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What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire

Started by jaqeboy, July 31, 2007, 05:59 PM NHFT

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Quote from: jaqeboy on August 01, 2007, 11:57 AM NHFT
So, that IS what you were referring to, eh? And, btw, I wasn't sure I said it loudly enough for him to hear me. The man thrust himself at me as I looked up and I have no desire to shake any oily politician's hand, and, of course he, of all people, does not deserve respect from me or any other libertarian.

Jack WE all heard it and it was offensive even if Bill didn't. I did not see him 'thrust' himself at you, he shook hands with everyone. Why are you pretending you weren't being anything except very cozy with him?
No one took offense to that...until you made that comment.

A moment before that you had your arms tightly around a female member of his family to the point it looked like you were kissing her, while you were pointing your finger in my direction to make it look like you were talking about me. So to pretend you had disdain for the candidate now just because he is a 'politician' is just so disingenuous. Everyone saw you Jack...and for those who were unfamiliar, they would have correctly assumed you were simply hanging with him and showing your admiration for him as a candidate, and there would have been nothing wrong with that. But instead it proved there was another agenda on your mind and that was what was found to be so pathetic.

Quote from: jaqeboy on August 01, 2007, 11:57 AM NHFT
We're libertarians, not suck-ups to the powerful - our job is to make sure they don't run our lives, not to choose the hand that will feed us. That's something to be proud of, not ashamed of! 8) I'll bring wet-wipes for all next time I go to a venue with politicians present!

Jack no 'libertarian' behaves like that. No libertarian uses the tactics (taken directly from the playbook of the collectivists) that you sometimes use to bully people, embarrass them, attribute things to them that they have never said or done.

You can try to back-pedal and talk your way out of what you were doing and why, but it was clear to everyone there.. people who have no particular loyalty to me, they just saw what they saw.


Quote from: CNHT on July 31, 2007, 08:27 PM NHFT
More left-wing global warming nonsense from a parade of pinko commie idiots to scare us into giving up all our money to the UN agenda, so we can be herded into shires, and mass euthanasia of people can be justified, so we can 'save the whales!'. Nice.

This statement is amazing; it's so purposefully and masterfully crafted with loaded words that it almost reminds me of a propaganda poster!


Study the list of propaganda techniques, then read the statement again and see how many you can identify being used. I count 15!


Amazingly, it still counts as "propaganda" even when it's true. :)

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: jaqeboy on August 01, 2007, 11:03 AM NHFT
"I am smearing a movie [that I haven't seen], and asking (rhetorically) what the motive would be for posting such a movie."

"I doubt it... you don't have to see this kind of junk in its entirety to know what the agenda is."

Half Of Nation Outraged At New, Not-Yet-Released Michael Moore Film.


I watched "Sicko" and the movie is appropriately titled: I almost vomited several times at the absurdities and propaganda in the film. Moore really is trying to lead us all into a socialist state. And everything Jane said about it turned out to be quite true.


Quote from: error on August 01, 2007, 08:34 PM NHFT
Amazingly, it still counts as "propaganda" even when it's true. :)

My point, exactly.


Quote from: CNHT on August 01, 2007, 12:17 PM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on August 01, 2007, 11:57 AM NHFT
So, that IS what you were referring to, eh? And, btw, I wasn't sure I said it loudly enough for him to hear me. The man thrust himself at me as I looked up and I have no desire to shake any oily politician's hand, and, of course he, of all people, does not deserve respect from me or any other libertarian.

Jack WE all heard it and it was offensive even if Bill didn't. I did not see him 'thrust' himself at you, he shook hands with everyone. Why are you pretending you weren't being anything except very cozy with him?
No one took offense to that...until you made that comment.

Wow, this looks bad for me - I don't want people thinking I was cozy with a pol - I totally deny that and stick to my story

Quote from: CNHT on August 01, 2007, 12:17 PM NHFT

A moment before that you had your arms tightly around a female member of his family to the point it looked like you were kissing her, while you were pointing your finger in my direction to make it look like you were talking about me. So to pretend you had disdain for the candidate now just because he is a 'politician' is just so disingenuous. Everyone saw you Jack...and for those who were unfamiliar, they would have correctly assumed you were simply hanging with him and showing your admiration for him as a candidate, and there would have been nothing wrong with that. But instead it proved there was another agenda on your mind and that was what was found to be so pathetic.

This one looks good for me - being seen with an attractive woman. I wouldn't deny this one (except I don't remember it  :( --- the tease, she never calls!  >:( )

Quote from: CNHT on August 01, 2007, 12:17 PM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on August 01, 2007, 11:57 AM NHFT

We're libertarians, not suck-ups to the powerful - our job is to make sure they don't run our lives, not to choose the hand that will feed us. That's something to be proud of, not ashamed of! 8) I'll bring wet-wipes for all next time I go to a venue with politicians present!

Jack no 'libertarian' behaves like that. No libertarian uses the tactics (taken directly from the playbook of the collectivists) that you sometimes use to bully people, embarrass them, attribute things to them that they have never said or done.

You can try to back-pedal and talk your way out of what you were doing and why, but it was clear to everyone there.. people who have no particular loyalty to me, they just saw what they saw.

The slimy candidate looked kind of familiar, kinda like my friend Les, so when he stuck his hand out and I had a fraction of a second to respond, I had that embarassing moment of "he must know me and I forget his name" so I responded by extending mine. When he said his name and it hit me who he was, I wanted to pull it back, but by then he had a firm grip on it and he's a big guy, so I held on til I could pull it out. Afterwards I felt I'd been soiled, hence the "sanitary wipe" comment. I was thinking others could probably use one, too.

I have a suggestion - we could move this to a "Jane airs all of Jack's dirty laundry thread" (would be kind of boring, but clean with the new supply of Handi-Wipes I picked up at Mega-Store) so the movie fans can have their thread back!


Quote from: Insurgent on August 01, 2007, 06:42 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on July 31, 2007, 08:27 PM NHFT

More left-wing [Appeal to Prejudice] [Black-and-White fallacy] [Stereotyping or Name Calling or Labeling]

global warming nonsense [Stereotyping or Name Calling or Labeling]

from a parade of pinko commie idiots [Stereotyping or Name Calling or Labeling]

to scare us into giving up all our money [Appeal to fear] [Black-and-White fallacy]

to the UN agenda [Unstated assumption]

, so we can be herded  into shires,[Appeal to fear]

and mass euthanasia of people can be justified [Appeal to fear]

, so we can 'save the whales!' []

. Nice.

This statement is amazing; it's so purposefully and masterfully crafted with loaded words that it almost reminds me of a propaganda poster!


Study the list of propaganda techniques, then read the statement again and see how many you can identify being used. I count 15!

OK, I'll review this and add my finds to the quote [in brackets]. Thanks, insurgent, this is a really good exercise. Looks like we should all bone up on these skills (of recognizing and discerning propaganda techniques in what we read, hear and view.


It looks like I only found 10, but, then again, i wasn't done - I hit the post button when I meant to hit preview.

Time to stop for the night anyway. Let's compare notes. Maybe I'll print these out on a sheet to take with me to the movie to see which techniques the filmmakers use.


Quote from: lawofattraction on August 02, 2007, 07:44 AM NHFT
Quote from: Insurgent on August 01, 2007, 06:42 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on July 31, 2007, 08:27 PM NHFT
More left-wing global warming nonsense from a parade of pinko commie idiots to scare us into giving up all our money to the UN agenda, so we can be herded into shires, and mass euthanasia of people can be justified, so we can 'save the whales!'. Nice.

This statement is amazing; it's so purposefully and masterfully crafted with loaded words that it almost reminds me of a propaganda poster!

Masterfully crafted? I quickly dismissed it as the emotional rant of a crackpot.

:clap:  ;D

I know, Insurgent is trying to be kind and find something good about everyone! Fortunately we do have enough IQ floating around on this thread to not fall for the name-calling attacks.

BTW, you want to meet up at a carpooling location or over at the movie location? It'd be good to see you and chat. We could network with others afterwards and compare notes re the propaganda used in the film (if any). I am seriously considering  a copy and paste of that list of techniques and printing up a sheet with a checkbox in front of each technique as a quick propaganda rating tool. I think that would be handy.

Save the whales!  ;D


Quote from: lawofattraction on August 02, 2007, 08:54 AM NHFT

QuoteBTW, you want to meet up at a carpooling location or over at the movie location? It'd be good to see you and chat.

After reading this thread I'm almost tempted to go see it, but movies are really not my cup of tea & I'm already convinced of the need for a new paradigm. I'm much more interested an event like the Sunapee Sunfest, where practical solutions are being promoted, and expect to be attending.

Yeah, everyone has a paradigm that they think or work within or is searching to find one that describes their interpretation of world events and then forms the background for their personal ethos. People should be questioning the stock paradigm about now and I'm interested in hearing Tim Bennet and Sally Erickson's (What a Way to Go producers) paradigm - I'm definitely interested in hearing yours, too.

Definitely going to Sunfest! I went last year and it was fun. And, yeah, DOING something, once you have a framed paradigm, is key. All this forum chat just has an effect on the mind, but not on the outer reality.


Quote from: lawofattraction on August 02, 2007, 07:44 AM NHFT
[Masterfully crafted? I quickly dismissed it as the emotional rant of a crackpot.

Most would realize that it's not a suprising reaction to the fact that the UN admits it will have to 'get rid of' a certain amount of the population.

I guess mass murder of the population (the 'new paradigm') just doesn't sit well with some of us who are anti-violence.

Call me a crank, if you will, but you left-wing rapacious supporters of forced population control are sometimes sooooo soulless!

Wahhh! (feigning distress)


Quote from: error on August 01, 2007, 08:34 PM NHFT
Amazingly, it still counts as "propaganda" even when it's true. :)

Well what about the UN's agenda isn't socialist? What about them saying we have to kill so many people to be 'sustainable' is not true?
Just repeating their own words.

I don't think there is anthing in there that can't be proven.
As Denis said, it's CORRECT.


Quote from: error on August 01, 2007, 08:51 PM NHFT
I watched "Sicko" and the movie is appropriately titled: I almost vomited several times at the absurdities and propaganda in the film. Moore really is trying to lead us all into a socialist state. And everything Jane said about it turned out to be quite true.

Thank you error. I knew there was a reason I liked you so much. You are not afraid of the truth....


Here's a good video:


Especially the comment at the beginning where it says "If we kill everyone who is unhappy, we can make paradise."

I find it interesting (and telling) to be talking about communicating non-violently while praising a movie that suggests we eradicate large numbers of the population who don't agree with us.