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What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire

Started by jaqeboy, July 31, 2007, 05:59 PM NHFT

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Quote from: CNHT on August 15, 2007, 03:11 PM NHFT
Quote from: EthanAllen on August 15, 2007, 12:23 PM NHFT

The mission of the Post Carbon Contoocook Valley Relocalization is to prepare for a lower energy world by developing regional energy, agricultural and manufacturing capabilities. By planning for increased self-reliance the region may be able to mitigate the effects of a collapsing, high-energy use global enconomy by inventing a properous way of life within a lower energy existence.

And to fulfull the globalist dream of the UN's to relocate everyone...how touching.

And where exactly did you see that on the website? I can't find it.


Quote from: CNHT on August 15, 2007, 03:11 PM NHFT
Quote from: EthanAllen on August 15, 2007, 12:23 PM NHFT

The mission of the Post Carbon Contoocook Valley Relocalization is to prepare for a lower energy world by developing regional energy, agricultural and manufacturing capabilities. By planning for increased self-reliance the region may be able to mitigate the effects of a collapsing, high-energy use global enconomy by inventing a properous way of life within a lower energy existence.

And to fulfull the globalist dream of the UN's to relocate everyone...how touching.

Relocalization means to get you food and products local producers as those shipped globally are going to be much more expensive.

It is the globalists via climate change that will force relocation.


Quote from: Sam Adams on August 15, 2007, 09:22 AM NHFT
There are clearly people on this board who are here for one reason only, to distract and disrupt with goading demands for argument. Sadly, they are recognizable by their very skilled, but invariably consistent, techniques.

I concur!


Quote from: jaqeboy on August 15, 2007, 11:28 AM NHFT
Thanks for posting the vid interview Insurgent. Makes it easier for people to make a judgement on the filmmakers at least, than listening to conjecture about what the film must surely say by people who have not seen it. Perhaps we can have a local showing of the whole movie to give others another opportunity to see it. Is there an "oil awareness" meetup in the Merrimack Valley area? That might be a good hosting group.

To my knowledge, there isn't an Oil Awareness Meetup in this area. There is one on the Seacoast, but it's struggling...I for one haven't been willing to burn up all that gas to get to a meeting where we discuss resource depletion!   :-\

As you mentioned, having a good venue for meetings and film screenings is a problem. I miss the Liberty Center back in Minnesota, which made things like this accessible! I'll look in to the Concord Public Library again, to see if they may have extended the hours for their meetings rooms. I'd love to put on a showing of this film somewhere big enough to have a few people over, because like Friday, I don't own a couch  :)


Do you know about the Annicchiarico Theater in Concord on 1 Thompson St.?

Concord City Democrats did a movie series there last year. I believe anyone can rent it. They actually used a computer hooked up to a simple projector and a sound system. Seats probably 50-100 people.


Quote from: jaqeboy on August 15, 2007, 12:51 PM NHFT
Friday, would you like to reserve the media center viewing room for some night soon (being a Nashua resident)?

Sure, I can do that.  Let me check it out.


Quote from: EthanAllen on August 15, 2007, 08:10 PM NHFT
Do you know about the Annicchiarico Theater in Concord on 1 Thompson St.?

Concord City Democrats did a movie series there last year. I believe anyone can rent it. They actually used a computer hooked up to a simple projector and a sound system. Seats probably 50-100 people.

No, I haven't heard about that. I've only lived here for a few months and am not entirely familiar with the city yet. I'll look it up online, but if you know anything about it please post it  :)


I came across a relevant article today, written by Dr. Carolyn Baker, entitled "THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT: HOPE VS. MINDSET". In it she makes direct reference to the film and elaborates on several complementary issues and ideas.

Read this highly enlightening article here:


Quote from: Insurgent on August 16, 2007, 06:17 PM NHFT
I came across a relevant article today, written by Dr. Carolyn Baker, entitled "THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT: HOPE VS. MINDSET". In it she makes direct reference to the film and elaborates on several complementary issues and ideas.

Read this highly enlightening article here:

I read the links on the left sidebar and those were enlightening enough.
Cynthia McKinney???



In an email discussion with a friend of mine, he had these pointed observations:

"My thoughts on the film...

It is extraordinary, moving, depressing, and sobering. It reinforces what I have been feeling and believing for years. I've shared my thoughts on the subject with friends and family but they rarely see the big picture as I do. Those who do are terrified and depressed, and try to make the best of the situation as I do. A few months ago I had a conversation/debate with my father about capitalistic growth. I explained that it could not go on forever. His response was that he believed the Dow could hit 20k. Then what? He thought it would go higher. He's near 70 and is not really concerned with the world his grandkids will live in. Money is his real god, as it is for most capitalists. And that god shall be worshipped at the expense of everything else. For the people who are wrapped up in the American way, to deny the system is to deny their life's work. For this same reason, many religious folks will not abandon their belief systems, despite overwhelming evidence that their concept of a higher power does not exist.

Modern life in the US is a new serfdom. We pay tribute to the captains of industry with our time, skills, and contentment. Most of us are attached to our current situation with little hope of measurably upgrading our lot in life. We spend our time on couches, in cubicles, behind the wheel or in bed trying to sleep. We have the illusion that we are free to not do these things, but we really don't have a choice unless we like living in the street. I live in Los Angeles. I've lived in the area for 35 years. It's not what it used to be, and it seems to be going downhill at a rapid pace. When the oil, water, and food runs out, I don't want to be here.

I've always felt that the population explosion is the real problem. If the global human population was 10 percent of what it is now, all of our wasteful and destructive activities might be manageable. Currently, we're fucked, and within our lifetimes our society will change for the worse.

No one wants to believe that their life and career path are pointless, but for the majority of Americans, that's the truth. My feelings on the matter are vindicated. It's so easy to see, but incredibly hard to accept. I'm not the only one who's rational, there are others, and for that I'm happy.

I found it to be a very good film. It pulls no punches and offers no answers, because the truth is that there are no answers. Ask the Easter Islanders.



What he said was nothing different than the UN's line of stuff which is being used to scare you into doing something.

What makes everyone so skeptical of what government says about terrorism, but not this bunch terrorizing you about global warming, capitalism and such?

Kinda doesn't make sense.

I'm a capitalist and it's paid off nicely. You'd do well to be one too....of course, I used to be a leftist too until I grew up...


If they're trying to scare someone into giving up their freedom to a regional or world government under which they'll live in oppressed tyranny forever, then yes, that's a big problem, and they're absolutely stupid to do so.

I don't get that sense from this movie or discussions about it.

There are two points I want to make:

First, there is going to be a global economic collapse, and unless you get hit by a bus fairly soon, you're going to live to see it. Now there are two ways to deal with such a collapse: The first is to give up and take on the yoke of a tyrannical world government, such as the one the UN wants to build. The other is to move back toward local control of local affairs and more freedom for individuals generally. It's the latter that I've seen most of these people advocate, when they can get the concepts clear in their heads.

Second, there are more important things than money. I'd rather be poor and have my wife and children -- for I know I can make the best of whatever circumstances I find us in -- than be rich and alone.


Quote from: lawofattraction on August 20, 2007, 10:14 PM NHFT
I think that "peak credit" will put an end to the suburban McMansion lifestyle much sooner than peak oil would have...



What's 'peak credit'?

That's a new scare I've not heard about before..

Something I should know about?

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: CNHT on August 20, 2007, 10:26 PM NHFT
What's 'peak credit'?

That's a new scare I've not heard about before..

Something I should know about?

It's mostly being referred to as a "credit squeeze" or "credit crunch" in the mainstream media.