Biblical Forensics©
End Times Events
Part 2
The well-known Bible scholars: the late Dr. Tim LaHaye, who recently was called home, and Dr. Ed Hindson have identified twenty major prophetic events yet to be fulfilled in prophecy. Some of their noted events will be found in my list in part 1 of this series. A few in this list will not be found here because my list is constructed as a more detailed point by point timeline order of occurrences, whereas each of these items listed here might encompass more than one item in my list.
The list below by Dr. Tim LaHaye and Dr. Ed Hindson contain major events that do not list specific events which help to identify a chronological time-frame. This includes the wars of Psalms 83 a prelude to the war of Ezekiel 38-39.
These events could occur just before the Rapture or take place after the Rapture of the Bride (Church). They are simply too close to call in the order of End Time events. Dr. Ed Hindson hosts “The King is Coming” television program on Christian television and is a member of the academic faculty of Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. There are other leading Bible scholars who teach basically the same chronological time-frame. These include Hal Lindsey, Dr. David Reagan, and Dr. Chuck Missler.
The church is raptured to the Father’s house before Christ Jesus comes to set up His kingdom –(John 14:1-3; 1st Corinthians 15:51-58; 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18).
Gog and Magog will be destroyed on the mountains of Israel –(Ezekiel 38-39).
Antichrist sets up a one-world government –(Revelation 6:2; 13:1-8).
Antichrist, “the Prince that shall come”, establishes a seven-year covenant of peace with Israel –(Isaiah 28:15; Daniel 9:24-27).
A global apostate church is established –(Revelation 17:1-15).
Two witnesses with supernatural powers like Moses and Elijah preach and prophesy in Jerusalem –(Revelation 11:1-6).
The 144,000 witnesses lead a multitude “which no man could number”. They will come from all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues –(Revelation 7:1-15).
The seven seal judgments of worldwide magnitude will include a world war that will kill 1/4th of the population, an unprecedented martyrdom of believers and a great earthquake –(Revelation 6:1-17).
Seven trumpet judgments disrupt the Earth. Producing the death of 1/3rd of the population of unbelievers –(Revelation 8-9).
The two witnesses are killed, and their bodies are seen lying in the streets by the entire world. After 3-1/2 days, they are resurrected and caught up to heaven –(Revelation 11:7-13).
The Antichrist desecrates the Third Temple, setting up his image in the midst of it. He threatens death to all who refuse to worship him –(Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15; 2nd Thessalonians 2:1-8).
Antichrist breaks his covenant with Israel 3-1/2 years into the Tribulation –(Daniel 9:27).
The False Prophet arises, and the “Mark” of the Beast is required of the entire world in order to buy, sell, or work –(Revelation 13:11-18).
Antichrist persecutes the Jews, killing 2/3rds of them. The remaining Jews flee to Edom (Petra), which is modern day Jordan, where they are preserved and protected –(Zechariah 13:8-9; Revelation 12:13-17).
Seven vial (bowl) judgments produce a “Great Tribulation”, such as the world has never seen –(Matthew 24:21; Revelation 16:1-21).
The battle of Armageddon takes place –(Revelation 16:12-16).
The destruction (political, commercial, and religious) of Babylon –(Revelation 17-18).
The literal, physical, Second Coming of Jesus Christ as promised in –(Acts 1:9-11; Matthew 24:29-31; Revelation 19:11-16).
The Millennial Kingdom of Christ is established on Earth –(Revelation 20:1-7).
The New Heaven and the New Earth are created; the New Jerusalem descends from heaven –(Revelation 21-22).
At this point in time, nearing the end of September of 2016, things are moving rapidly towards the culmination of the “Age of Grace” or the “Age of the Church”. Just in the past year alone, Germany announced it is planning to replace bank cards and eliminate cash withdrawals. In 1992, “Maestro”, owned by MasterCard, introduced the multi-nation debit card which has been under-fire by the German government.
The nuclear treaty with Iran signed by the US State Department along with five other European powers has resulted in real threats on the part of both Israel and Saudi Arabia, threatening to destabilize the Middle East even further. This will enable Iran’s nuclear capabilities to gain an offensive advantage over Israel. Israel’s nuclear weapons number 200, based upon leaked E-mails of former Secretary of State Colin Powell. By offering Iran US support in defending Iran’s nuclear operations against a potential Israeli IDF attack, the Obama administration has angered Israel. The same day these events were reported, it was also reported that Russia had inked a deal to a mutual-defense policy with Iran.
Another prophecy that is getting closer to being fulfilled is that of Isaiah 17:1, “The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap”. The U.S. has invaded Syria by US-led forces under the guise of being ISIS so-called moderate terrorists. If you have had a chance to see photos taken of Damascus, you might well conclude that the prophecy of Isaiah 17:1-3 has been fulfilled. The destruction is every bit as bad as that inflicted on Germany during World War 2. From my point of view, I have seen many photographs over the past three years revealing that Damascus is already a ruinous heap! If you are not aware of it, Damascus is the oldest existing community in all of recorded history. Many might not be aware of this prophecy or thought it would occur through the civil war that has existed in Damascus over the past five or six years.
Syria 2013
What is significant about the recent US + 5 treaty with Iran, is not the fact that the US Senate has not had a chance to ratify the treaty legally and constitutionally, but rather it is something that is even more ominous to the USA and Israel. It is that Iran does not need nuclear power! It sits on a mountain of oil and gas. In fact, it sells gas to its citizens at less than .50 cents a gallon.
Iran has spent between $100-billion and $500-billion to develop its nuclear program; but make no mistake about its objective. Iran is the world’s largest state-sponsored terrorist nation in the world today. Its foreign policy is based upon the support of terrorists around the world. Iran did not spend all that money to simply build a peaceful civilian nuclear program. Iran’s program is not about nuclear energy because it has operated a “heavy-water” reactor for more than fifteen years. A “heavy-water” reactor is another word for a plutonium breeder-reactor. These are used exclusively for military purposes and not for cheap energy creation.
Iran’s peaceful nuclear program is a hoax. The US + 5 deal accepted that hoax. It even undertakes to improve and protect Iran’s so-called “peaceful” nuclear technology. There is real evidence that the world’s powers actually refuse to recognize or to believe Iran has had nuclear weapons as far back as the late 1990’s. The absence or failure to use such weapons prior to this time can only be assumed that Iran is seeking to gain a level of parity in nuclear weapons as such so that when it comes time to use those nuclear weapons it can hope to completely destroy Israel’s existence or viability. Iran knows that Israel possesses upwards of 450 nuclear weapons of its own, can result in a total destruction of the nation of Iran and its people.
Israel is a one or two bomb target. This means that only one or two or a few nuclear weapons is needed to destroy its main cities. Iran is buying time for sure with one main intent. It hopes to have sufficient nuclear weapons so that it can achieve a total victory in a first-strike attack with perhaps ten or twenty nuclear tipped missiles. But make no mistake about it, Iran’s nuclear program is not for peace!
In early 2016, I received a report from DEBKA file, an Israeli intelligence source, stating that Iran had just closed a deal with Russia to supply Iran with 100 IL-78 MKI aerial-refueling tanker aircraft. The contract will give Iran a range of 7,300-kilometers for its aircraft, enough to reach any target in the Middle East. The IL-78 MKI refueling tanker is similar to the US Air Force Boeing KC-135, KC-767, or McDonnell-Douglas KC-10 refueling aircraft. Israel is only 1,200-kilometers from Iran. The US Obama administration has turned down a request from Israel recently to purchase just a handful of US-made aerial refueling tankers. This decision gives Iran a massive advantage in being able to launch an attack on Israel. Israeli F-16I and F-15I aircraft can- not currently reach Iran without aerial refueling, both to and return from Iran.
This deal was signed almost at the same time Secretary of State John Kerry was telling the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Relations. The Iranians and Russians wasted no time in signing this deal. One does not have to be a prophet to realize the intent of the Iranians with regards to the use of the air-refueling tankers, each able to refuel six to eight aircraft simultaneously.
The Treaty with Iran is not a treaty at all; it was a gift. It will enable Iran to execute a massive future attack on Israel, one that most likely will match up with the Ezekiel 38-39 scenario. The question is whether the Obama administration is merely stupid or stupid like a fox when it works hand-in-hand at aiding and supporting the Islamic regime in Tehran as it seeks to wipe Israel off the map. Iran has had nuclear missiles that it acquired from North Korea and elsewhere as far back as 2002. In my opinion, they are seeking numerical superiority so that when they do attack, their intent is to totally annihilate the Israeli IDF military’s ability to defend against such odds.
Each day draws us closer to the Feast of Trumpets also known as Rosh HaShanah. Each passing day brings even more news of the impending event that we look forward to the “Blessed Hope”. When I open my computer early in the morning to get an overview of world events and news from around the world, there has not been one single news report disproving the accelerating news of doom, gloom, and despair for a lost world. I’ve been an active researcher for more than twenty years and a Bible prophecy student for fifty-three years, analyzing the data, correlating the potential scenarios, and nothing has been as reassuring or convincing of the Biblical End Times as what we have been observing worldwide. “Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord” -(1st Thessalonians 4:17).
Pastor Bob