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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Manchester Paper in the Works... can you help?

Started by RattyDog, August 01, 2007, 10:39 AM NHFT

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Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: RattyDog on August 02, 2007, 02:31 PM NHFT

My only experience in nonprofit was with an up and running (like clockwork) operation that was supper simple. So, I don't know how hard it is to set one up, not hard, I'd imagine. No one every gave us a hard time.

Setting up a 501c3 is hard and time consuming but do able if that is the route you want to go.

Quote from: RattyDog on August 02, 2007, 02:31 PM NHFT
Don't worry, corporate structure will not be a road block...nothing will be a road block, I'm on fire over this...this is awesome.

Great, I can see that you are an excellent role model and leader!!

Quote from: RattyDog on August 02, 2007, 02:31 PM NHFT
Have fun this weekend Kate and yes, we will fill you in on everything that transpires in your absence. But, with all do respect, Chief Whip Cracker, I really think we need to have  a meeting much sooner than two weeks!! I need face time with Braddog immediately....he holds the information we need to get crackin'!

I agree that face time with David is very important and the two if you should meet as soon as possible.

My thought was for a full group meeting with all interested individuals in two weeks -- but fearless leader, you are the boss  and should meet with numerous people all the time to keep this ball rolling   ;)

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: RattyDog on August 02, 2007, 02:31 PM NHFT
I, once, went through everything I needed to to set up a sole proprietorship...but I don't know if that is much what we're trying to do here, plus....I seem to remember being on the phone with the IRS for a little bit and giving them lots of info and having a pain in the ass time with them at the end of that tax year over something. I'll have to look at my records and see what the problem was....I would hate for us to have any tangles with those folks, especially seeing as we don't see eye to eye with them on a lot of stuff. But....whatever is going to best suit our endeavor...

This is one reason to make sure we do everything above-board, so we don't give them any excuses to harass us through legal technicalities (the "Al Capone" takedown technique).

Quote from: RattyDog on August 02, 2007, 02:31 PM NHFT
People...what are we thinking as far as a meeting of the minds is concerned?? Do we want to just make it Tuesday night so we can keep it simple and meet at Murphy's?

Tuesday's good, or again, this Saturday after the MVP meeting (at Murphy's) if you want to meet sooner.


Quote from: RattyDog on August 02, 2007, 02:16 PM NHFT
My goodness...I knew you were a hot shot but damn... ;D ;)

No, you are right, we don't need anything super 'spensive.....just point, zoom, click....you know.

YGM? What means it?  :)

I was only with the Post for a few weeks.  They were missing a lot of people on vacation, and I had a few weeks off from classes.  My Hebrew skills weren't good enough to be a really effective reporter, though.

YGM = You've Got Mail, as in, I just sent you some :)

Russell Kanning

Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on August 02, 2007, 03:14 PM NHFT
This is one reason to make sure we do everything above-board, so we don't give them any excuses to harass us through legal technicalities...
what does above-board mean to you?

The government can harass you with the law, just because you are a threat.

good news though ..... we have not heard a peep from the evil government about the Keene Free Press ... other than that members of it read the paper. :)

Lloyd Danforth

Yeah.........well ya gut thet fust mendment thing go'in fur ya!


QuoteWriters (Many needed):

Some stories from KFP will run in our paper, we've got more newsworthy items and issues than we know what to do with...there are many talented writers here...submit, submit, submit. Anything you want, if it's a local issue or something that's going on in our state gov't submit it. My HOPE, is that at some point, we will have enough readers that maybe some of them will submit stuff. If you are a person who likes to write about specific stuff...you can even have a fancy title!

Any particular topics for the first couple of issues?  Don't know how prolific I'll be, but I'll certainly do what I can.  I will most likely need help with a starting point, though.  What topics would be good?  I don't think we should come off as "radical Libertarians" right off the bat.  Maybe a slightly-Conservative bent to everday issues?  Even the normal, everyday citizens I've met were up in arms about the seat-belt issue.  People who never vote are still conscious of what's going on around them.  I love that.  We should tap into that.  Sooooooooo, everyone name some things we should start writing about.

Also, maybe a tagline for the paper - By the people, for the people or something similar.  That would catch the attention of regular folks who may be interested in a paper that appears to be written by working-class folks as opposed to the mainstream media garbage (and I consider the hippo mainstream as well.  Their writing-style and articles are nearly identical to dozens of other "pseudo-alternative" newspapers across the country).

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on August 02, 2007, 03:50 PM NHFT
Yeah.........well ya gut thet fust mendment thing go'in fur ya!

Whoops! I thought this was a Bumkin area!

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Russell Kanning on August 02, 2007, 03:41 PM NHFT
Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on August 02, 2007, 03:14 PM NHFT
This is one reason to make sure we do everything above-board, so we don't give them any excuses to harass us through legal technicalities...
what does above-board mean to you?

The government can harass you with the law, just because you are a threat.

Exactly. And we needn't give them extra excuses and openings to come at us through.

Have you read about how they're shutting down gun shops now, because of minutiæ like typos in their paperwork?

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Quantrill on August 02, 2007, 05:49 PM NHFT
Any particular topics for the first couple of issues?  Don't know how prolific I'll be, but I'll certainly do what I can.  I will most likely need help with a starting point, though.  What topics would be good?  I don't think we should come off as "radical Libertarians" right off the bat.  Maybe a slightly-Conservative bent to everday issues?  Even the normal, everyday citizens I've met were up in arms about the seat-belt issue.  People who never vote are still conscious of what's going on around them.  I love that.  We should tap into that.  Sooooooooo, everyone name some things we should start writing about.

This is really what we're going for, yes. A liberty-leaning paper that takes a moderate enough stance such that people won't immediately dismiss us as fringe groups and wackos. Although I wouldn't say "Conservative" because it carries around far too much anti-liberty ideology (e.g., religious fundamentalism).

Quote from: Quantrill on August 02, 2007, 05:49 PM NHFT
Also, maybe a tagline for the paper - By the people, for the people or something similar.

I like it. ;D

Russell Kanning

Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on August 02, 2007, 07:35 PM NHFT
Exactly. And we needn't give them extra excuses and openings to come at us through.

Have you read about how they're shutting down gun shops now, because of minutiæ like typos in their paperwork?
They can always find a rule that you have broken. If you keep trying to dot your iiiii and cross your ttttt you will just be on their treadmill.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on August 02, 2007, 07:49 PM NHFT
This is really what we're going for, yes. A liberty-leaning paper that takes a moderate enough stance such that people won't immediately dismiss us as fringe groups and wackos.
How about I call you a fringe group now and then you can be free to say what you really mean? :)
If you give in to PC .... then how different are you? What happens when the establishment thinks your paper or article is not "moderate enough"?

Rosie the Riveter

Russell as usual you make some great points it will be very interesting to see what structure or lack of structure that the paper ends up with.

Russell Kanning

btw .... I am happy you guys want to do a paper of some sort. If yours is similar to ours, we will not distribute as much in Manchester .... but if your paper is more mainstream or more political, then we will have to keep infultrating the big city with our backwoods freedom ideas ;D


2 freedom papers in NH!  :blob6:  We need to celebrate. Is it time for ... a music festival?  :cartman: