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Conspiracy Cafe in Cambridge

Started by jaqeboy, July 29, 2007, 11:48 PM NHFT

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Conspiracy Cafe time again!
Sunday afternoon, 2 September 2007

Car pool details for the upcoming Conspiracy Cafe are at MerrimackValley911Truth.org (updated tonite), on the page for the event at the bottom of the page. We changed a few stop times since the earlier ones couldn't be met.

Videos to be shown will be on the Cafe's site: http://boston911truth.org/cafe.php (as soon as they update it), but here's what I have:

12 Noon     They Myth and the Reality, David Ray Griffin (93 min)
14:00         9/11 Mysteries (Demolitions), Sofia (98 min)
16:05         Kill the Messenger, about Sibel Edmonds (53 min)
17:05         Money as Debt (47 min)
18:15         Fiat Empire (60 min)

This is a good place to discuss all the various theories of 9/11 (and other famous conspiracies) and hear the latest about upcoming conferences, etc. Books and videos galore on sale there.

Networking and dinner in Harvard Square with others is usually a highlight & Boston 911 Truth gives away one free documentary DVD to each person who comes to the Conspiracy Cafe.

Lloyd Danforth

Doing any recruiting for the FSP down there in Cambridge?


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on August 30, 2007, 06:55 PM NHFT
Doing any recruiting for the FSP down there in Cambridge?

Yes--my ANTIGOV license plate and myriad of anti-govt bumper stickers are always a hit. When people find out that we're from NH they comment that having a "Live Free or Die" license plate is enough  :) The Ranger is now sporting an "Investigate 9/11" bumper sticker, compliments of Boston 9/11 Truth. Freedom and the FSP are usually well-represented  :bus:


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on August 30, 2007, 06:55 PM NHFT
Doing any recruiting for the FSP down there in Cambridge?

Good idea! Can you meet us there with materials?


Here's the carpooling details--hope to see you there!

Concord and North Country: Exit 17 Park and Ride lot; time: 1PM
Manchester: Murphy's Tap Room lot - 1:30PM
Nashua: Exit 6 Visitor's Center lot - 2:00PM

(If we are late at these stops, please be patient. We're working on developing a schedule that works. If you're at the stop and wondering if we're still coming, call 233-1058 or 828-8306)

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: jaqeboy on August 30, 2007, 08:05 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on August 30, 2007, 06:55 PM NHFT
Doing any recruiting for the FSP down there in Cambridge?

Good idea! Can you meet us there with materials?

You can pick them up at Hempfest ;D


Carpool details for this week's Conspiracy Cafe (16 September) at bottom.

This week's meeting will be different. Following is a message from Jason King:

--- ---
Boston Tea Party PARTY and Regional Strategy Session at the Conspiracy
Cafe, September 16

Boston 9/11 Truth is hosting a "Party" and Tea Party strategy session at the
Conspiracy Cafe on Sunday, September 16 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, New England
9/11 Truth activists are cordially invited to come celebrate the success of
last year's "Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth" and participate in the
planning and promotion of this year's event.

This year's Tea Party will be a two-day event, held on December 15 and 16 at
Faneuil Hall in Boston. The current plans are for a one-day Conference on
Saturday December 15, and the Tea Party demonstrations to be held on Sunday
December 16. Steven Jones, Kevin Ryan and Richard Gage have already
committed to speak at the Saturday conference.

Much planning has already gone into this year's event, but there is so much
more that needs to be done. Our success largely depends on the support we
receive from all around the New England region, and your presence and input
is encouraged at this, the only regional strategy session before the event.

The strategy session will be held at the Conspiracy Cafe, 45 Mt. Auburn St.
in Harvard Sq., Cambridge. Opened in July and held every other Sunday, the
Conspiracy Cafe is a unique, public setting where activists and the curious
public can browse through our collection of books and DVDs or watch a
variety of films, all in a casual cafe environment.  If you haven?t visited
yet, this will be a great opportunity to see what it's all about. Video
footage of last year's Tea Party will also be shown on Sept.  16.

So please mark your calendar and join us as in planning what we hope will be
the largest single 9/11 Truth event in the New England region. The "Party"
and strategy session is free and open to everyone (donations will be
gratefully accepted). In order that we have refreshments for everyone, we
ask that you RSVP to truth@boston911truth.org.

Hope you can be there.

--- end Jason King email ---

Here's the carpooling details--hope to see you at one of these stops!

Concord and North Country: Exit 17 Park and Ride lot; time: 12:00PM
Manchester: Murphy's Tap Room lot - 12:40PM
Nashua: Exit 6 Visitor's Center lot - 1:10PM

If you miss us and head down on your own, we have still been able to find on-street parking with no meter each time within 2 blocks.

(If we are late at these stops, please be patient. We're working on developing a schedule that works. If you're at the stop and wondering if we're still coming, call 233-1058 or 828-8306)


Conspiracy Cafe is in full swing, and has been all year. A really interesting experience and a good place to network with Boston area activists - a crossover meeting spot for libertarians, conservatives, 9/11 truthers, liberals, progressives, etc.


Merrimack Valley 911 Truth has organized a ridesharing site online for those who want to go and share costs: http://mv911t.erideshare.com

PS: the group password is "truth"