Biblical Forensics©
“Deliverance before Judgment”
Part 9
Dr. John Walvoord’s “50 Reasons for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture” was concluded in Part 8. Born in 1910, Dr. Walvoord was around a long time before he went to be with the Lord in 2002. At the height of his scholarly life, he was one of a half dozen major theologians who taught Dispensationalism and the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. He was president of Dallas Theological Seminary from 1952 until 1986 and wrote numerous books. One of the most important books he wrote is titled: ‘The Prophecy Knowledge Handbook’, which covers all the Bible prophecies. It is a huge reference work, but modestly priced as a hard-bound book published in 1990. This is just one of his many books I have in my personal library today.
The typical Christian believer seeking to understand Bible prophecy would be greatly blessed by reading Dr. Walvoord’s books. One could study Dr. Walvoord’s “50 Reasons for the Pre-Tribulation Rapture” and rest on what he has presented as credible evidence and be sufficiently informed on what I define as “Deliverance before Judgment”. I have been a student of Bible prophecy since June 8, 1967, the date following the Arab-Muslim nation’s attack on Israel. Known today as the Six-Day War, that date actually marked the beginning of a cycle of 2,520 weeks between June 6, 1967 and September 23, 2015. This astonishing time frame led many prophecy students to an anticipation of the Rapture initially thought to occur last fall. The number 2,520 is most significant in ways few people realize. A series titled “God’s Clock and June 7, 1967” was begun in the summer of 2015. Currently, the series is incomplete and on hold because there are some unanswered details yet to establish. We are presently experiencing what can be termed “a silence” or “holding pattern” and there are questions to discuss related to why this is occurring. In a coming segment, additional information recently discovered will be revealed concerning the significance of the Biblical number 2,520. I, personally hold the view that we are in a “prophetic holding period”. It should be perceived as a warning! I believe we are on borrowed time before God’s clock starts up again!
There was so much in the way of pertinent news that occurred during the last three months of 2015 that were relevant to the Lord’s return. For starters, Pope Francis visited the White House in Washington, DC on the same date as Yom Kippur on September 23rd and held a session with President Obama, and a joint session with the U.S. Congress on September 24th. Then his visit included an address to the United Nations in New York the day after that. This event was not a spare of the moment notice or brought about by accident. Nor was it some randomly selected date. It was planned nearly two years earlier for these specific dates. All this begs the question: Why?
September 13th on the Hebrew calendar initiated and marked three important calendar cycles in reference to the nation of Israel:
A millennial beginning of the year 6001
A Jubilee Cycle, which occurs every fifty years
A new Sabbatical Cycle of seven years
Further, in this particular Sabbatical year of 2014-2015, we experienced a double set of Blood Red moons. This is referred to as a ‘tetrad’ (a series of four consecutive lunar eclipses—all coinciding on Jewish holidays—with six full moons in between, and no intervening partial lunar eclipses). The tetrad of Blood moons began with the April 2014 lunar eclipse and was thought to be a sign of the end times as described in the Bible in the book of Joel, Acts 2:20 and Revelation 6:12. The tetrad ended with the lunar eclipse on September 27-28, 2015, which was also a Super Blood Red moon on the Hebrew Feast of Sukkot. The September 28, 2015 total lunar eclipse was the fourth and final eclipse in the series of four total lunar eclipses. The first three eclipses took place on April 15, 2014 (Passover), October 8, 2014 (Sukkot) and on April 4, 2015 (Passover). In the very middle of the Sabbatical Year there was a solar eclipse on March 30, 2015 and a partial solar eclipse at the end of the Sabbatical year on September 13, 2015 (Rosh HaShanah). According to the Jewish calendar, the year 5775 (Sept. 24, 2014–Sept. 13, 2015) was a Sabbatical or Shemitah year. In biblical times, a Sabbatical year or Shemitah was observed every seventh year under the Mosaic Law as a “Sabbath” during which the land was allowed to rest.
The Festival of Sukkot began on Tishri 15 (September 28, 2015), the fifth day after Yom Kippur (September 23, 2015). It is quite a drastic transition, from one of the most solemn holidays in the Jewish year to one of the most joyous. Sukkot is so unreservedly joyful that it is commonly referred to in Jewish prayer and literature as the “Season of our Rejoicing”.
The bottom line of this information is that many of us anticipated the Rapture to begin on Rosh HaShanah – occurring from sundown on September 13th to sundown on September 15th. The reason for such great anticipation will be shared in future segments. There are many threads to this larger picture of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture doctrine yet to be explored. I merely ask for patience so that you can benefit from all the evidence that will be presented in this series. As stated earlier, Dr. John Walvoord’s list of 50 reasons for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture is extremely important. There is so much more to the larger theme of “Deliverance before Judgment”. As we progress, we will explore how this idea of deliverance weaves its way through the “Theme of the Bride” and the meaning of the “Feast Days of the Lord” as well as other threads yet to be mentioned - all designed for God’s Grand Plan to benefit mankind.
If you are an observant individual with regards to unfolding world events and the ever increasing madness occurring worldwide, then you will likely be pondering questions that are relevant to your life, family, employment and retirement, etc. If you recognize the unstable world in which we live, you probably are wondering what all of this means in light of Bible prophecy, end times and the Word of God.
The Rapture is going to make an incredible impact throughout the world. Those who are Raptured could be anyone, including friends, family, neighbors, or homeless street people. Facts are needed and you will want to grasp the truth found hidden within events leading up to the Rapture and how Biblical prophecy comes into focus as it is fulfilled. Entire families could disappear in the Rapture and disbelieving spouses could find their mates have vanished, along with children. It is true. Born-again Christians will be ‘Translated’ or ‘Raptured’ from the face of this earth to meet the Lord in the air. In an instant they will be gone! To say this will be shocking for everyone is an understatement!
It is possible that when the Rapture occurs, the internet and perhaps some media outlets might even censor or try to thwart the truth of this event from surfacing and impacting public awareness. Those left behind will have a problem explaining away or making light of this event. They may even try to convince people that the Rapture didn’t occur at all. World leaders will have to admit that it did happen. Then, logically many will begin to realize that everything that was taught and preached by Christians about Jesus Christ, the Bible and eternity must be true. The effects of the Rapture will shock everyone from every walk of life and people will want to talk about it. Unfortunately, world leaders will go to great lengths to embark on a campaign of misinformation and great deception while they attempt to convince the world’s populations of their version about what happened to the missing Christians.
It is important that this message not be interpreted as a message of doom and gloom or something to be feared. Quite the contrary, it offers a timely warning in sufficient time for those who listen and digest its content for the purpose of preparing oneself spiritually for what lies just over the horizon. Turn on the world news, and take in how the world is imploding right before our eyes. There are no places to hide or escape to when the global financial and economic system is on the verge of collapse or collapses outright. The big slump for China came as the Shanghai Composite lost more than 8% on Monday, August 24, 2015 causing other stock markets to nose-dive as well. After the Dow dropped more than 1,000 points lower in the first minutes of Black Monday, it ended the day with a decline of 588.40, or 3.6%. Investors all over the world panicked. Before trading started on January 4th, the first trading day of 2016, Chinese financial media were full of cheery predictions that the nation’s markets would “open the door to red”—that is, get off to a flying start. But when the door opened, it was a flood of green. The CSI 300, an index of the country’s biggest stocks, fell by 7%, the worst-ever start to a year for Chinese markets.
Presently, you might be hearing how well the U.S. economy is doing but the fact is that there are almost 95,000,000 adults out of the employment market today. 48-million are receiving EBT or SNAP benefits just to survive. But the crash of 2016 really is coming. Dead ahead. As I write this, Germany’s largest bank, Deutsche Bank, is expected to collapse at any time. The ripples of this possibility are profound and expected to surpass the Lehman Bank collapse of in 2008. Maybe not till we get a bit closer to the presidential election cycle of 2016. But a crash is a sure bet, it’s guaranteed certain: Complete with echoes of the 2008 crash.
Many will come to faith during the Great Tribulation, but the cost for the delay or neglect in taking the Gospel message seriously carries a very high price. Many will be saved now and repent, thus avoiding the Great Tribulation. The question you have to ask yourself and answer is: will the cost be too high to pay? Sometimes there is tremendous resistance to the Pre-Tribulation Rapture because people have been misled by the apostasy of this age.
Often Religious leaders today are naïve and ignorant of the Biblical message. Many today are in their corporate leadership position because of the attractive lure that perks and benefits provide with a religious vocation. They simply do not take the Word of God seriously. I lost close to $1.5 million in salary, perks, and pension benefits when I left the institutional church because I refused to yield to the acceptance of changing teachings within the liberal church today. To simply assume that any or every church is Biblically sound is a dangerous supposition to make because of how heresy, and rampant apostasy has infiltrated so many churches since the 1970’s.
This series covering God’s Master Plan of “Deliverance before Judgment” will put to rest such arguments like:
The Rapture is not Biblical
The Rapture is from Satan
That the Christian believer will go through some, part or all of the Great Tribulation
A host of other fraudulent statements.
The reader will get Biblical truth, based on 52+ years of ministry experience, including ten years of academic theological education. Bible prophecy was and is my primary focus of study and has been since the early days of my pastoral ministry as a college student pastor. With that said, I bring something to this study that very few pastors can. I was employed as a computer programmer at the University of Pittsburgh in 1963-1964 and was part of the team responsible for the task of computerizing the King James Version of the Bible. That experience was instrumental in my answering the call to ministry and preparing me for pastoral ministry in 1965.
Prior to 1964, if you wanted to do any kind of study of the Bible, you had to do it manually, with pad and pencil or pen. In my providential experience while computerizing the KJV Bible, I and other members of my team discovered the “DNA” of the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts of the KJV Bible. We discovered what I refer to as God’s “Heptadic Design Feature”. You can read more about this feature here:
In more recent years, other scholars have actually published more about this wonder. For now, simply think of this feature as God’s authenticating fingerprints. Now you know the rationale behind the title of “Bible/Biblical Forensics©”. I began this writing and publishing venture a decade ago as a church worship bulletin insert to teach what most church attending Christians do not get from their pastor’s message. My wife was a church secretary and wanted learning content to put in the church bulletin, so she asked for my help with this. Being retired I jumped at the opportunity. To date, I have prepared well over a thousand Bible/Biblical Forensics© series on a variety of topics.
In the next segment of “Deliverance before Judgment”, a comprehensive list explaining the differences between the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ will be presented. It is the most thorough list in print as far as I can determine, with over 25 reasons. Most prophecy authors rarely mention more than ten differences in their books. This evidence will clearly show that the Rapture and the Second Coming are two different and separate events!
Pastor Bob