“The Truth Shall Set You Free”
Part 12
Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, the Benelux community, and Sweden have been overrun by hordes of Muslim migrants and refugees. England by nature of the former United Kingdom policy permitted Muslims to immigrate to the UK if they were a Commonwealth nation such as Pakistan. Most of its Islamic terrorism is home-grown. The nations are intentionally being invaded overwhelming their social fabric. This Islamic intrusion is not about assimilation into those European countries but is to overpower and conquer the indigenous population of those countries. The pope has advocated for these Muslim immigrants and has advised that the EU people should greet them with open arms. The outright lies are a deception that goes back some eighteen hundred years. His doublespeak has encouraged the infiltration of Europe and a repeat of the same kind of situation that occurred in Europe almost a millennium ago.
What is taking place in Europe is being repeated in Australia, and soon be experienced in the United States unless the leadership wakes up and realize what is being foisted upon them. This is sanctioned, supported, encouraged, and financed by the Jesuit-controlled Vatican. Under the former Obama administration agreed to take 100,000 refugees. United Parcel Service converted 5 of its jet cargo freighters into refugee transports to carry Islamic refugees into the U.S. after dark. In 2016, the UPS aircraft were filmed at the Harrisburg International Airport, in Harrisburg, PA, unloading their immigrants well after midnight. The immigrants were then loaded onto school buses with blacked out windows and taken to centers operated by Catholic Charities and Lutheran Services for re-settlement throughout the country. These two faith-based organizations are paid $2,500 per person they resettle. This is in essence part of the fulfillment of Saint Augustine’s fourth-century master plan that created the Islamic religion. So far it has led to Detroit, MI becoming the Islamic capital of the United States, and 49% of the population today is unable to read or write English. This is just the beginning. The three points of Saint Augustine’s plan for the world are identified further down in this article.
In this portion, we will take a closer look at many other areas that are confirmation of the intertwined commonality of religious structure and belief. We will examine the early beginning of Islam, a creation of the Papacy. These similarities are not Jewish or Christian by any standard of measure.
Back before Pope Francis became the current pope I was puzzled by many news reports that were sending contradictory signals. For example, a story appeared on ‘Frontpage Magazine’, an Internet news service. The title of the story was “Exposing the Vatican-Islam Alliance”. I filed away the story until last year when I was scratching my head over statements made by Pope Francis which did not seem to square up with Catholic doctrine. The story by Giulio Meotti, was focusing on The Church's increasingly disturbing ties and position with Islam, and dated July 4, 2012, by Giulio Meotti read as follows:
“The Roman Catholic Church hailed UNESCO’s decision to grant the world heritage status to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. According to the Vatican authorities, the UN decision is a “diplomatic victory” for the Palestinian Authority. Last Friday, the United Nations approved the Palestinian bid to place Jesus’ birthplace on its list of sites of World Heritage in danger. Israel called the decision “absurd” and “a sad day.”
“The Palestinian agenda at UNESCO is the de-Judaization of the land of Israel by Islamicizing the holy sites. Oras Hamdan Taha, the Palestinian minister who deals with antiquities and gets funds from UNESCO, made clear, “it’s writing or rewriting the history of Palestine.” Less known is that the Vatican institutions are collaborating with the Palestinian autocracy.
“The Vatican already declared its support of waving a Palestinian flag over the Temple Mount in the heart of ancient Jerusalem. Next in line is Rachel’s Tomb near Bethlehem, Judaism’s third most holy site, which for millennia has served as a place of longing, pilgrimage and prayer for the Jewish people. In 1996, Yasser Arafat’s Palestinian Authority began referring to the site as the “Bilal ibn Rabah Mosque,” and this is how UNESCO shamefully listed it in 2010”.
To the general public, the image given is that ecumenism is involved in the cooperation between Jewish, Catholic, Palestinian and Arab/Muslim on joint interest issues. However, in the world of political double-cross, things are not as they actually seem. The Vatican has been jockeying for position that one day will give them global jurisdiction over the Holy City of Jerusalem, where it plans to relocate the Vatican.
“Many Catholic groups worldwide already embraced the Palestinian myth. Pax Christi, one of the most famous Catholic organizations, on its website, repeatedly calls the Jewish site a “mosque.” Then there is the Bethlehem University of the Holy Land, the only Vatican-run educational institution in the area and whose founding can be traced back to the visit of Pope Paul VI in the holy land in 1964. The Catholic University recently launched a project about the Rachel’s Tomb. The document calls it “a historical religious site for followers of Christianity and Islam,” whose location is “on Palestinian lands.” The very title of the Catholic project, “Rachel: An Alien in her Hometown,” suggests that the tomb is a spot hijacked by the Israelis. The tomb, the Catholic report says, “is also known by Muslims as the Bilal Ibn Rabah Mosque.” According to the Vatican University, the Jewish shrines are Arab treasures stolen by the Zionists and the Israelis are no more than invading colonizers”.
“A few months ago, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Fouad Twal, welcomed enthusiastically the agreement reached between Hamas and Fatah, despite both the PLO and Hamas covenants' call for the use of violence against the Jews. Last September, Patriarch Twal, named by Pope Benedict XVI, was at the White House for a meeting with the American administration -- as well as for the purpose to support the PA statehood bid at the UN”.
In January, 2015, eight Catholic bishops from Europe and North America, including UK Archbishop Patrick Kelly and French Archbishop Michel Dubost, visited Gaza under Hamas control. “I asked prisoners in the largest prison in Europe (in Evry) to pray for you,” Dubost told Gazans. The inference is clear: Palestinians are living in a big prison terrified by Israel. In the same period, Father Manuel Musalam, head of Gaza’s Catholics, met with Hamas leader, Mahmoud al Zahar, and declared that “Christians are not threatened by Muslims” but that everyone faces the same problem, that of Israel’s “humiliation.”
A few weeks earlier, the head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales offered the Palestinians another piece of powerful propaganda: the comparison with Jesus’ passion. “We are to be freshly attentive to the needs of those who, like Jesus Himself, are displaced and in discomfort,” Archbishop Vincent Nichols said during his sermon at the last Christmas Mass at Westminster Cathedral. “A shadow falls particularly heavily on the town of Bethlehem tonight … We pray for them tonight” It would have been more in keeping with Nicholas’ mission to mention hundreds of Christians losing their lives to Islamic terrorism and oppressed by Palestinian dictatorship. But you begin to get the picture that Israel is identified as the oppressor here.
The Palestinian-Vatican pact is part of a bigger scenario, in which the Catholic Church is adopting a tragic appeasement on Islam. As the brave Andrew Bostom explained, the Vatican embraced “groveling Islamophilia, accompanied by criticism of the U.S. ‘war on terrorism’ as an ‘injustice’ to Muslims, and constant scapegoating of Israel, often expressed with strident animus towards the Jewish State.” I would suggest this pact is more than a geo-political pact, but rather an extension of Rome’s larger agenda to destroy Israel.
Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, who is known for having a pro-Islam position, appointed by Pope Benedict as the head of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. In a letter addressing his “Dear Muslim friends,” Tauran asked for Islamic help to form an alliance against atheism. The Vatican promoted “Love of God, Love of Neighbor,” the first three-day forum with Islamic leaders. The Pope agreed to meet one of the most dangerous Islamists in the Western world, the grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna, Tariq Ramadan. He is the Swiss scholar who denies Israel’s right to life and who has been banned from entering the US because of his alleged association with extremists.
Bishop Mariano Crociata, secretary-general of the Italian Episcopal Conference, announced that the Vatican is in favor of building new mosques in Europe. Then the European Bishops met with European Muslims in Turin (Cardinal Tauran was also present) to proclaim the need for the “progressive enculturation of Islam in Europe” (read it: this is the Islamization of the old continent). Take note of this because you are seeing the Counter-Reformation at work in ways that would have shocked early Protestant Reformers. As an added slap in the face of the Reformers, Europe is being conquered through “Inter-faith” ecumenism; that which the Sword of Allah could not accomplish is occurring with the blessings of the Vatican.
Last year the Vatican built a strong friendship with Iranian authorities and clergy. The Holy See’s course with Iran’s Ahmadinejad began in 2009 at the United Nations, when at the first day of the “Durban II” Conference, the Iranian president made a speech blasting Israel as “totally racist” and referred to the Holocaust as an “ambiguous and dubious question.” When Ahmadinejad began his rant against the Jews, all the European delegates left the conference room. The Vatican delegation didn’t say a word. It was another sign that reveals that the Vatican has an ulterior motive afoot.
Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai, head of the Lebanon’s Catholic Church, then sent his envoy, Father Abdo Abou Kassem, to Tehran for a conference in support of the Palestinian Intifada and of a “Zionist-free middle east.” The conference was also attended by Hezbullah ideologue, Mohammad Raad, and by the Hamas’ leader Meshaal.
A few days before that, a delegation of clergy members of Iran’s Islamic Consultative Assembly visited the Vatican in Rome. They met with top Catholic officials. The Iranian delegation also paid visits to several academic and scientific centers in the Vatican.
Receiving the new apostolic nuncio to Tehran, Archbishop Jean-Paul Gobel, Ahmadinejad called the Vatican a ‘positive force’ for justice and peace in the world. Vatican representatives met with Muslim leaders from around the world in Teheran for “a three-day interreligious dialogue” and announced the cooperation “in the search for the common good.”
Tauran also went to Tehran to praise Iran’s “spirit of cordiality” and “the friendly Ahmadinejad,” despite the allegation, according to the annual list compiled by Open Doors International, Iran is the second worst persecutor of Christians in the world. The Vatican delegation also visited the city of Qom, a Shi’ite spiritual center in Iran where the Iranian scientists are enriching uranium at military levels.
Ahmadinejad sent a high-level delegation to Rome, headed by Mahdi Mostafavi, the president of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization in Tehran, a former foreign minister and one of Ahmadinejad’s trusted men and “spiritual advisers.”
Like Pope Pius XII’s silence during the Holocaust, the Vatican’s submission to Islamic regimes, along with its anti-Zionist policy, will be remembered as one of the greatest moral failings of the 21st Century. It is not just the Arab-Muslim world against Israel, it is as this overview reveals, the Vatican itself. It is further confirmation of the larger agenda of the Vatican-Muslim faiths against the Jews and Bible-believing Christians.
Oblivious to their centuries-old history of creating Islam over a thousand years ago, Catholics in western nations scratch their head in bewilderment why the Vatican is so cozy with Islam. There are many things taught in Islam that are radically opposed to what traditional Catholics believe. I recently heard a young Catholic lady say, “Well, perhaps they believe in one God”, but the ‘one God’ they believe in is not the same God we believe in because, for example, the Koran teaches:
Women are inferior to men –(Sura 4:34)
Men can, and even should, ‘beat’ their wives in some circumstances –(Sura 4:34)
Belief in the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ is false –(Sura 4:157-159)
Belief in the divinity of Christ is blasphemy –(Sura 5:72)
Belief in Jesus Christ as ‘the Son of God’ is grave error –(Sura 19:35; 10:68)
Muslims are commanded to ‘fight against’ Christians and all who disagree with them –(Sura 9:29)
Most of you have heard the expression: If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck. Thus when you compare the following similarities, there must be some validity to such a statement.
Catholic Church considers birth control to be sin.
teaches birth as sin and even "treason".
Catholic Nazis forced Jews to become Catholics or die.
forces Christians to become Muslim or die.
Catholic priests are for the most part pedophiles.
Mohammed was
a pedophile as are all Muslims that trust the Koran's pro-pedophilia
Catholicism is based in Paganism.
Mohammed came from the city,
Mecca which was Pagan.
Catholic Popes teach Catholicism is the only true church.
clerics teach Islam is the only true church.
Catholicism commands mandatory fasting during Lent.
demands mandatory fasting during Ramadam.
Roman Catholic priests
and Roman Catholic emperor Adolph Hitler used ancient Roman
Islam today uses ancient Roman salute.
Catholicism teaches you are saved by good works.
Islam teaches
you are saved by good works.
Catholicism teaches you can never be assured salvation.
teaches you can never be assured salvation.
Catholicism teaches no atonement for sin or true salvation exists.
(purgatory confirms this).
Islam teaches they will never know
if they are truly saved from damnation until judgment day.
Pope is declared the "vicar" of Christ.
Muhammad is
declared the final Messenger and successor to Jesus Christ.
Catholicism teaches they have a holy headquarters on earth, the
Islam teaches they have a holy headquarters on earth,
uses rosaries and prayer beads.
Islam uses prayer beads.
uplifts Mary as a deity worthy of worship.
Islam uplifts and
mentions Mary 34X times in the Koran.
promotes angelic visions to enforce false doctrines.
teaches Muhammad was purified as a child by angels and further
claims to have received revelations form archangels Jibril and
Gabriel (Jibril?!).
teaches you can divorce and receive an annulment without following
biblical jurisprudence.
Islam allows a man to divorce his wife
by simply telling her she is divorced.
teaches to leave the church is to be guaranteed Hellfire.
teaches to leave the church is to be guaranteed Hellfire.
RCC has a very graphic hatred of the Jews. (Catholic Emperor Adolph
Islam has been killing Jews all throughout modern
RCC openly embraces Paganism and even admits to same.
The term
“Allah” originated as a Pagan god. In fact, he wasn’t even
considered a major deity.
RCC accepted the Apocrypha and added it to the Christian Bible to
uplift Vatican dogma such as purgatory.
Islam accepted the RCC
written book the Koran to uplift Vatican dogma in the Old Testament
RCC teaches their flock to pray to dead humans. Mary is one of
hundreds of dead humans they pray to.
Islam teaches to pray to
Muhammad and even ask him to “raise up your head and speak” and
intercede for the one praying. (A. N. Matthews, Translator,
The Tibrizi Collection, 1810, vol 1, p. 607).
teaches the soul never dies, and even if it is sent to Hell it will
live in fire.
Islam teaches the soul never dies, and even if it
is sent to Hell it will live in fire.
RCC killed on average 400,000 Christians per year during the
Islam presently averages 200,000 Christians killed
each year.
RCC used their own church as torture chambers to torture and
kill hundreds of millions of Christians during the
Islam not only tortures Christians, they are now
setting up Christian churches as torture chambers.
RCC baptizes babies and declares them “Catholics” as
Islam teaches if you are born of Muslim parents then
you are Muslim.
RCC teaches their flock to bow to statues, icons, and relics in
Islam teaches their flock to bow 5 times a day facing
the black rock that resides in Mecca.
RCC venerates Mary at Fatima.
Islam venerates Mary at Fatima.
RCC forces their flock to have many babies and outlaws birth control
so as to grow in numbers to rule in government.
Islam seeks to
gain high numbers to rule by conflict and forced conversion.
When I shared Jonathan Gray’s article concerning the Roman Catholic Institution’s agenda, literally hundreds of pieces of the puzzle came together in a split second. It hit me like a Jethro Gibbs slap upside the head. You see, I have been studying the evil Jesuit movement for at least four decades, but I had never connected the plan of Augustine with that of Ignatius de Loyola because of the gap of centuries between them. This was Augustine’s basic plan:
Eliminate the Jews and Christians (true believers, which they called infidels).
Protect the Augustinian Monks and Roman Catholics. No Catholic temples were destroyed, only Christian churches.
Conquer Jerusalem for “His Holiness” as he coveted the Holy place.
The point of all this is that the Vatican Counter-Reformation plan has never changed since it was created by the Jesuits. The following background history is provided by Dr. James A. Wylie, from his multi-volume ‘History of Protestantism’, written in the late 1800’s, and other books in my personal library. This is the kind of history that was never taught in the public schools of the United States. I dare say it is not taught in colleges and universities today.
The Vatican and Islam
“Fire devours before them, and behind them a flame burns. The land is like the garden of Eden before them, but behind them a desolate wilderness, and nothing escapes them”. -(Joel 2:3).
This Scripture is describing the Muslim invasion and destruction of North Africa. By 300 A.D., North Africa was the most important province of the Roman Empire and was teeming with cities: By the third century, there were five or six hundred cities. Two hundred of them were in the rich farmlands of northern Tunisia. In places there were no more than six or eight miles apart, and in the valley of the River Bagradas (Medjerda) there was almost a kind of ribbon development along the main road from Carthage to Theveste (Tebessa). -(Raven, ‘Rome in Africa’, p. 101). Carthage—the second largest city in the western Roman Empire—was the center of the Roman province of Africa and a major breadbasket of the Empire.
By 300 A.D., Christianity had taken a firm hold in North Africa, it was the dominant religion in North Africa as paganism was just about to be completely overthrown. The Church had survived persecution under Severus, Decius, and Valerian, and was ceasing to be the religion of a poor minority. In contrast to the emptiness of pagan literature of this period there were the vigorous works of Cyprian, Arnobius, and Lactantius. The Church was making its impact felt on all classes and in the farthest corners of the Roman provinces in Africa. -(Frend, ‘The Donatist Church’, p. 3).
Naturally, the Roman Emperors were insanely jealous that more and more people were not worshipping them as divinities. In 303 A.D., the last great Empire-wide pagan persecution began and North African Christians were ordered to hand over the Scriptures to be burned. This last pagan persecution was in the planning stage for at least 40 years prior to 300 A.D., as a very friendly ecumenical mood prevailed among the pagans. In the Roman cities the Emperor's orders appear to have been carried out firmly but not without tact. For the previous forty years Christians and pagans had lived side by side in relative peace. The Church had become almost an established institution. At Cirta (modern Constantine), the capital of the province of Numidia Cirtensis, the magistrate told Bishop Paulus to produce the lectors who were responsible for looking after the Scriptures. The reply was, 'Everybody knows them'. At Apthungi (modern Henchir Souar, in Tunisia), the chief magistrate, the Duumvir Alfius Caecilianus, and the bishop Felix appear to have been on very friendly terms, and indeed the official did not know of the existence of the Emperor's edict until he was told it by the Christians themselves. -(Frend, ‘The Donatist Church’, p. 4).
The main target of the pagans was the New Covenant . . . and the histories of Christ... All of the great books portraying the Mount of Olives as the site of the Resurrection were systematically destroyed. We commonly think of Martin Luther with the Reformation, however, following the merger of church and state under Constantine, many resisted Rome, in particular the Christian community in North Africa. It is hard today to understand why Protestants revere Saint Augustine, perhaps more so in some ways than Catholics. Augustine persecuted, tortured, and killed those tracing their origin back to the days of the early church. As I have shown, Augustine is the Father of Islam! Interestingly, that fact was not taught in my seminary classes on church history. In years since, I have speculated as to why that was the case. One of my majors in college was history, and I took numerous church history courses in seminary. Years ago, I discovered the real history of Augustine when I was doing independent library research preparing to do doctoral studies.
British born Emperor Constantine began his career of conquest from York, England. That is a fact that few people are aware of. The era of Constantinean "Christianity" began in 313 A.D. The corruption began when Constantine merged Paganism with the Christian faith, and the ultimate domination by the Papacy in Rome. I would bet you did not know Constantine was a citizen of York, England! Few people are aware of this historical bit of truth.
The last great persecution ended when Constantine became Emperor of the West. Together with Emperor Licinius, he issued an edict of toleration called the Edict of Milan. This edict of toleration did not apply to Christians who would not join his new imperial "Christianity."
This edict excluded many of the North African survivors of the persecution. Those surviving Christians referred to people who handed over the Scriptures as traditores (traitors) and insisted on their re-baptism.
The North African Christians were first condemned at the Council of Arles in 314 A.D. for re-baptizing those who handed over the Scriptures during the persecution.
Later they were also condemned by Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicea. Donatus Magnus (circa 273-355) was a great Christian leader who ordered the re-baptism of traditores (traitors) who turned over the Holy Scriptures to the pagan magistrates. He was the Saint Martin Luther of North Africa: Very little is known about this remarkable man, who came to hold a position in Africa not unlike that achieved by his contemporary, Athanasius, in Egypt. In Donatus' case the Catholic damnatio memoriae has been particularly effective. His literary works have not survived and we know little of his background, his personal appearance, his friendships, and his way of life. We do know that he was a great orator and leader of men; wherever he went the enthusiasm was such as to be remembered fifty years after his death. In an age when religious controversy took something of the place occupied by ideological conflict in providing an outlet for popular discontent, Donatus was a dominating figure. -(Frend, ‘The Donatist Church’, pp. 153-154).
Many of the Bishops who attended the Council of Nicea were traitors and Donatus demanded that they be re-baptized before admittance to the Christian Congregation. Constantine was furious that anybody would withstand him, and actually contemplated invading North Africa with his legions.
From then on, the Vatican referred to the Christians of North Africa as ‘DONATISTS’. We see this again at the time of the Reformation when the Reformed Christians were called ‘LUTHERANS’ or Protestants instead of Catholic Christians. This single sentence is the sum of what is taught seminary students in Church History textbooks about the Roman Catholic Church’s involvement in North Africa.
Augustine was appointed bishop to destroy the North African Christians!!
Despite the terrible persecution under the Emperors, Christianity rapidly recovered in North Africa, so Augustine was appointed a bishop in Hippo Regius to fight them with pen and ink.
was the birthplace of Augustine |
Even though the North African Christians claimed to be the true Catholics, Augustine derisively referred to them as ‘DONATISTS’. Augustine had an intense hatred for those uncompromising Christians who refused to join the Constantinean church: “Now let the proud and swelling necks of the heretics raise themselves, if they dare, against the holy humility of this address. Ye mad Donatists, whom we desire earnestly to return to the peace and unity of the holy Church, that ye may receive health therein, what have ye to say in answer to this? You are wont, indeed, to bring up against us the letters of Cyprian, his opinion, his Council; why do ye claim the authority of Cyprian for your schism, and reject his example when it makes for the peace of the Church?” -(Augustine, ‘Against the Donatists’, Book II, ch. III).
Every trick in the Roman arsenal was used to make the Christians conform but most of them remained steadfast adherents of Apostolic Christianity. Despite the multiplicity of words written against them, the Christians still held steadfast to the Scriptures and the Lord kept adding to his African Congregation.
Protestant theological seminaries have, in the interest of ecumenism, virtually scrubbed courses of church history of the atrocities of Bishop Saint Augustine and the Augustinian Order in North Africa. With Vatican II of the mid 1960 era, the adoption of “pluralism” has resulted in wholesale white-washing of text books used by seminary students. During the mid-1990’s, I was doing research to select a topic I would do my doctoral dissertation. It was at that point I began to see how the theological community was intentionally re-writing the history of the Christian faith beginning with Constantine and his co-opt the early Christian Church by the Roman Empire.
Augustine was the most powerful and influential teacher of the Latin Church. He was the originator of the Filioque clause; a controversy in the church in relation to the Holy Spirit. Most of the false doctrines that emerged from the Roman Catholic Church can be traced right back to him. Some of these false doctrines include: original sin, infant baptism, purgatory, clerical celibacy, and predestination. The issue over the Filioque clause became a factor that led to the split in 1054, between Rome and Constantinople. It dealt with an issue related to the Trinity, and the wording of “from whom comes the Holy Spirit” – through the Father or through the Son. For some, the term implies a serious underestimation of the Father's role in the Trinity; for others, denial of what it expresses implies a serious underestimation of the role of the Son in the Trinity.
Augustine also laid the groundwork for the use of disguised mercenaries in the age-long Vatican war against the saints. Some of these disguised mercenaries include: Pope Gregory I who sought help from Emperor Mauricius against the North African Christians. Despite all of Augustine’s efforts, the Christian faith continued to grow and Pope Gregory I was alarmed at its increase.
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539-602 |
Here is a quote from The Donatist Church:
“By 596 A.D. the situation had become even less favorable. A further letter from the pope to Columbus (not Christopher) repeats the story of the spread of Donatism, but in August Gregory wrote to the Emperor Mauricius himself. The Imperial commands against the Donatists were being disregarded 'by carelessness or connivance'. The bribes of the Donatists 'so prevail in the province that the Catholic Faith is publicly put up for sale'. The exarch, far from taking action himself, was complaining of bishops who brought these things to his notice. The emperor's personal assistance was requested, 'to issue strict orders for the punishment of the Donatists and to arrest with saving hand the fall of the perishing'. Whether this appeal was successful or not, we do not know. Except for Bishop Paulus' repeated effort to have his case heard in Rome, there is no further literary record of ‘Donatism’. We are left with the impression of the movement resurgent and triumphant in southern Numidia, and then there is silence. -(Frend, ‘The Donatist Church’, pg. 312).
Old Rome saw the Christians of North Africa as a greater threat than the Eastern Empire in Constantinople. I am including a segment of ‘Archaeology Newsflash #550’ of world archaeologist, Jonathan Gray. Gray recently released confirmation of what I have been documenting on the Vatican’s creation of Islam and their reasons for doing such.
Why has a pope chosen to kiss the Koran - the holy book of the Muslims? Did he kiss it because as the head Mason in the world who wears the ephod, the pope, along with the highest clergy in the Vatican, and the highest Islamic leaders - who are also high Masons - know that they both share an explosive secret? And why have the pope and Muslims prayed together in a Mosque facing Mecca, to the same god! Is it because, as history shows and Vatican insiders testify that it was the Vatican that established Islam? After Rome, by force of armies, ruled Europe, yet Africa and the Middle East were not so easy to conquer. So the papal leaders looked for someone else to do it for her – someone who already lived in those other regions. They looked with hungering eyes at the Arab tribes.
And this is where Muhammad enters the picture. In 595 AD, at the age of 25, Mohammed married Khadija, 40 years old, whose cousin Waraquah was a Roman Catholic living in Mecca. She came from a convent as a Catholic nun. The Roman Catholic organization now got busy. Muhammad was chosen to do the job. Helpers began working with him. Soon a church monk arrived to give some help in some of the early writing of the Muslim holy book, The Koran. It extols Mary. That is why Islam has special regard for the Virgin Mary.
was started by agents of Rome to attract the Arabs into it, who would
come under their control. Islam was meant to cleanse North Africa
and the Middle East of troublesome
dissenters and then hand
over Jerusalem to the Vatican. (This history was explained
carefully by Roman Catholic Cardinal Bea to former Jesuit insider Dr.
Alberto Rivera and his fellow Jesuit students, and reported in
detail, in Rivera’s book, ‘The
pp.11-31). But when the pope asked for Jerusalem, he was surprised
at their denial! The Arab generals had such military success that
they could not be intimidated by the pope - nothing could stand in
the way of their own plan.
The pope was OUTRAGED AT THEIR DECISION. The pope realized what the Vatican had created was out of control when he heard the Arabs were calling ‘His Holiness’ an infidel. The Muslim generals were determined to conquer the world for Allah and now they turned toward Europe. Islamic ambassadors approached the pope and asked for papal bulls to give them permission to invade European countries. The Vatican was outraged; war was inevitable. Temporal power and control of the world was considered the basic right of the pope. He wouldn't think of sharing it with those whom he considered heathens.
After the death of Muhammed, he was succeeded in the command by Abubeker, 632 A.D.; who, as soon as he was firmly in power, sent a circular letter to the Arabian tribes, of which the following is an extract. He wrote, "Destroy no palm trees, nor burn any field of corn. Cut down no fruit trees, nor do any mischief to cattle, only such as you kill to eat... "As you go on, you will find some religious persons, who... propose to themselves to serve God that way: let them alone and neither kill them nor... And you will find another sort of people... who have shaven crowns; be sure you cleave their skulls, and give them no quarter, till they either turn Mahometans or pay tribute'." (Edward Gibbon ‘Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’, Vol.V: pgs. 489-490).
You may have seen art work, at one time or another, showing male religious figures with strange-looking shaved heads. It was a key sign of paganism in the Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic monks shaved their heads in a circle shape of the Sun when they were ordained priests. This circular tonsure was a sign of the Sun god.
The pope raised up his armies and called them crusades to hold back the Arabs from grabbing Europe. The crusades lasted centuries and Jerusalem slipped out of the pope's hands.
fell and Spain and Portugal were invaded by Islamic forces. In
Portugal, they called a mountain village 'Fatima' in honor of
Muhammad's daughter, never dreaming it would one day
world famous.
The recapture of Jerusalem has burned as a fervent desire in Vatican hearts since the days of the Crusades. Journalist Joel Bainerman, a well-known commentator on Israeli affairs, comments: "The end goal of the Vatican is to seize control of the Old City of Jerusalem out of the clutches of Israel." (www.joelbainerman.com). The Vatican’s ultimate goal is to transfer its head-quarters from Rome to Jerusalem. From the present time going back to the third century A.D., this is well-known.
But here's an interesting tidbit. Did you know that there is an amazing prophecy - every step of which has accurately been coming true - reveals secrets of coming world events that will complete the story? You and your family will surely want to know about this, because they will affect you personally. Yes, it really does pay to know what is coming BEFORE it happens.
If you didn't know, events have begun to occur in Europe, the USA and Australia right now that are set to change the world overnight. Big upheavals are coming to your life and that of your family members. “And I'm still in shock after 12 months of checking and re-checking some ancient prophecies that foretell what is happening. And after that, what's going to come. IN OUR DAY - and what is coming.” These are the words of archaeologist Jonathan Gray of New Zealand.
fuse is burning and the clock is ticking!”
Jonathan Gray released a DVD in December of 2016 on the very events of which this article with regards to the Vatican’s plan to fulfill the three reasons that the late Jesuit Fr. Alberto Rivera revealed before he was poisoned to death. Fr. Rivera’s testimony follows further down in this article.
The rise of Islam to destroy the North African Christians!!
By the year 600 A.D., the Lord's Congregation was triumphant over all her enemies. North Africa, comprising over 600 cities, was the richest part of the Roman Empire. The city of Rome itself was dependent on North Africa for her daily bread. With the rise of Islam, Europe became permanently separated from the Continent of Africa.
570 632 |
After conquering all of North Africa, the Arabs crossed into Spain in 711 A.D. Their main target in Spain was the Goths, who baptized by triune immersion, and refused to join the Church of Rome.
In 711 A.D., the Arabs invaded Spain in order to destroy the Goths. The Arabs stayed in Spain unto January, 1492, when Portuguese Christopher Columbus was about to follow a map to the New World. The Moors surrendered to Ferdinand and Isabella in January of 1492, after occupying Spain for 781 years! Portuguese Columbus sailed in August 1492. The surrender of the Moors freed up the Spanish army for redeployment. This allowed for the redeployment of the Spanish army to the New World just in time to block the English, French and Dutch colonization of the New World.
In 674 A.D. the Arabs lay siege to Constantinople
Only 50 years after the founding of Islam by Muhammad, a huge Arab army . . . and NAVY . . . attacked Constantinople... Conquering Constantinople required a huge number of ships which would not normally be associated with desert dwellers.
A knowledge of combined operations by land and sea was necessary for the conquest of Constantinople. This included knowledge of siege-craft and the use of battering rams with powerful catapults. It so happens that the first besiegers of Constantinople were ‘DESERT DWELLING’ Arabs. The first siege began in 674 A.D. and lasted for 5 years. The Arab besiegers were almost completely annihilated by the Eastern Romans.
led the first Arab siege of Constantinople |
Roman Emperor Constantine IV led the heroic defense of the city. The Eastern Romans had a secret weapon called ‘Greek Fire’. It was somewhat like napalm and actually burned on the water. It was the ancient world's equivalent of the atomic bomb.
This ‘Greek Fire’ barbecued the besiegers. The Saracen ships carried heavy siege engines and huge catapults; but the fortifications along the Marmara and the Golden Horn were resistant against their assaults. Moreover, the Byzantines, possessed a secret weapon. To this day we are uncertain of the composition of 'Greek fire'. Whether it was sprayed over an enemy vessel or poured into long, narrow cartridges and catapulted against its objective, the results were almost invariably catastrophic: the flaming, oil-based liquid floated upon the surface of the sea, frequently igniting the wooden hulls of the ships and causing an additional hazard to those who tried to jump overboard. For a long time the Muslims refused to admit defeat; only after the fifth year did the battered remnants of the Saracen fleet turn-about and head for home. In 679 Muawiya accepted Constantine's offer of peace, which demanded the evacuation of the newly-conquered Aegean islands and an annual tribute. A year later he was dead. Constantine, on the other hand, was at the height of his popularity. He had inspired his subjects with the morale to withstand five years of siege by a power hitherto considered irresistible, and in doing so he had saved Western civilization. Had the Saracens captured Constantinople in the seventh century rather than the fifteenth, all Europe—and America—might be Muslim today. (Norwich, ‘A Short History of Byzantium’, p. 101.). The siege turned out to be a total failure, with thousands of Arab casualties.
The 2nd Arab siege of Constantinople occurred in 717 A.D.
The proud Arabs were very bitter about their failure to take Constantinople. They tried again in 717 with a new Caliph.
al-Aziz |
685-741 |
Roman Emperor Leo III led the heroic defense of the city: For forty years the setback at Constantinople festered with the Umayyad caliphs in Damascus. It remained inconceivable within Islamic theology that the whole of humanity would not, in time, either accept Islam or submit to Muslim rule. In 717 A.D. a second and even more determined attempt was made to overcome the obstacle that hindered the spread of the Islamic faith into Europe. The Arab attack came at a time of turmoil within the empire. A new emperor, Leo III, had been crowned on March 25, 717 A.D.; five months later he was found with an army of 80,000 men dug in, the length of the land walls, and a fleet of 1,800 ships controlling the straits. The Arabs had advanced their strategy from the previous siege. It was quickly realized by the Muslim general Maslama that the walls of the city were invulnerable to siege machines; this time there was to be a total blockade. The seriousness of his intentions was underlined by the fact that his army brought wheat seed with them.
In the autumn of 717 A.D. they plowed the ground and planted a food source. It seems that all of God's creation was at war with the Muslims because on their way home an undersea volcano erupted and a storm destroyed most of the fleet.
Constantinople finally fell to the Muslim Turks in 1453 A.D.
Thanks to the Muslims, Old Rome was finally able to eliminate her Eastern rival in 1453. After fighting heroically for 1000 years, the Roman Empire finally came to an end. When you know the history about the split between Rome and Constantinople you can see why these two factions have continued to have cold relations over the centuries. The Vatican does not publicize how they used the Muslims to destroy the Eastern leg of the Roman Empire. That information is buried deep in the Vatican’s underground vaults of historical records.
1453 |
Sultan Mehmet II 1449-1481 Conqueror of Constantinople |
Only the use of the new weapon of cannon gunpowder made the Muslim conquest of Constantinople successful. Hundreds of millions of Muslims are worshipping the Serpent god Allah!! The God of the universe is a Triune being composed of 3 divine persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Never in the Bible does God ever call Himself by the name Allah. The issue with the Orthodox Church remains like a festering sore with the Vatican, and its ultimate agenda has been to destroy Russia and the Orthodox Church. The Jesuits launched the Russian Revolution in 1917, using a Marxist Jew to ignite the Russian Revolution of 1917, Vladimir Ilich Lenin. The Russian Revolution was actually two revolutions. The first of which in February, overthrew the imperial government. The second of which in October – November and placed the Bolsheviks in power. to sow insurrection and revolution resulting in the Russian Revolution.
How about a publication like a "comic book" to reveal important suppressed history about the Vatican Jesuit involved in the creation of Islam and Islam's founder, the prophet Muhammad?
According to the Introduction to what you are about to read: "This information came from Alberto Rivera, a former Jesuit priest, after his conversion to Protestant Christianity. It is excerpted from ‘The Prophet’, published by Chick Publications, P.O. Box 662, Chino CA 91708.
Since its publication, and after several unsuccessful attempts on his life, he died suddenly from food poisoning. His testimony should not be silenced. From the grave, Dr. Rivera still speaks to us. The Jesuits must regret not killing this man sooner!
More complete information and color illustrations of this and related materials are available for viewing and purchase from ‘Chick Publications’. Internet website (note that the website address is case-sensitive to the capital I in the word Islam.)
Because of the provocative nature of this material, Rick Martin was to contact SPECTRUM friend, Eric Jon Phelps, author of the blockbuster research work ‘VATICAN ASSASSINS’, for his opinion. This book is the most documented book on the Jesuits in print today, bar none.
This is what Eric wrote back via email: "This is from the Chick comic book 'Alberto' series, titled ‘The Prophet’. And it is absolutely true. Islam is a sword of the Church evidenced by who the Moslems have killed for the last 100 years." Eric also said, in a later communication, that Dr. Alberto Rivera first publicly released this information back in 1988.
Of course, Eric would likely add another twenty pages of details to this document tracing the Jesuit hand in these shenanigans, but you will be able to spot that thread easily from what is related in the following narrative analysis by Eric Phelps of a recent example of the typically two-faced nature of Vatican propaganda carried out through their controlled media puppetry. Pay close attention to the overall picture being painted below; don't get caught up in arcane theological language and related concepts that obviously derive from Dr. Rivera's background. The Dark Energies, by any name, reveal themselves through their ACTIONS!
pay close attention to another thread running through the following
narrative - one which provides important background for the
long-running Arab-Israeli conflict. In beautiful contrast to what
you're programmed to believe through the media, that Arabs and
Israelis can't get along is a very warm and personal account of some
Jews sharing in the hospitality of some Arabs, found elsewhere in
this issue of ‘The
actual (natural) inclination for people of diverse backgrounds to
generally live in
peace and get along
with each other on common human grounds always reveals when there has
been the instigation of conditions (by diabolical individuals
operating behind the scenes) that are calculated to artificially
provoke strife and war.
“What I'm going to tell you is what I learned in secret briefings in the Vatican when I was a Jesuit priest, under oath and induction. A Jesuit cardinal named Augustine Bea showed us how desperately the Roman Catholics wanted Jerusalem at the end of the third century. Because of its religious history and its strategic location, the Holy City was considered a priceless treasure.
A scheme had to be developed to make Jerusalem a Roman Catholic city. The great untapped source of manpower that could do this job was the children of Ishmael. The poor Arabs fell victim to one of the most-clever plans ever devised by the Powers of Darkness.
Early Christians went everywhere with the gospel, setting up small churches, but they met heavy opposition. Both the Jews and the Roman government persecuted the believers in Christ to stop their spread.
But the Jews rebelled against Rome, and in 70 A.D. Roman armies under General Titus smashed Jerusalem and destroyed the great Jewish temple which was the heart of Jewish worship - in fulfillment of Christ's prophecy in Matthew 24:2. On this holy place today where the temple once stood, the Dome of the Rock Mosque stands as Islam's second most holy place.
changes were in the wind. Corruption, apathy, greed, cruelty,
perversion, and rebellion were eating at the Roman Empire, and it was
ready to collapse. The persecution against Christians was useless, as
they continued to lay down their lives for the gospel of Christ.
The only way Satan could stop this thrust was to create a
counterfeit "Christian" religion to destroy the work of
God. The solution was in Rome. Their religion had come from ancient
Babylon, and all it needed was a face-lift. This didn't happen
overnight, but began in the writings of the "early church
was through their writings that a new religion would take shape. The
statue of Jupiter in Rome was eventually called St. Peter, and the
statue of Venus was changed to the Virgin Mary. The site chosen for
its headquarters was on one of the seven hills called "Vaticanus"
- the place of diving serpent where the satanic Temple of Janus
great counterfeit religion was Roman
Catholicism, called
Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the
-(Revelation 17:5). She was raised up to block the gospel, slaughter
the believers in Christ,
establish religions, create wars, and make the nations drunk with the
wine of her fornication as we will see.
The three major
religions have one thing in common - each has a holy place where they
look for guidance. Roman Catholicism looks to the Vatican as the Holy
City. The Jews look to
the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, and the Muslims look to Mecca as their
Holy City. Each group believes that they
receive certain types of blessings for the rest of their lives for
visiting their holy place.
the beginning, Arab visitors would bring gifts to the "House
of God"
and the keepers of the Kaaba were gracious to all who came. Some
brought their idols and, not wanting to offend these people, their
idols were placed inside the sanctuary. It is said that the Jews
looked upon the Kaaba as an outlying tabernacle of the Lord,
with veneration until it became polluted with idols.
In a tribal contention over a well (Zamzam) the treasure of the Kaaba and the offerings that pilgrims had given were dumped down the well and it was filled with sand; it disappeared. Many years later Adb al-Muttalib was given visions telling him where to find the well and its treasure. He became the hero of Mecca, and he was destined to become the grandfather of Muhammad.
this time, Augustine became the bishop of North Africa and was
effective in winning Arabs to Roman Catholicism, including whole
tribes. It was among these Arab converts to Catholicism that the
concept of looking for an Arab prophet developed.
father died from illness, and sons born to great Arab families in
places like Mecca were sent into the desert to be suckled and weaned
and spend some of their childhood with Bedouin tribes for training
and to avoid the plagues in the cities.
After his mother and grandfather also died, Muhammad was with his uncle when a Roman Catholic monk learned of his identity and said: "Take your brother's son back to his country and guard him against the Jews, for by God, if they see him and know of him that which I know, they will construe evil against him. Great things are in store for this brother's son of yours." The Roman Catholic monk had fanned the flames for future Jewish persecutions at the hands of the followers of Muhammad. The Vatican desperately wanted Jerusalem because of its religious significance, but was blocked by the Jews.
problem was the true
in North Africa who preached the gospel. Roman Catholicism was
growing in power, but would not tolerate opposition. Somehow the
Vatican had to create a weapon to eliminate both the Jews and the
true Christian believers who refused to accept Roman Catholicism.
Looking to North Africa, they saw the multitudes of Arabs as a source
of manpower to do their dirty work. Some Arabs had become Roman
Catholic, and could be used in reporting information to leaders in
Rome. Others were used in an underground spy network to carry out
Rome's master plan to control the great multitudes of Arabs who
rejected Catholicism.
"St. Augustine" appeared on the scene, he knew what was
going on. His monasteries served as bases to seek out and destroy
Bible manuscripts owned by the true Christians.
Vatican wanted to create a messiah for the Arabs, someone they could
raise up as a great leader, a man with charisma whom they could
train, and eventually unite all the non-Catholic Arabs behind him,
creating a mighty army that would ultimately capture Jerusalem for
the pope.
In the Vatican briefing, Cardinal Bea told us this story: A wealthy Arabian lady who was a faithful follower of the pope played a tremendous part in this drama. She was a widow named Khadijah. She gave her wealth to the church and retired to a convent, but was given an assignment. She was to find a brilliant young man who could be used by the Vatican to create a new religion and become the messiah for the children of Ishmael.
Khadijah had a cousin named Waraquah, who was also a very faithful Roman Catholic, and the Vatican placed him in a critical role as Muhammad's advisor. He had tremendous influence on Muhammad. Teachers were sent to young Muhammad and he had intensive training. Muhammad studied the works of St. Augustine, which prepared him for his "great calling". The Vatican had Catholic Arabs across North Africa spread the story of a great one who was about to rise up among the people and be the chosen one of their God.
Muhammad was being prepared, he was told that his enemies were the
Jews and that the only true Christians were Roman Catholic. He was
taught that others calling themselves Christians were actually wicked
impostors and should be destroyed. Many Muslims believe this.
began receiving "divine revelations" and his wife's
Catholic cousin Waraquah helped interpret them. From this came the
Koran. In the fifth
year of Muhammad's mission, persecution came against his followers
because they refused to worship the idols in the Kaaba. Muhammad
instructed some of them to flee to Abysinnia, where Negus,
the Roman Catholic king, accepted them because Muhammad's views on
the Virgin Mary were so close to Roman Catholic doctrine. These
Muslims received protection from Catholic kings because of Muhammad's
revelations. Muhammad later conquered Mecca and the Kaaba was cleared
of idols.
History proves that before Islam came into existence, the Sabeans in Arabia worshiped the moon god who was married to the sun god. They gave birth to three goddesses, who were worshipped throughout the Arab world as "Daughters of Allah". An idol excavated at Hazor in Palestine in the 1950s shows Allah sitting on a throne with the crescent moon on his chest.
claimed he had a vision from Allah
and was told: "You are the messenger of Allah."
This began his career as a prophet and he received many messages. By
the time Muhammad died, the religion of Islam was exploding. The
nomadic Arab tribes were joining forces in the name of Allah
and his prophet, Muhammad.
of Muhammad's writings were placed in the Koran, others were never
published. They are now in the hands of high ranking holy
men (Ayatollahs) in
the Islamic faith. When Cardinal Bea
shared this information with us in the Vatican, he said: "These
writings are guarded because they contain information that links the
Vatican to the creation of Islam."
Both sides have so much information on each other that, if exposed,
it could create such a scandal that it would be a disaster for both
In their "holy" book, the Koran, Jesus Christ is regarded as only a prophet. If the pope was his representative on Earth, then he also must be a prophet of God. This caused the followers of Muhammad to fear and respect the pope as another "holy man". The pope moved quickly and issued bulls (papal decrees) granting the Arab generals permission to invade and conquer the nations of North Africa. The Vatican helped to finance the building of these massive Islamic armies in exchange for three favors:
Eliminate the Jews and Christians (the latter were regarded as true believers, which they called infidels)
Protect the Augustinian monks and Roman Catholics
Conquer Jerusalem for "His Holiness" in the Vatican
As time went by, the power of Islam became tremendous. Jews and true Christians were slaughtered, and Jerusalem fell into their hands. Roman Catholics were never attacked, nor were their shrines during this time. But when the pope asked for Jerusalem, he was surprised at their denial! The Arab generals had such military success that they could not be intimidated by the pope - nothing could stand in the way of their own plan.
Waraquah's direction, Muhammad
wrote that Abraham
offered Ishmael
as a sacrifice. The Bible says that Isaac was the sacrifice, but
Muhammad removed Isaac's name and inserted Ishmael's name. As a
result of this and Muhammad's vision, the faithful Muslims built a
mosque, the Dome of
the Rock, in
Ishmael's honor, on the site of the Jewish temple that was destroyed
in 70 A.D. This made Jerusalem the second most holy place in the
Islamic faith. How could they give such a sacred shrine to the pope
without causing a revolt?
pope realized what they had created was out of control when he heard
the Arabs were calling "His Holiness" an infidel.
The Muslim generals were determined to conquer the world for Allah,
and now they turned toward Europe.
ambassadors approached the pope and asked for papal bulls to give
them permission to invade European countries. The Vatican was
outraged; war was inevitable. Temporal power and control of the world
was considered the basic right of the pope. He wouldn't think of
sharing it with those whom he considered heathens.
The pope raised up his armies and called them "crusades" to hold back the children of Ishmael from grabbing Catholic Europe. The crusades lasted for centuries and Jerusalem slipped out of the pope's hands. Turkey fell, and Spain and Portugal were invaded by Islamic forces. In Portugal, they called a mountain village "Fatima" in honor of Muhammad's daughter, never dreaming it would become world famous. I previously noted the importance of the name “Fatima” as it will play great significance at the end of days, during the time of the “Seven” year Tribulation or Daniel’s 70th Week.
later, when the Muslim armies were poised on the islands of Sardinia
and Corsica, prepared to invade Italy, there was a serious problem.
The Islamic generals realized they were extended too far. It was time
for peace talks. One of the negotiators was Francis of Assisi.
Jesuits will tell you that Pope Francis chose his name of this
peasant Francis of Assisi. Others will tell you he chose the name
Francis in honor of the co-founder of the Jesuits, Francis Xavier
S.J., one of the seven founders of the Society of Jesus.
As a result, the Muslims were allowed to occupy Turkey in a "Christian" world, and the Catholics were allowed to occupy Lebanon in the “Arab” world. It was also agreed that the Muslims could build mosques in Catholic countries without interference, as long as Roman Catholicism could flourish in Arab countries.
Bea told us in Vatican
briefings that both the Muslims and Roman Catholics agreed to block
and destroy the efforts of their common enemy: Bible-believing
Christian missionaries.
Through these concordats, Satan
blocked the children of Ishmael from a knowledge of Scripture and the
truth. The Islamic community looks on the Bible-believing missionary
as a devil who brings poison to the children of Allah.
This explains years of ministry in those countries with little
Vatican also engineers a campaign of hatred between the Muslim Arabs
and the Jews. Previously to this, they had co-existed peacefully. A
light control was kept on Muslims - from the Ayatollah, down
through the Islamic priests, nuns, and monks.
next plan was to control Islam. In 1910, Portugal was going
Socialistic. Red flags were appearing and the Catholic Church was
facing a major problem. Increasing numbers were against the Church.
The Jesuits wanted Russia involved, and the location of this vision
at Fatima could play a key part in pulling Islam to the Mother
Church. In 1917, the Virgin appeared in Fatima. "The Mother of
God" was a smashing success, playing to overflow crowds. As a
result, the Socialists of Portugal suffered a major defeat.
Catholics worldwide began praying for the conversion of Russia, and
the Jesuits invented
the novenas to Fatima,
which they could perform throughout North Africa, spreading good
public relations to the Muslim world. The Arabs thought they were
honoring the daughter of Muhammad, which was exactly what the Jesuits
wanted them to believe.
a result of the vision of Fatima, Pope
Pius XII
ordered his Nazi army to crush Russia and the Orthodox religion, and
convert Russia to Roman Catholicism. A few years after he lost World
War II, Pope Pius XII startled the world with his phony "dancing
Sun" vision to keep Fatima in the news. It was great religious
show biz and the world swallowed it. Not surprisingly, Pope Pius was
the only one to see this vision.
a result, a group of followers has grown into a Blue
Army worldwide,
totaling millions of faithful Roman Catholics ready to die for the
Blessed Virgin. But
we haven't seen anything yet. The Jesuits have their Virgin Mary
scheduled to appear four or five times in China, Russia, and a major
appearance in the U.S.
What has this got to do with Islam? Note Bishop Sheen's statement: "Our Lady's appearances at Fatima marked the turning point in the history of the world's 350 million Muslims. After the death of his daughter, Muhammad wrote that she 'is the most holy of all women in Paradise, next to Mary’.” He believed that the Virgin Mary chose to be known as ‘Our Lady of Fatima’ as a sign and a pledge that the Muslims who believe in Christ's virgin birth, will come to believe in his divinity." Bishop Sheen pointed out that the pilgrim virgin statues of ‘Our Lady of Fatima’ were enthusiastically received by Muslims in Africa, India, and elsewhere, and that many Muslims are now coming into the Roman Catholic Church.
Dr. Alberto Rivera died in 1997 of food poisoning, the favorite choice of assassination to those opposed to the Jesuits. Dr. Rivera’s story has been attacked vociferously in the media since it first came to light around 1988. He is labeled an anti-Catholic heretic, and one day when the Internet is totally controlled, we can look forward to this information being expunged like so many sites exposing the Jesuits. The Jesuits count on ignorance, and generally speaking, no one does research of the historical record; however, there are many books written that confirm Dr. Rivera’s story.
Double Cross, Chick Publications, pgs. 13, 14
The Meaning of The Glorious Koran, Pickthall, Mentor Books, pgs. 220, 221
Muhammad, Martin Lings, pgs. 81-84
of the Power Behind The Power
Another article in the issue appearing in The SPECTRUM provides great insight into the Jesuit-Vatican played in the creation of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. We see the modern effects of these manufactured "religious" tools used to manipulate and cause division of peoples everywhere around the globe - and particularly in the boiling Middle East.
Eric's remarkable research
of the
has stood up quite
well to the test of scrutiny identifying the existence of such a
realm of global manipulation could have been so well concealed for so
long is just too much for some so-called conspiracy authors to
accept. Or they are beholden to other agendas which cause them to
"act blind" to The Truth.
With that said, we share the following analysis with you from Eric, who provides his own introduction. If you look beyond the religious terminology behind which so many power plays unfold, what he has to say most clearly acts as an instructive exercise to help us not fall into obvious traps set up by those of a cunning and devious nature who are experts at making things seem to be what they are not. After all, their boss is the Great Deceiver himself!
This article [below] has been written by a brilliant and noted author who blamed the Pope's Mossad of Zionist Israel as the true power behind the Kennedy Assassination. He bases his premise upon the fact that the late Yitzak Rabin was in Dallas on November 22, 1963 according to his late wife, Leah.
knows of me and is aware of my book ‘VATICAN
he maintains the false position that the Jews control the American
Media while refusing to admit to the primacy of the Jesuit Order
within the Pope's
Holy Roman Fourteenth Amendment American Empire
(1868-Present) ruled through the Archbishop of New York's Council on
Foreign Relations.
Jews manning the Order's American Press are the Pope's "Court
Jews" - the Masonic Jewish Zionists - and nearly all are
members of the Council on Foreign Relations. This brings us to the
three primary purposes of the
Pope's Masonic Jewish Zionists.
They are:
To take Jerusalem from the Muslims FOR THE POPE. This was accomplished during the Six-Day War in 1967.
To deed over Jerusalem to the Papacy FOR THE POPE. This was accomplished in 1993 by Yossi Belin and Jesuit-trained Shimon Peres when the treasonous Oslo Accord functioned as an international diversion.
To create anti-Jewish fury in foreign nations for the purpose of driving the Jews of those nations back to the Pope's Zionist Israel in preparation for the ultimate "Final Solution to the Jewish Question".
Jon Eric Phelps documents how the Jesuit-controlled Vatican was instrumental in the starting of World Wars I and II, the creation of the Federal Reserve, the sinking of the Titanic, and several other historical events.
The future Satan-possessed risen Pope will make one last mad attempt to kill the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David - and thus the physical descendants of Jesus Christ.
than merely forward this article to you, I felt compelled to comment
as to its content and erroneous conclusion promulgated therein.
Therefore I shall comment in bold.
Eric Jon Phelps
Vatican Links Israeli Influence To Media Attacks
by Michael Collins Piper
Exclusive To American Free Press
Vatican has issued a not-so-subtle blast at the influence of the
Israeli lobby over the American media monopoly. This is news that the
media (not surprisingly) is keeping under wraps. You won't read about
it in your daily newspaper or hear Dan Rather or Tom Brokaw talking
about it on television, but Civilta
Cattolica - an
influential Jesuit journal sanctioned by the Vatican - has fired a
volley at the American media for its obsessive coverage of the
Catholic Church sex scandals.
[Civilta Cattolica ("Catholic Civilization" i.e. "World Government under the Pope") is THE Jesuit house organ of the Vatican]. Whatever is written here comes straight from the mouth of the Black Pope.
This is the periodical that I quoted in ‘VATICAN ASSASSINS’ which declared that "Fascism is the regime that corresponds most closely to the concepts of the Church of Rome." What is most significant is that in tracing the media's interest in the Church's troubles, the Vatican has hinted at the behind-the-scenes power of the inter-connected handful of powerful pro-Israel families and financial interests who dominate the media monopoly in shaping the media's news coverage.
[Now it's time to blame the Jews in general]. Does not Mr. Piper realize that the Council on Foreign Relations controls the Press? Sure he does!
Who, dear reader, do you think is more powerful, Henry Kissinger, a CFR Presider, or the President of the Jesuits' Fordham University in New York, Joseph A. O'Hare, another CFR Presider and Jesuit under Extreme Oath?
Is not Fox News affiliated with the CFR? Of course it is, and its Director is Knight of Malta Rupert Murdoch, a porn king and promoter of the Jenin Massacre Hoax that was intended to ignite anti-Jewish fury within America.
No - the JESUITS have used their controlled press, employing their Masonic Jewish Zionists, to expose the scandal of America's Roman Hierarchy. The $64,000 question is: WHY!
Published on June 1, the Vatican-approved article flatly asserts that - at least in part because the Catholic Church refused to support the much-ballyhooed and media-promoted Persian Gulf War against Saddam Hussein in 1991 - the controllers of the American media monopoly have nursed a grudge against the Church. This is absolutely ridiculous!
The Vatican, controlled by the Jesuits since 1814 upon their restoration by Pope Pius VII, caused the Persian Gulf War in 1991. The Jesuits controlled both sides, using brother Freemasons and business partners President George H. W. Bush and Saddam Hussein.
That war was waged against the Muslim peoples of Iraq, not against Saddam Hussein, as he is still in power. The Vatican-controlled CFR/Jesuit Press may have OPENLY opposed the war - just like it OPENLY opposed Hitler's extermination of the Jewish people; just as it OPENLY refused to recognize the Nation of Israel until 1993. But the Vatican's SECRET policy was to support the Gulf War, Hitler's Jewish genocide, and the Zionist Nation of Israel.
The Pope always has TWO POLICIES - like the two-headed Janus that he is. One is OPEN and FALSE, intended for public confusion; the other is SECRET and TRUE, which is in fact the Black Pope's agenda.
And while, in this context, the Vatican doesn't say it directly, it is absolutely beyond question that it was the pro-Israel lobby that was the prime mover behind the war against Saddam who has long been perceived as one of Israel's greatest enemies. The pro-Israel lobby?
There is no greater pro-Israel lobby than the Federal Reserve Bank. Its primary class-A stockholders are the New York banks managed by the Pope's Knights of Malta, for example: past men like Francis X. Stankard of Chase Manhattan Bank and Martin F. Shea of Citibank.
The Director of the New York Federal Reserve Bank is the Jesuit-trained economist, Irish Roman Catholic and Papal Knight, William J. McDonough, though the Order has placed Alan Greenspan, a CFR Masonic Jew to head the Federal Reserve Board.
All hese Papal Knights were or are members of the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR is the pro-Zionist Government of Israel lobby, plotting the mass murder of the Jewish people within Israel once they have been used to rebuild Solomon's Temple - for the Pope! Saddam Hussein was an enemy of the Jewish people but not the enemy of the Pope's Masonic Jewish Zionist government.
If Hussein was an enemy of the Pope's Zionist Israel, then why did the Pope's CFR use the American Military-Industrial Complex to arm him with biological, conventional, and nuclear weapons? Simple: Those weapons are to be used in a future war with an otherwise invincible American Military. Once we invade Iraq, just watch which weapons will be used both in Central Asia and inside the borders of America.
In addition, in recent months - since the Sept. 11 attacks - Israel's American lobby (actively abetted by the media monopoly) continued to push for war against Iraq, despite the fervent opposition of career American military leaders, including the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff. Again, Israel's American lobby is indeed abetted by the Pope's CFR media monopoly.
Indeed, it pushed for war with Iraq - which is exactly what the Jesuit General wants - so that whatever calamities befall America as a result of that war, American Jews can be scapegoated, persecuted, and then driven back to Israel, fulfilling the dream of the Black Pope's Ariel Sharon: increasing the population of Israel by one million Jews within fifteen years.
This immigration will further secure Jerusalem for the Pope, using the Jewish people as a human shield against any Moslem who would dare to foil the rebuilding of the Pope's new Temple.
This means that the Palestinian agitation will be ended. The Joint Chiefs of Staff are all CFR members. If they opposed a war with Iraq, why have NONE of them resigned, refusing to commit such a travesty against a people betrayed by their Masonic leader, Saddam Hussein?
The SECRET policy of the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs is to wage the Black Pope's war against the Iraqi people for expelling the Jesuit Order in 1969. Payback time has arrived once again for the Iraqis. The Jesuit-controlled “Deep State” is now manipulating President Donald Trump into an expanded involvement in Syria. The use of a “false flag” event will blame the Assad regime of poisoning his own people is straight from the playbook that brought us into a war in Iraq in 1990 and 2003. Alleged chemical poisoning of civilians has repeatedly been used to justify sending American troops to invade the Middle East.
Given that - as the record indicates - the media's sudden and intense interest in the Church's problems did, in fact, evolve after Sept. 11. It is interesting to note that Civilta Cattolica also cited the aftermath of 9/11 in its dissection of the media's attacks on the Church.
The journal suggested that the Catholic Church's appeals to opposing "vendettas" against the Arab and Muslim world in the wake of 9/11 also offended the media, which has been heavily promoting an anti-Arab and anti-Muslim agenda, often quoting so-called "experts" on terrorism and on the Middle East who are - more often than not - advocates of Israeli policy and often directly affiliated with Israeli intelligence.
Yes, the Pope's Jesuit-controlled CFR media empire exposed the scandal of the Roman Hierarchy after 9/11. This had a dual purpose:
To divert attention from the clues leading to CIA complicity in the demolition of the World Trade Center. The CIA was directed by the Archbishop Egan's CFR member and Knight of Malta, George J. Tenet.
To justify a secret meeting of the Pope's thirteen American Cardinals, during which their Council of War, deep inside the Vatican, could well define their roles in the coming destruction of apostate Protestant America forgotten reform.
It will never happen as long as that doctrine of demons called celibacy is still in force. As shown in ‘VATICAN ASSASSINS’, Israeli Intelligence is a creation of the Black Pope's CIA.
Knight of Malta, Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler's most sinister General trained the Mossad with his ex-Nazis. The source for this fact is recorded in ‘The Secret War Against the Jews’ by none other than the brilliant John Loftus, a Nazi war crimes prosecutor at Nuremberg, Germany.
And yes, most Jewish broadcasters, like Michael Savage and Chuck Morse, have heavily promoted the Black Pope's war against Afghanistan, which they say the war must ultimately move on to Iraq if the "war on terror is to be won" - so we are told.
Big Problem
It was only after Sept. 11th - as any content analysis of daily news coverage will affirm - that the American media began devoting so much space to the problem that has grown to the point where the term "Catholic" has become almost synonymous in many people's minds with "pedophilia" - a scourge which is, by no means, limited to any one religious affiliation. Some critics allege, for example, that pedophilia is actually advocated in portions of the Talmud. We are getting off point here. Do not use this Jesuit ruse of war, Mr. Piper.
While being outside of its jurisdiction, the Roman Hierarchy, which the Jesuit Order laughs at, has been known for centuries as sexual predators of the worst sort. The closed cloistered convents have been houses of prostitution in every country. This was the reason Republican Spain closed them all and expelled the Jesuits in 1932. The damnable doctrine of priestly celibacy is its impetus. Simply read ex-priest Charles Chiniquy's ‘The Priest, The Woman, And The Confessional’, written in the late nineteenth century. All will become crystal clear.
Mr. Piper is referring to me here. I promote this "bizarre and totally outlandish theory" that all of the great tragedies of history for the last 450 years can be attributed to the Vatican - and I prove it in ‘VATICAN ASSASSINS’ with an irrefutable chain of evidence. The record does not suggest otherwise.
WHO BENEFITS, Mr. Piper? Always the Jesuits, as they use their Masonic Jewish Zionists to fulfill their grand design. To deny this irrefutable fact is to betray your true colors.
The Vatican's criticism of the media giants is not a new development. The Vatican always has TWO policies when implementing its Hegelian Dialectic: one is OPEN, which is the FALSE, and one is SECRET, which is the TRUE. Several years ago, speaking before Corallo, the consortium of independent local radio and television channels in Italy, Pope John Paul II cited the rise of global media monopolies and emphasized the need for "local information" - that is, media voices outside the hands of the powerful media barons. The pope said that "communication has become the soul which shapes the culture of our time" and stressed what he called the "dignity" of independent media.
This is the Pope's lying and false OPEN policy of the Jesuit General. It is intended to mislead us into thinking that the Vatican is for free enterprise - a free press, contrary to the Order's Council of Trent which CONDEMNS FREEDOM OF SPEECH - when it is actually the master of the Fortune 500 corporations, many of which compose America's CFR media monopoly.
Observers say the fact that the Vatican has fired back at its enemies - citing their hidden motivations - indicates this "warning shot across the bow" could very well point toward a new, bold approach to world affairs by the Catholic Church which, for the last 50 years, has approached its dealings with Israel and its worldwide supporters in a most gingerly fashion. Indeed, the Vatican's Jesuits, having used their Masonic Jewish Zionist agitators, have laid the foundation for firing at their age-old enemies. Those enemies are the Jewish people and any who would come to their defense - like us Bible-believing White Anglo-Saxon Protestant and Baptist Calvinists.
But we have weathered not only "warning shots" but a thousand fields of battle in resisting the machinations of the Black Pope as he attempts to reduce every nation to the "Temporal Power of the Papal Caesar" in his bold attempt to rule the world from Jerusalem. We know that the Pope has ALWAYS had a bold approach to world affairs. That approach is anything but "gingerly".
For the creation of the Pope's Zionist Israel required the "gingerly" mass extermination of two-thirds of European Jewry and millions of Russian Jews, to the delight of Jesuit-trained Joseph Stalin. The subjugation of Russia and China required the "gingerly" extermination of fifty-million Chinese and millions of Orthodox Russians in gulags of Siberia.
Mr. Piper, the Jesuits in control of the Vatican will continue their
mass murder of "heretics and liberals" for the next fifty
years - ever true to their Satanic Jesuit Oath of the Fourth Vow. And
the Order's "Skull and Bones" George
W. Bush - who during
his initiation "kissed the slippered toe of the Pope" - has
started this new century off with a bang.
That bang will be the death knell to millions of "infidel" Muslims, "liberal" Roman Catholics, "heretic" Bible-believers and "perfidious Jews" to the orgasmic delight of the Black Pope and his master.
Pastor Bob