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Should I buy this wookie costume?

Started by Dave Ridley, August 01, 2007, 10:19 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley


I am thinking about getting a hi-end wookie costume for demonstrations.    It will probably cost me around 400 bucks.  here's a pic of it:


My first idea is to stand in front of a courthouse with it while people are going in for jury duty.   I could  carry a sign that reads

May Overrule

Next to the word juries would be a pic of the Millenium Falcon
Next to the word judges would be a pic of the death star

I could try this out for a while lawfully....then if i feel i'm getting too much grief from authorities I could always do the civil disobedience plan.

Before ordering the suit I may also try doing this without costume, again lawfully.

Your thoughts?  Ways to improve on the idea?
Is it worth placing the order?  What else could it be used for?

I'm directing discussion of this idea to

Dave Ridley

dada have boughted chewbacca costume


but i bought thru ebay and will only pay 400 flat including shipping

much thankses to those who have volunteereded to help pay for chewbacca's purchase and journey.....  liberty wookie will earn his pay
