History Not Taught in Public School - 11
Most Americans are deft to the fact the Capitol of the USA is laid out with an occult pattern and even employed Luciferian Masonic symbols and architecture. David Bay of 'Cutting Edge Ministries' provides the skeptic with all the information they care or need to know that America continent was to be established as the new "Atlantis" as early as the 1740's, and its destiny was to assume the global leadership of the New World Order (Old World Order repackaged).
From the very beginning, the United States of America was chosen to lead the world into the kingdom of Antichrist, and Washington, DC was to be its capital. That differs completely with what you were told in the public schools. It goes along with the earlier posts in this series. Nay-sayers are either ignorant or complicit with continuing this big lie about our origin as a nation. David Ovason wrote his book, 'The Secret Architecture of the Nation's Capitol' in 2002, which documents in further detail, David Bay's 'Cutting Edge Ministries' information. Since 1791, this nation has been in the hands of the Satanic and the occult seers of astrology and Enochian Magick.
As you will see in the links I have include below, America is a product of evil Jesuit/Vatican-controlled Freemasonry.
1. The occult street design was created in 1791 by an architect who was both a Roman Catholic and a Freemason.
2. This design shows that the Plan for a New World Order was deliberately conceived and considered to be inevitable. The occultist firmly believes that a symbol or a set of symbols possesses inherent power once they are created. Therefore occult doctrine teaches that those Satanic symbols would act as a powerful electric-type grid once they were set in place. This power grid would constantly pulsate with Luciferian power 24 hours a day, seven days a week, constantly moving America toward the coveted Luciferian god of the New World Order.
3. This design demonstrates the hidden, secret power wielded by the Illuminists in the United States. Luciferian Illuminists have their hands on the most powerful lever of political, economic, and military power in this country, and they wield this power without any public understanding of what is really going on under the Sun.
In order that the reader understand that this is true, I will provide a small list of web sites that provide you the evidence to this grand Satanic conspiracy. The list is far longer and offers an incredible overview. Fools and skeptics need simply to begin a search of these web sites that offer compelling evidence to prove the claims here. This post is integral to all of the preceding posts in this matter regarding the truth that is not taught in the public schools.
The below links are but a handful of web sites that declare the truth about our nation's capitol:
It comes as a huge shock to folks when they discover the real truth about what the Washington Monument really represents. A vertical view of the Masonic Washington Monument reveals that it is architecturally surrounded by the "Vesica Piscis", or the "Mandorla". In Roman Catholic belief it is the representation of the "feminine" or "birth canal" or "Divine Feminine" or "vulva". Two equal diameter circles are placed on an equal plane designed to intersect thus forming the Vesica Piscis, “almond shaped” pattern. This design was the original logo symbol of the Master Charge or Master Card bank cards. Dead center in this "Divine Feminine" is located the Washington Monument; and obelisks are the symbol for the male phalanx in the Mystery religions.
The current design of the "Divine Feminine" pedestrian sidewalks around the Washington Monument were placed there only a few years (within the past ten years) ago when renovation was underway. Prior to the renovation the pedestrian sidewalks were laid out differently. The Washington Monument was a Masonic donation to the City of Washington, D.C., built in the mid-1800's, and represent symbols and signs of the "regenerative powers" of male & female.The fact is Washington, DC, particularly Federal Mall and the various government buildings are all laid out on Satanic patterns and designs or Pythagorean Sacred Geometry. There are always the nay-sayer’s, however, the evidence is well documented. You only need to seek it out. I only provided a short list for readers to explore the evidence that Washington, D.C. was planned out by Freemasons that were also Roman Catholic as well.
Relative to all of this, there is evidence that George Washington, converted to Roman Catholicism on his death bed according to his Negro servants and the record of the Jesuit priest, Father Leonard Neale that spent time with George Washington baptized him into the Roman Catholic faith in his final days and hours. The real Capitol of Washington, D.C. is just up the Potomac River at Georgetown University, the Vatican's home or center of Catholic rule in America. You have so much to learn about your nation's history. But it wasn't your fault, as Rome had reason to keep this from you.
Interestingly so, the Capitol building dome has atop it’s dome a statute called Persephone and is also considered in Catholic lore a statute of Mary as well. Persephone in Greek stands for the god of the underworld. From what I know of Freemasonry, one could not find a better symbol of what America represents in the Antichrist system. The Capitol grounds does have dozens of astrology charts, zodiacs, and occult symbols; it even has a statute to the Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite 33rd Degree of Free and Accepted Masonry, Confederate Army Brigadier-General Albert Pike, the only statute or memorial to a Confederate soldier in the District of Columbia. Albert Pike wrote the Masonic bible, 'Morals and Dogma'. It contains the rites and rituals of the Lodge. Every initiate seeking to rise in Masonry is asked the question, "What are you seeking?” The initiate is expected to reply, "More light". Satan is the "light bearer" and according to the Bible he is an "angel of light" -(2nd Corinthians 11:14)
Conspicuously absent from the Federal grounds anywhere in Washington, DC is any plaque, memorial, sign, or symbol, that would recognize or honor the Lord Jesus Christ, but there is one for the most important Freemason of the Masonic Lodge in American Freemasonry. Our national government does not honor Jesus Christ of Nazareth on any Federal building, park, museum, absolutely no where to be found.
Two of the noted web sites above have hundreds of pages of photos, drawings, street plans, showing the "Hidden in Plain Sight" the familiar pattern of "dualism" drawn upon by Freemasonry. The Masons always have an esoteric and an exoteric meaning or answer to public questions. As in the "Vesica Piscis", it will be masked with the "sign of the fish" or known also as ICTHUS sign of the fish in Christian circles.
I have close to 60,000 Masonic documents on my computer. But the damning evidence is found in the Masonic 'bible' 'Morals and Dogma' by the Grand Master, Albert Pike. In the rites and rituals of each degree of Speculative Masonry, one finds that in the 19th Degree, the Lodge brother finds out that the god of Masons is "Lucifer". Every Apprentice of 3rd Degree Masonry receives a copy of 'Morals and Dogma' and it is supposed to be returned to the Lodge at their death. Many copies end up in used book stores and consignment stores. Bro. Mike Hoggard relates he got a copy for $20 at an old book store.
I got my copy for $4 at a consignment store where I was donating clothes I could no longer wear. It had been donated to the consignment store by the widow of a Mason two blocks away by way of the address label on the inside cover. Next time you go to a cemetery, take a look around at all the obelisks on the grave sites. You can bet dollars to donuts any grave site with an obelisk burial marker sits atop a buried Mason who has gone to hell.
At funerals of Masons, the Worshipful Grand Master will have the final last words, if the officiating pastor is not a Mason himself. I learned this from an experience I encountered thirty years ago. At the funeral home, the funeral home director whispered in my ear that the deceased was a Mason and that his Lodge would say the final words before going to the cemetery and that the same would take place at the cemetery at internment. Later that day I raised a question with the funeral home director. After that, I refused to ever officiate at a Lodge brother's funeral. I even went so far as to make that "perfectly clear" to every church I was the resident pastor, in advance of such deaths of members that might be Masons. I regularly preached about the evils of Freemasonry.
Despite their denial, Masonry IS a religion, and their god is "Lucifer". The Lodge brothers are forbidden to never use the name of Jesus Christ within the Lodge and in conducting Masonic business. The usual spokesman for the History Channel programming coyly says “Freemasonry is a society of secrets and is not a secret society”. That may be the pat answer to the media and the general public; however, the documents and books that I have on Freemasonry would refute those lies. I come from a long line of family members that were Masons and reside in hell today.
The true history of America's Capitol has never been taught in the public school in my lifetime.
Maranatha, Lord Christ Jesus Come Quickly,
Pastor Bob