Red Sky In The Morning

Part 2


          Matthew 24 & 25 is considered crucial for every prophetic position but not all interpret it properly and even some that do come to similar conclusions, come through different analysis, which are not always correct.  It goes without saying, that of the many positions, only the Pre-Tribulation Rapture maintains consistency and offers a logical analysis and sound conclusion.  The key to interpret it [the Olivet Discourse] consistently is in noting the Jewishness of the phrase "the end of the age".  However, importing the Church into the textual mix is only to confuse the historical facts and what is being said and by who is talking.  Asserting a past or present fulfillment of these future events also distorts the detailed passage.

          Four possible views concerning the timing of prophetic events include:  Preterist (past), Historicism (present), Idealism (timeless), and Futurism (future).  Only two of the four views have a legitimate platform of contention.  Preterism holds the view that most, if not all, of prophetic fulfillment has already taken place.  Preterism must date Revelation during Nero's reign (54-69 AD).  Preterists use verse 34 as their division point in their understanding of the two sections of the Olivet Discourse.  I have covered the issues about the dating of the Apocalypse, or the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ in other posts.  There is little evidence for the early dating and there is abundant evidence for the late dating of 95/96 AD.  I have discussed this at some length so I see no need to repeat it all here. 

          Futurists believe that prophetic fulfillment is in an eschatological period.  Consistency is the operative word here and futurism views the Tribulation, the Second Coming and Millennium as entirely future events for national Israel.

          Whereas, the only future prophetic event for the Bride/Church is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, which is imminent and without any "signs".  This is important in the understanding of all the "signs" given in the text.  The fact that Tribulation events will not occur during the present Church Age (Age of Grace), however, does not make world events any less significant.  To the contrary, current events are important in setting the stage for fulfilling prophesies relating to the Tribulation.

          A good interpreter keeps the future in the future and the past in the past.  If an event is in a passage is to occur during the Tribulation, then it cannot happen during the current Church Age.  It is wrong to say that something is being fulfilled in our day when in fact, the Biblical context sets it within the future time of Tribulation.  The problem that Michael Snyder, John Little, Rick Wile, Carl Gallup, and Jim (survival supplies peddler) Bakker and so many others make is they attempt to co-mingle the future with the past.  They co-mingle "Law" and "Grace".  That does not keep them from exposing their ignorance and confusing their audience on this issue.  Tribulation events have no fulfillment in the current Church Age.  Consistent Pre-Tribulationism will not adopt a historical interpretation of world events by quoting passages that clearly refer to future events as having been fulfilled.  Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer reminded his readers and students, "Distinction must be made between the "last days" for Israel and the "last days" for the Church.  Likewise, discrimination is called for between the "last days" for Israel and for the Church." 

          Each Biblical passage relates to its appropriate era (either the church or Israel).  Co-mingling eschatological events for the Church and Israel only serves to muddy the waters and confuse the issue.  The Olivet Discourse does not refer to the Church Age so it does not discuss the timing of the Rapture.  Even so, the fact that so many insert the Rapture into the passage necessitates a clearer explanation discussion. 

          Dave Reagan of Lamb & Lion Ministries published an article in his publication, 'The Lamplighter" entitled "The Olivet Discourse: History or Prophecy".  Dr. Reagan is a Pre-Trib Rapture voice, however, he is not a Greek scholar and the article comes to a similar conclusion about the Rapture, but from a position of errantly violating the points that I have named.  it does so with a lot of twisting of passages and co-mingling what I point out above as problematic.  No matter what position folks hold, if they fail to use proper rules of interpretation, it doesn't matter their outcome because it inevitably will violate rules of grammar, context, and translation, not to mention it destroys consistency.

          The nature of the "Tribulation" is such that it is not a technical word or term.  It can refer to general suffering, or to the years of Daniel's Seventieth Week, or to the second half of that week, the great tribulation.  This is an important point in deriving an accurate answer.  The 70th Week of Daniel does not relate to God's purpose for the Church.  The Tribulation will come upon a world that is in rebellion against God -(Revelation 15:1; 16:1-21; 19:15) and will reveal Satan's nature -(Revelation 12:7-12).  During the Tribulation, national Israel will come to repentance and faith in the Messiah in preparation for the millennium -(Jeremiah 30:7-9; Zechariah 12:9-14:5; Revelation 6:9-11; 7:1-17; 11:2-14; 12:13-17; 13:7; 14:1-5, 12-13).

          During the prophetic time clock,
the next event from a Pre-Tribulation standpoint, is the Rapture.  Some suggest that Pre-Tribulationism offers a second chance of salvation, claiming that it undermines the Gospel, and may cause indifference to the Gospel.  That is a total misrepresentation of the Pre-Tribulation teaching.  The sentiment that an unbeliever can reject the gospel, be left behind at the Rapture, and somehow then later believe in the Gospel does not presume upon God's grace, but merely magnifies His grace.

          Scripture testifies,
"Now is the day of salvation" -(2nd Corinthians 6:21).  For an unbeliever to presume that he may be reconciled with the Creator tomorrow (or in the year to come) is presumption at best since no man knows his last day on Earth.  Pre-Tribulationism could only be accused of offering a second chance if it taught that an unbeliever could trust in Christ Jesus after death, and it does not since that would be the only true sense of a second chance. After death will be the judgment -(Hebrews 9:27).   Is it not grace that God allows unbelievers, at any time, opportunity to believe the gospel even after initially rejecting it?  Furthermore, it is God's grace that those coming to faith after the Rapture of the Bride/Church may still believe, despite what they may have to endure during the "Seven" year Tribulation.

          Logically, then the Old Testament does not reveal the Rapture, because this is a concept for the Church, and left to Paul be the deliverer of that message.  The Church (which began at Pentecost) was an unrevealed "Mystery" in the Old Testament era.  Christ chose to give that promise of the Rapture in the New Testament.  However, the Old Testament promised the coming of the Messiah to Earth as the sovereign King of Israel and the world.   

          People who want to treat the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24 & 25 as applying to or belonging to the current Church Age disregard a whole lot of important evidence.  They include:

    ++disregard of the Jewish context, simply because they are aligned with "Replacement" Theology; 
    ++They draw false conclusions;
    ++They make false assumptions;
    ++They fail to take into account of the other Gospel writers (Mark & Luke) on the Olivet Discourse;
    ++They overlook the distinctive absence of the Olivet Discourse in the Gospel of John despite
         the fact that John was one of the four Apostles Jesus was addressing the three questions
         that were asked; 
    ++They miss completely John's account, which is found over in the Revelation of Jesus Christ,
         written in 95/96 AD. 

          The evidence on this point is amply documented and is not reproachable by the heretical writings challenging this date.  I addressed this in my series of posts on "Dispensational" theology, which provided the evidence of the late date of the book of Revelation

          I realize we live in an era of the dumbed-down culture.  Most people today would have difficulty to pass an 8th grade graduation exam based upon standards of the educational system of 1880.  The effects of the cultural decline, bad as they are, become problematic when it comes to what the low-information folk want you to believe they know the Bible, and choose to pontificate about Biblical doctrine, teaching, or interpretation.  Some folks pontificate as if they were uttering on behalf of God, "thus saith the Lord God" proclamations, attacking the truth of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture with no evidence whatsoever is reason for concern.

          In Part 1, we looked at Jesus' reply to the four disciples, noting the order of the His handling the three questions by the two sets of brothers:  James and John, and Andrew and Peter.  Keep in mind the points I addressed in Part 1, that those recording the Olivet Discourse - Matthew, Mark and Luke were not even present when Jesus addressed the other two sets of brothers. 

          In studying Matthew 24:29-31, we have Jesus' answer to the last question, which was the second question asked by the Apostles.  In Matthew 24:29, it says there will be a massive blackout of the Sun, moon, and stars.  This is also found in Zechariah 14:5-7.  Luke 21:25-26 tells us that there will be tremendous perplexity on Earth with tidal waves or tsunami's.  Men shall faint with fear because of the disorder of nature.

          Matthew 24:30, the sign of the Son of Man in heaven is the Sheckinah Glory that will disperse the darkness of the blackout.  His Sheckinah Glory will be the sign of the Second Coming, just as His light in the sky was the sign of His First Coming.  But it will be more so and much more dramatic.  All the nations of the Earth will see Jesus Christ coming on the clouds of Glory.

          Matthew 24:30 is a one sentence summation of many Old Testament prophecies which speak about the re-gathering of Israel.  Isaiah 27:12-13 says that Israel will be regathered with the sound of the trumpet.  Mark 13:27 speaks to regathering of the elect from two different localities:

    ++The "elect" from the four corners of the Earth.  This is the living remnant of the Jews who survive the Tribulation.  See Deuteronomy 30:1-5.

    ++From the four corners of heaven.  This would be the Old Testament saints.

    ++The living and resurrected Israel will enjoy the Messianic Kingdom together.

          Luke 1:28 is an exhortation.  The verse says, "When you see these things".  What does "these things" refer to?  "These things" refer back to previous verses, Luke 21:20 and following where we see Jerusalem encompassed by armies, and the following events described.  Jesus says, "Lift up your heads as your redemption draws nigh".  He is exhorting His people to act before His return for the Church.  This is a veiled reference referring to the Rapture of the Bride/Church.

          In Matthew 24:36, we see the word "but" and "however", words that always indicate a change of topic or subject.  In Greek the phrase is "peri de", which denotes a contrastive introduction of a new subject.  Paul uses this term often, in the letter to the Corinthians, where it is translated "now concerning" there when he introduces a new topic.  In this passage, the topic has been the Second Coming at the end of the Great Tribulation, but Jesus begins a new topic, the Rapture, after the word "but".  The word "but" was also used in Luke 21:12 "But before all these things". 

          Also, the word Matthew used which is translated "taking away" in Matthew 24:39 is a taking away to judgment, as opposed to a different Greek word also translated as "taken", in "one is taken and one is left" in Matthew 24:40-41.  One is to be interpreted as taken to judgment, the other as just taken away.

          The point Jesus is making is that no one will know the date of the Rapture.  It is an event which could happen at any time, as it is always, always imminent!  This does not diminish the importance of the "two day" event associated with Rosh HaShanah.  In contrast, the date of the Second Coming will be precisely 1,260 days after the placement of the Abomination of Desolation, and exactly seven years from the date of the signing of the seven-year covenant between Israel and the Antichrist.  The Rapture will come when there are normal conditions; however, the term "normal conditions" is nebulous at best.  In contrast to the Second Coming when there will be abnormal conditions which Jesus had just described: tidal waves, darkness, anarchy, etc.

          I will return to the Rapture shortly here but first we need to deal with the symbol of the Fig Tree.  Take close note of Luke 2:29 which says "behold the fig tree, and all trees".  Luke calls this a parable.  The fig tree DOES NOT represent Israel here, as Jesus says,"and all trees".   The fig tree is merely taken as an example of a tree which when it shoots forth leaves the time for summer is near.  It is no more significant than if I were to say, "When you see the signs of Christmas in the stores, you know that turkey day is even closer".  There are Scriptures which do use the fig tree, or figs, as symbolic of Israel -(Jeremiah 24:1-10; Hosea 9:10), but based on the "context" here we should take it merely as illustrative of the principle of leaf buds foretelling the onset of summer.  The application is that when you see the events Jesus has just described, the Second Coming is near.  The fact is the temptation of so many Bible students/teachers has been to view this passage as useful for dating the Rapture.  We can only wish!

          The time piece here is the abomination of desolation which is placed in the last Jewish temple.  When Jesus refers to "this generation" in Luke 21:32, he is referring to the generation which will witness the abomination of desolation, not the generation of the Apostles, or of the Church Age.  The Church will have already been removed.

          The Jewish generation which will witness the abomination of desolation will be encouraged by these words, as it will signal the soon return of their Messiah, three-and-one-half-years later.  It is all too easy for Christians to force the text or to torture the Word to mean something else and forget the word will be extremely important to those who have to endure the Tribulation, and who come to faith during the Tribulation.  This same generation which sees this and survives can count on Jesus' words being fulfilled.

          In Matthew 24:40-41, it will be a separation and snatching away of believers from their unbeliever companions.  Significant Rapture passages include:

                1st Thessalonians 4:13-18
                1st Thessalonians 1:9-10
                1st Thessalonians 5:1-10
                John 14:1-3
                1st Corinthians 15:50-58
                Luke 21:34-37
                Revelation 3:10

          Take particular note of Matthew 24:42, which says that you cannot know on which day the Lord will come.  This is referring to the Rapture.  This is where Jesus uses the Hebrew idiom which all present at His address knew meant a reference to the Feast of Rosh HaShanah or Feast of Trumpets.  While Jesus is saying no one can know the day, indirectly He was providing the Apostles a clue that pointed specifically to this day as being the unknown day.  In a previous post last year, I identified all the terms associated with the Feast of Rosh HaShanah.  You may recall I named twelve or thirteen phrases and terms that are events specifically linked to the two-day event of Rosh HaShanah/Feast of Trumpets. 

          While Jesus Christ was being very serious with the four Apostles present, one can come away that there is a bit of subtle humor contained within His words.  I have in my study a large portrait titled "Jesus Laughing", a gift from a beloved member of a church I served in Western Pennsylvania.  Its location reminds me daily to maintain balance in light of all the negative energy being expended by Satan.  Remember, when you read the last chapter of the Word, you know that "We" win.  Christ Jesus will have the last laugh!  All the things we see on the near horizon are a reminder that Jesus is about to soon call us home! 

          The balance of the Olivet Discourse deals with five parables; and their focus emphasis is on two types of people, those who believe and those who do not believe.  The other focus point is on the need for urgency and readiness as well as watchfulness, and laboring.

          The portion of Matthew 25:31-46 focuses on the judgment of the Gentiles.  A parallel passage appears in Joel 3:1-3.  The location in the valley of Jehoshaphat - from Joel we can discern that the basis of the judgment is how the Gentile nations have treated the Jewish people, pro-Israel or anti-Israel.  Notice that Jesus uses the words "My brethren" to describe those whose treatment he identifies with.  His brethren after the flesh are Jewish The word "nations" in Matthew would be better rendered "Gentiles" from the Greek.  The judgment is of Gentile people who have survived the Tribulation and are to be separated out.  The sheep Gentiles are those who treated God's chosen people well and lovingly in an anti-Semitic world.  The goat Gentiles are those who treated the Jews badly, those who went along with the Antichrist's program.  Sheep are characterized by willingness to labor on behalf of doing good works to the Jews.  This should be an incentive in realizing how important Jewish missions are to Jesus.  The greatest good work one can engage in towards the Jewish people is to lead them to their own Messiah.  The sheep are bidden to enter the Messianic Kingdom, while the goat Gentiles are condemned to the Lake of Fire. 

          Luke's summary in Luke 21:37-38 should be placed here as a closing portion of the Olivet Discourse.  The absence of any specifics of or about the Rapture is not a credible argument.  I go back to my article "Absence of Proof is Not Proof of Absence"  As to the timing of the Rapture, there are many points we can make.  There can be no argument made from the omission of any mention of the Bride/Church during the Tribulation period.  Yet there will be believers on the Earth during the days to follow after the Rapture, however, the Bride/Church as an "entity" is not mentioned.  It is mentioned at the outset of Revelation in the seven letters to the seven churches, and then it is mentioned again in dealing with events after the Tribulation.

          Luke 21:34-37 speaks of being watchful, so that one may escape "all these things" which refers to Tribulation events.  The only means of escaping "all these things" is to stand before the Son of Man, which will occur at the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.

          1st Thessalonians 1:9-10 states, "For they themselves report about us what kind of a reception we had with you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve a loving and true God, and to wait for His Son from heaven, when he raised from the dead, that is Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come".

          The fact that the Jews had only a few days before, when they rejected their Messiah and King certainly abrogated any necessity for Jesus to mention either the Rapture concept or the coming Church.  And, to use my title from another series I wrote, "Absence of Proof is not Proof of Absence"; to use the absence of specifics of any notion of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture argument as a line of reasoning to debunk the Pre-Tribulation Rapture teaching cannot hold any credibility in light of the New Testament message from Acts to Revelation.

          1st Corinthians 15:50-58 presents subtle insights that compliment or make up for what might be missing because
Jesus had no obligation whatsoever to elucidate or elaborate on the future destiny of His Bride/Church"Not I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.  Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep (see death), but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.  For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and the mortal must put on immorality.  But when this perishable will have put on the imperishable, and must put on immortality.  But when this perishable will have put on the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written.  DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP in victory.  O DEATH WHERE IS YOUR VICTORY?  O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR STING?  The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the Law, but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord."

          This passage deals with the nature of the change in our bodies at the Rapture/Resurrection.  The emphasis is on the quickness and speed of that change.  "In a moment" uses the Greek term behind the word "atom".  In an atom of time, "in the twinkling of an eye" is not a reference to blinking, but rather a flash of recognition.  The passage of 1st Corinthians 15:50-58 deals with so much more that it deserves its own special focus and so I save it for later.

          The event is to happen "at the last trump".  This is a reference to the last trumpet being blown at the Feast of Trumpets.  At the time of Paul was writing this Scripture there had not yet been penned the book of Revelation with the "seven" trumpet judgments.  Paul used the "definite article" "The Last Trump", expecting the Corinthians to know what he was referring to.  The Rapture cannot be dated, but when it comes it will be a fulfillment of the "Feast of Trumpets".  If not this year then next but certainly very soon.  During the ceremony for the "Feast of Trumpets" there is a series of short trumpet blasts followed by one long one known as "Tekiah Gedolah" which means "The great trumpet blast".  It refers to the same trumpet blast in 1st Thessalonians 4:16.

          "Jesus delivered us from the wrath to come" refers to the wrath of the Tribulation, not just a general wrath of God towards sin.  Jesus has already delivered the Bride/Church from the general wrath of God, so they are instructed to wait for His Son from heaven to deliver them from the wrath of the Tribulation.

          1st Thessalonians 5:1-10 states, "Now as to the time and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written, you have no need of anything to be written to you.  For you yourselves know full well that the Day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night  While they are saying 'peace and safety', then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape.  But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that one day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of the day.  We are not of the night nor of darkness, so then let us be alert and sober.  For those who sleep do their sleeping at night, and those who get drunk at night.  But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation.  For God has not destined us for the wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him". 

          Paul is telling the Bride/Church that it has NOT been appointed to wrath, which is referring to the Day of the Lord in 1st Thessalonians 5:2.  Revelation 3:10 declares,
"Because you have kept the word of my perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the Earth."  This verse does not say the Bride/Church will be kept safe IN the Tribulation, but it will be KEPT FROM the very hour of trial that is to come upon the whole Earth.  We know from the book of Revelation that believers are being slain during the Tribulation, so this promise can only be kept if the Bride/Church is removed from the Earth prior to the Tribulation.

          We do not doubt that world events are building to a fever pitch of fear of what is coming.  Lindsey Williams, Martin Armstrong, and Alex Jones have been sounding the global crisis alarm for years.  I have followed them all for many years, but perhaps the most persuasive of the bunch, is Martin Armstrong, because of his past performance of being right on target with his financial predictions.  His computer modeling is by far the preeminent near perfect predictor of financial crisis after financial crisis over the years.  His success in predicting got the attention of the government years ago, and when he would not sell his computer program and system, the government tried to steal it, putting him in prison for nearly a decade without any prosecution or conviction.  The government wanted it so bad because his success had ominous implications for days such as we are in.  Martin Armstrong's computer modeling pointed to September of 2015 as far back as in the mid-to-late 1980's. 

          There are dozens of others like Dr. Jim Willie of 'The Hat Trick Letter' within the financial markets who calls it as it really is.  So my friends, I am fully aware of the ominous clouds on the horizon.  If I were not aware of God's plan for the believers of the Bride/Church, I would probably be in a panic mode losing it like the rest that are trying to protect their assets.  I'm not even disturbed over what I read about posted daily at Steve Quayle's website.  Trust me, there is very little in the alternative media that I am oblivious to, in fact, there are things they do not know that I could share that would be even more frightening.  I read or scan between1,200 and 1,500 news reports from all around the world every single day.  Remember, I am retired with lots of time to keep up with the globalist agenda. 

          I'm confident that God's Word does not lie and "Deliverance" is my "Blessed Hope" and yours as well.  Luke 21:34-36 is quite appropriate for believers today, "For it will come upon all those who dwell on the face of earth.  But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place; and to stand before the Son of Man".  These last days are going to require "strength" for sure.  But in the meantime, 1st Thessalonians 1:9-10 contains a reaffirmation of His promise, "For they themselves report about us what kind of a reception we had with you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God, and to wait for His Son from heaven,
whom He raised from the dead, that is Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come."

          The Apostle Paul's words here are more important than ever before, given what the elite of Satan's domain has in store for those left behind.  1st Thessalonians 5:1-10 becomes our rallying cry, "Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you.  For you yourselves full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.  While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like the labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape.  But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day.  We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation.  For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ; who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him". 

          I am suggesting to you that the phrase "While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" means something altogether different than what you may understand it as you have read it before as a "sign" to be watching for, it is more of a description of the nation's leaders painting a picture of the kind of statements made by the nation's "criminal-in-chief" regularly babbles, while in private he is all about everything that is to the contrary.  All we hear from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in DC is how good and wonderful the economy is, how employment is rising, how people have health care, how everything is getting better and on and on he babbles.  A point of fact:  Obama talks about unemployment being only 5%, it sounds good, but the data shows that 95-million Americans are not in the job market.  They all can't be on vacation cruises.  Obama's sound-bytes are reflective of this phrase, however, in reality we ought to be vigilant, alert and sober as Paul says here.  The words at the top of this paragraph are not about "peace and safety" in the land of the Jews as many a Bible teacher infers will exist when the bottom drops out.

          Revelation 3:10 says,
"Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the Earth".

          Dear brethren, I do not know you individually, or personally, but I stake my name on the fact that if you have placed your total faith in the Lord Christ Jesus,
you will not have to spend one single day in the "Seven" year Tribulation, that has been reserved for an unbelieving disobedient and sinful world; and those Jewish folks that God says will cry out to God for deliverance.  The deliverance you and I have been promised is in the "Blessed Hope" and it is the Gift of God's Grace.  Simply say thank you from the innermost of your persona to a loving God that wants to and will redeem and deliver you from the wrath to come.  Paul was saying to us today, buckle your seat belts the ride is going to be a bit bumpy.  Encourage your friends, family, co-workers, to turn to God now before it is too late.  This interim prelude period, despite its turbulence, is going to be mild compared to what is in store for those that have to face the "Seven" years of pure chaos and fear. 

          The "Economic Collapse Blog" site has issued a
RED ALERT for the last six months of 2015.  Michael Snyder has posted a blog site since 2009, and his reports are very reliable.  There is much there to digest and a lot of the data corresponds to the Fall Feasts period between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur!  The site is - 

America now is officially a Totalitarian State (a police state) after the corrupt US Supreme Court's decision on the Obama Health Care Bill which requires individuals to purchase something they may not want or need, in this case, health insurance Ironically, the decision issued on June 25, 2015, happened on a similar date of June 25, 1962, in which the Court ruled against prayer in public school.  The Supreme Court ruling on June 26th, 2015, sanctioning the legality of sodomite marriage is the final nail in America's coffin from where I sit in history.    

          Do not panic or be shaken by the likes of Carl Gallup, John Little, Rick Wiles, Jim (disciple of survival food supplies sales) Bakker, Steve Quayle, or the tabloid journalism and pseudo-Bible pontificator's  at the Pre-Wrath Rapture babble sites.  They walk to a tune of a different drummer!  What sets us apart is that I believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture out of the Biblical evidence and the promises of God's Grace; whereas they believe in something very different based upon uncertainty out of fear and predicated upon the Mosaic Law!

Maranatha, Lord Christ Jesus Come Quickly,

Pastor Bob