't see any 'action/change'.  He still doesn't vote, he isn't involved with protests or anything. I guess the good thing is that he gave up video games (he has no time because he is 'seeking the truth'.

I don't mean to put down the 'truthers' but  I just don't know where it leads...... certainly the gov doesn't care.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Ruger Mason on July 28, 2007, 06:57 PM NHFT
How about this:  if 9/11 was a government conspiracy to justify an invasion of Iraq, and the hijackers were fictional, as ZEITGEIST and Loose Change both suggest, why oh why did the Feds make the fake hijackers Saudi?  If they had made the fake hijackers Iraqis, they'd have had no problems justifying the war to the public, to Congress or to the UN.  But friggin' Saudis???  Stinkin' government incompetence!   ::)
maybe they are incompetent .... but for the most part their plan has worked ... they have gained more control of our fellow americans and they have taken partial control of another chunk of the world.
mcveigh wasn't perfect .... oswald wasn't perfect .... but it mostly worked out for them

the good thing is ...  more people are learning about them and more people are standing up to this tyranny
come join the fun ... us 9/11 truth seekers have more fun than the government apologists

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Dreepa on July 28, 2007, 09:30 PM NHFT
yeah sorta... I understand what you and Caleb are saying. And don't fullt believe the official story. But beyond that.... I mean my friend spends hours reading everyhing about 9/11 an if it is his new hobby great... but I don't see any 'action/change'.
that is about as bad as the time people waste reading the entire IRS code or spend endless ours being amateur lawyers to be beaten time and again by the evil system they are trying to bring down ..... I also think that politics has about the same success ratio compared to time spent


Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 28, 2007, 09:34 PM NHFT
Quote from: Dreepa on July 28, 2007, 09:30 PM NHFT
yeah sorta... I understand what you and Caleb are saying. And don't fullt believe the official story. But beyond that.... I mean my friend spends hours reading everyhing about 9/11 an if it is his new hobby great... but I don't see any 'action/change'.
that is about as bad as the time people waste reading the entire IRS code or spend endless ours being amateur lawyers to be beaten time and again by the evil system they are trying to bring down .....

I agree

Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 28, 2007, 09:34 PM NHFT
I also think that politics has about the same success ratio compared to time spent

Depends.  I spent some hours fighting taxes in my town... .and won some battles thereby paying a smaller amount of tax.


Quote from: Dreepa on July 28, 2007, 09:30 PM NHFT
Quote from: Insurgent on July 28, 2007, 07:33 PM NHFT
Correct me if I'm wrong, Dreepa but I think the intention of your thread was evoke personal responses about motivation for discussing 9/11 truth.

yeah sorta... I understand what you and Caleb are saying. And don't fullt believe the official story. But beyond that.... I mean my friend spends hours reading everyhing about 9/11 an if it is his new hobby great... but I don't see any 'action/change'.  He still doesn't vote, he isn't involved with protests or anything. I guess the good thing is that he gave up video games (he has no time because he is 'seeking the truth'.

I don't mean to put down the 'truthers' but  I just don't know where it leads...... certainly the gov doesn't care.

Bring your friend around to the forums, if he isn't here already  :) Giving up video games seems a step in the right direction.

Personally, I don't obsess about 9/11 per se except to realize that it's one of the biggest false-flag acts of terrorism in history. I don't have any aspirations that we will ever know exactly what happened that day, or that the guilty will ever be held accountable. What's important is that we learn about it as much as we can, and how it fits in the big picture of power, lies, domination and manipulation.

I'm perhaps speculating as to why your friend doesn't vote; perhaps he's also been studying about corporate electronic vote fraud and come to the conclusion that voting won't change anything.

We're engaged in an information war, it seems and there is so much false and conflicting sources of information out there. My personal quest is to discover the best sources, to learn from them and to disseminate what I am learning to other receptive people. That I am involved in the freedom movement, I think overlaps well with the truth movement for truth will make us free  :)


Quote from: Insurgent on July 28, 2007, 10:03 PM NHFT

Bring your friend around to the forums, if he isn't here already  :) Giving up video games seems a step in the right direction.

I'm perhaps speculating as to why your friend doesn't vote; perhaps he's also been studying about corporate electronic vote fraud and come to the conclusion that voting won't change anything.

I pointed him to the 9/11 thread here don't know if he visited or not.

he said he doesn't vote because 'it doesn't matter'. ::)

I told him that he should just for straight LP ticket then.


Quote from: Dreepa on July 29, 2007, 02:30 PM NHFT
Quote from: Insurgent on July 28, 2007, 10:03 PM NHFT

Bring your friend around to the forums, if he isn't here already  :) Giving up video games seems a step in the right direction.

I'm perhaps speculating as to why your friend doesn't vote; perhaps he's also been studying about corporate electronic vote fraud and come to the conclusion that voting won't change anything.

I pointed him to the 9/11 thread here don't know if he visited or not.

he said he doesn't vote because 'it doesn't matter'. ::)

I told him that he should just for straight LP ticket then.
It sounds like your friend needs to establish some cadre; give him our contact info whether it be the forum or MySpace or email or whatever. Isolation breeds contempt, hatred and apathy. If there's anything that truth-seekers need, it's backup and reinforcement  :)