Biblical Forensics©
“Deliverance before Judgment”
Part 12
As noted in previous parts,(1) God used literary devices as teaching tools to assist in grasping God’s Plan for Salvation as recorded in Scripture. This is particularly so with the use of Biblical Typology which is found in the first book of the Bible, namely Genesis, or the book of beginnings. In Genesis 1:1 the word “beresheit”, appearing in Hebrew as:בראשית is the first word and means: “In the beginning”. In studying the Bible, we find what is known as the “Law of First Mention”.(2) This principle is widely known among Bible scholars and students alike. The main lesson is that key doctrines are first mentioned in Genesis and then last mentioned in the book of Revelation. It stands to reason that if God intended to use “Biblical Typology” its application would occur early on in the Bible.
Critics argue that the Rapture is not in the Bible, but they really mean the word is not found. In English that is true, but it is also true that words like “Trinity”, “Incarnation”, “Theophany”, and even the word “Bible” are not found in the Bible. It is a silly statement made by critics and meant to challenge the Bible’s authenticity or its teachings, suggesting that the Scripture text has either been corrupted or the teaching is untrue simply because these words are missing from the pages of the Bible.
There are a number of “Raptures” recorded in the Bible, at least “Seven” as I recall, and they include:
ENOCH – Genesis 5:21-24 and Hebrews 11:5-6
ELIJAH – 2nd Kings 2:1-11
JESUS – Matthew 28:6-7 and Acts 1:9-11
PAUL – 2nd Corinthians 12:2
CHURCH – 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1st Corinthians 15:51-58; and Revelation 7:9-17
JOHN – Revelation 4:1
TWO WITNESSES – Revelation 11:11
Some theologians and Bible scholars identify a couple of other Rapture examples, but they are questionable for several reasons. For the sake of clarity, we won’t get into them here, lest we add confusion to this topic over hazy language.
Enoch is the first person mentioned as being Raptured. Genesis 5:21-24 devotes a mere 4 verses to Enoch. Verse 24 says, “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” When we look at Hebrews 11:5, it reads: “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.”
Note in Hebrews 11:5, Enoch was “translated”, a term that means to be Raptured. Many overlook the words of Jude 1:14-15, where Enoch prophesies of the Second Coming to execute judgment. “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints. To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” In the passages of Genesis 5:25-29, we have the first mention of a subtle reference to “Biblical Typology” but it eludes most readers. I will unpack this in three parts.
To explain further for the reader to grasp the theme: Methuselah lived to the age of 969 years of age. When he was 187, Lamech was born, and he lived another 182 years until Noah was born. 187 + 182 = 369. So, Noah was born when Methuselah was 369. The Flood came when Noah was 600. 600 + 369 = 969, which is how old Methuselah was when he died -(Genesis 5:27). Scripture confirms that Methuselah died when the flood came. Genesis 7:6 states, “And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth.” So after Methuselah died at age 969, that was also the same year the Great Flood came.
Now here is the nugget people miss. Enoch walked with God, and Enoch could symbolize the Heavenly Father. Methuselah, the son of Enoch, could typify the Son of God. Do both Enoch and Methuselah teach about the Rapture? This you will find interesting. Jesus was taken up to God in Acts 1, the first to be born in an incorruptible body to immortality. Methuselah did not have immortality, and was not Raptured as Enoch was, but Methuselah did live longer than any man in the Bible. Methuselah’s death just before the flood could prefigure the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Enoch was taken, which is like the Rapture. Can we accept this if we realize that Jesus is symbolized by both the Father and the Son? We can when we look at Isaiah 9:6: “For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be on His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
Thus, Methuselah’s death right before the flood, (through the type of his father Enoch’s rapture, through the type of Jesus’ Rapture who symbolized both the Father and the Son) is a type of the Rapture right before the Tribulation.
Of course, we can simplify, and just look at Enoch, and say Enoch is a type of “Rapture” prior to the Tribulation of the Flood. But through Methuselah, and Jesus, I believe we have a clearer understanding that the Rapture happens right before the Tribulation in the same year.
This particular example of “Biblical Typology” helps establish the pattern of the theme of “Deliverance before Judgment” because it is the “first” example of the Law of First Mention. It borders on the level of a riddle, and yet it represents a prime example of the kind of comparisons we find in the Bible picturing and pointing to the ‘Pre-Tribulation Rapture’. In a previous segment, the example of Noah’s salvation through the flood by entering the Ark,(3) illustrated how God provides evidence and proof of His greater Plan to preserve mankind through Jesus is somewhat easier to grasp and understand.
It is important to point out here that you can trust the manuscripts used to translate the KJV Bible for its accuracy and total reliability. Other modern translations draw from the corrupt Westcott & Hort New Greek New Testament. Westcott & Hort were apostate churchmen in the Church of England and secret Satanists at the latter part of the 19th century. I will let you in on a well-hidden secret. The KJV Bible is mathematically 98.2% accurate when validated against the “Heptadic Design Feature”.(4) The other 1.8% portion, while not perfect, has not been changed in any way as to affect the overall message of the text. The “Heptadic Design Feature” is a numeric pattern (DNA) that mathematically authenticates the Creator’s Signature. Its existence (meaning the “Heptadic Design Feature”) proves that the Bible is not of human origin and that no collective effort could have rejected the Biblical message, compiled by over 40 authors, over 1,500 years with a central message that transcends individual books, authors, and both the Old and New Testament. This “Heptadic Design Feature” was first discovered when we computerized the KJV Bible back in 1963-1964. Today, we have greater evidence from mathematics and computer science supporting the authenticity of the Bible. This confirmation is even more pronounced than we find from the theological community. Sometimes rivalry, jealously, and animosity can be found among academic rivals and are evident in many fields of study. From my own personal experience, I know with certainty that there are many published mathematical works in print today which have confirmed what I have just shared, and yet the findings from these disciplines are largely unknown or ignored by the theological community. For instance, two examples encoded in the Bible:
In the very first verse of Genesis 1:1, we find the mathematical formula for π (5)
In the Gospel account of John at John 1:1, we find the ℓ or Euler’s principle (6)
These two mathematical operators are recognized by mathematicians the world over as being part of mathematics and not part of theology. Yet their presence encoded within the Biblical text exhibits mathematical properties from beyond or outside the Space-Time Continuum.
In the next segment of “Deliverance before Judgment” we will go back and take a closer look at the “Typology” of Noah and the Ark, the Great Flood, etc. In this first exposure to the concept of “Deliverance before Judgment”, I have explained in a brief or cursory overview something overlooked by most Bible students. While the story of Noah and the Ark is the focus of Genesis 7, there are additional insights that can be gleaned from elsewhere in the Bible. The whole story is not found just in Genesis 7, but in other New Testament passages of Matthew 24, Luke 17, and in 2nd Peter 2. These reveal a framework surrounding the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Those who deny the Pre-Tribulation Rapture call attention to the fact that Noah “went through” the tribulation of the Flood. They also point out that as the wicked were destroyed in the Great Flood, so too the wicked will be taken away at the end of the Tribulation. I do not dispute either point, that Noah survived the time of trouble, and that the wicked will be destroyed at the end of the Tribulation; however, Noah and family in the Ark was lifted above the deluge. These examples are NOT the only comparisons to be made. Borrowing from Part 1 of this series and by way of reminder, in order to grasp the Bible, one has to think systematically, while simultaneously differentiating between the “Big” picture and the “Little” pictures. There are nuggets to be gleaned from each of these “pictures” portrayed as “types” to aid understanding of the larger message. The Bible emphasizes that the people are acting as if LIFE IS PERFECTLY NORMAL, “they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day” -(Matthew 24:28), that the world is taking NO NOTE of the COMING judgment.
Pastor Bob
Deliverance before Judgment – Pts 2, 11
Deliverance before Judgment – Part 1
God’s Heptadic Signature – Parts 1-7