“The Truth Shall Set You Free”
Part 15
I have studied three specific topics with great intensity since 1963. The three major concentrations of my years in Christian ministry have been: 1. The Bible, 2. Roman Catholic Institution, and 3. Freemasonry. Why these three topics? All three topics are related in so many ways to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In the early years following the assassination, and even today, I still read everything I can get my hands on JFK. I have read several hundred of the more than a thousand books written about the assassination. When the Internet became available, my computer became a gateway to a library of documents, papers, videos, books on the assassination.
Eric Jon Phelps author of ‘Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends’ was a child in elementary school when he was traumatized by the events of the assassination of JFK. Eric’s book is priced in the hundreds of dollars today. He virtually dedicated his life to exposing the assassins of President Kennedy.
The Jesuits are always at the center of any issue involving the Vatican, and as this series reveals, they are deeply involved in the takeover of the world for the Vatican. The Jesuits infiltrated Freemasonry four centuries ago and have controlled it since the mid-1700’s. They [the Jesuits] were instrumental in re-writing the rituals of the upper degrees of Masonry. Different opinions exist about who it is that controls the world. Some will say it is the Rothschild’s banking dynasty; others argue the Vatican controls the world; many will insist it is the Freemasons; and some argue it is the Jesuits. The facts suggest they are all mere partners-in-crime!
It is not an easy task to sort through the thousands of pages of material. In a half-century of research I could not begin to estimate the volume of documents that I have studied. I doubt a single book could contain the material on this subject. A pastor friend of mine wrote about the battle that existed between the Jesuit Order and the Illuminati. The suggestion made back in the 1960’s was that there was a global merger of all Black Magick forces took place in June, 1963, when the new Pope Paul VI ascended to the Papal office. Keep in mind this was some five months prior to Kennedy’s trip to Dallas, TX.
For the previous two centuries, the Satanic Masters of the Illuminati sought to take over the Vatican from within; while the Jesuit Order fought back trying to infiltrate the Illuminati. The moment Paul VI held up the’ Satanic Twisted Crucifix’, he was signaling to the entire world that the "Great White Brotherhood" had taken control of the Vatican.
The New World Order is here! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!! You can read about how Lucifer took over the Vatican in the works of the late Jesuit Dr. Fr. Malachi Martin. The former Jesuit insider, and Papal special assistant for nearly eight years was privy to communications we would covet to read. Fr. Martin used the literary novel genre to communicate the inner activities and secrets of the Vatican; His 1998 book, "Windswept House: A Vatican Novel" revealed volumes about the Vatican.
Malachi Martin described "The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer, June 29, 1963”. The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer was effected within the Roman Catholic Citadel on June 29, 1963; a fitting date for the historic promise about to be fulfilled. As the principal agents of this Ceremonial knew well, Satanist tradition had long predicted that the Time of the Prince would be ushered in at the moment when a Pope would take the name of the Apostle Paul. That requirement -- the signal that the Availing Time had begun -- had been accomplished just eight days before with the election of the latest Peter-in-the-Line."
This Pope who would take the name of the Apostle Paul, was none other than Pope Paul VI, who became Pope on June 21, 1963. Few people know that on that day, a grand merger of Satanic forces occurred that brought the Vatican into full accord with the Masters of the Illuminati. You see, Satanists know that the Traditional Roman Catholic Church has always been the most powerful practitioner of White Magic Witchcraft in the world while the Masters of the Illuminati has been the most powerful practitioners of Black Magick Witchcraft in the world since their founding on May 1, 1776 by Jesuit canon law professor, Adam Weishaupt.
As a result, the Vatican and the Masters of the Illuminati had always been mortal enemies on the global stage. Was the world to be united under a global government controlled by the White Magic Vatican or by the Black Magick Illuminati? Vatican intrigue and subversion of governments worldwide continually clash with similar intrigue by the Black Magic Illuminati. The conflict was the stuff of legends, the stuff of the CIA battling the KGB.
In the early 1800's, the Illuminati decided to infiltrate the Vatican from within, beginning with the infiltration of rogue priests within seminaries, graduating to gain control of those seminaries, then moving to control of the College of Cardinals, and then finally, to control the Papacy itself. This is where we have been since 2013 with the selection of Pope Francis.
From the beginning, they calculated they might need all of 200 years to accomplish this goal. However, they knew they must control the Papacy with Black Magick, for their Christ -- the Biblical Antichrist -- could not arise unless the occult world was united under the Black banner. The Bible foretells that Antichrist will practice Black Magick witchcraft, in Daniel 8:23-25: "And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand."
These words, are a perfect descriptions of a practitioner of Black Magick witchcraft. A brief explanation is in order:
Fierce Countenance - since a Black Magick witch or wizard has voluntarily given themselves up to the Dark Side, to the Dark demonic forces of Hell, they are filled with an anger and hatred that is truly supernatural. They will physically take on a dark, brooding look. Adolf Hitler is the most infamous example in world history, and pictures of him abound showing him very dark, very brooding. Freemason Aleister Crowley is another good example. He called himself, Mr. 666.
Understanding Dark Sentences - When any occultist reaches a certain point in the development of his or her understanding of witchcraft, they must make a choice: if they choose to use their occult power for "good", they are said to be following the Right Hand Path, and practicing White Magic. If they choose to use their occult power for "evil", they are said to be following the Left Hand Path, and practicing Black Magick witchcraft. A Black Magick witch or wizard then practices "Dark Sentences" that wreak chaos, death, and destruction. A good example of this type of Dark Sentence is a "killing curse", where a demon is called into this dimension for the express purpose of killing an enemy of the coven; police departments are well aware of this type of "Dark Sentence", and they call it ‘Psychic Murder’. Such murder is impossible to solve because no human carried out the deed; since a supernatural demon carried out the murder, no clues are left behind which would enable police to solve the crime.
Craft to Prosper in his Hand - Witchcraft has always been referred to in a shorthand way as "The Craft". Further, all rituals are done by the witch or wizard using their hands. The movement of the hands ceremonially is crucial to the success of the ritual of whatever kind it is.
Antichrist will practice Black Magick witchcraft. This Biblical
prophecy meant that the victory would belong to the Masters of the
Illuminati. Thus it was that this ultimate capture of the Vatican
officially occurred on June 21, 1963, with the coronation of Pope
Paul VI. Since the Illuminati revels in flashing symbolic signals to
the world that only Satanists will understand, they wasted no time
flashing the symbolic signal that they had finally conquered the
White Magic Vatican for their cause. Pope Paul VI began to show the
Satanic symbol known as the ‘Twisted
Crucifix’, shown
here in the hands of Pope John Paul II on the right. Let us allow
Catholic author, Piers Compton the privilege of the explanation, in
his book, "The
Broken Cross: Hidden Hand In the Vatican",
Channel Islands, Neville Spearman, 1981: "This
Bent Crucifix is "... a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in
the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two.
This was a bent or broken cross, on which was displayed a repulsive
and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and
sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the
Biblical term 'Mark of the Beast'. Yet, not only Paul VI, but his
successors, the two John-Paul’s, carried that object and held it up
to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it stood
for anti-Christ."
(p. 72). On page 56 Compton prints a picture of then current Pope,
John Paul II, holding this bent or broken cross, just as we have
shown, above. The Twisted Cross is very well known to Satanists
throughout the world as a symbol of the Black Magick Antichrist.
Further, Satanists around the world know the role of the Papacy in
promoting this Black Magick plan. This fact is the reason Malachi
Martin showed the Twisted Crucifix on the front cover of his novel,
House"; this
Twisted Crucifix is displayed prominently against the black-clad
figure of the Pope in the background!
Now, let us return to the story of the official secret Black Magick ceremony to commemorate this Black Magick victory. It was held on June 29, 1963. I find it highly instructive that the specific day chosen for this black coronation was the 29th of the month, a day that adds to an '11', the number of Antichrist in both the Bible –(Daniel 7:7-8) and in Satanic doctrine. After the public ceremony on June 21, the Black Magick ceremony occurred on June 28; however, it was to be a Parallel Ceremony, a ceremony which was to be held in two distinct geographical locations at the identical time. Malachi Martin explains in, "Windswept House":
"Such unobtrusive elements as the Pentagram and the black candles and the appropriate draperies could be part of the Ceremonial in Rome. But other Ruberics -- the Bowl of Bones and the Ritual Din, for example, the sacrificial animals and the victim -- would be too much. There would have to be a Parallel Enthronement. A Con-celebration could be accomplished with the same effect by the Brethren in an Authorized Targeting Chapel. Provided all the participants in both locations 'targeted' every element of the Event on the Roman Chapel, then the Event in its fullness would be accomplished specifically in the target area. It would all be a matter of unanimity of hearts, identity of intention and perfect synchronization of words and actions between the Targeting Chapel and the Target Chapel. The living wills and the thinking minds of the Participants concentrated on the specific Aim of the Prince would transcend all distance." –(P. 8).
In other words, the required sacrificial animal, and the human victim, that could not be ceremonially murdered in the secret ceremony in the Roman Chapel within the walls of the Vatican could be carried out at the parallel ceremony in the off-site "Authorized Targeting Chapel". Martin says this chapel was located in South Carolina, USA!
Moreover, each gesture, each word, of the ceremony in the Roman Chapel within the Vatican must be exactly, simultaneously carried out in the off-site chapel. To accomplish this feat, a telephone hookup was established. In each location, a senior priest who had carried out the ritual so any times they were perfectly familiar with the cadence of the gesture and the spoken word would begin at the same moment, and end at precisely the same moment. When the time came for the "living sacrifice" to be made, the ceremonial dagger in the Vatican would fall at precisely the same moment as the ceremonial dagger in the off-site chapel!
Through this Black Magick ceremony, the first truly Black Magick Pope in history -- Pope Paul VI -- was officially and powerfully enthroned. The Parallel Ceremony was absolutely essential, for the true merger of Satanic forces worldwide could not have otherwise occurred. But occur they did. The massive Satanic forces of Black and White Magic ceased their battling for supremacy, joining forces at the "Latter Time" in order to finally move the world into the Kingdom of Antichrist, the New World Order. From that moment, final decisions were made by the top leadership of the Masters of the Illuminati, not the Vatican.
The top leadership shifted to the British Monarchy, to the House of Windsor –(Read ‘Antichrist and a Cup of Tea’, by Tim Cohen); the Vatican simply began to take orders instead of issue them. This grand merger of all Satanic forces meant that the Jesuits were now working for the Illuminati, not for the Vatican. All the agents of the Jesuits, and all their organizations, now took their orders from the Illuminati. Therefore, all events that occurred on behalf of the coming New World Order after June 29, 1963, occurred because the Illuminati ordered it. The Vatican ceased to be an independent headquarters, and began marching in full sync with the House of Windsor.
The Pope was then chosen to be the top religious leader in early 1991. Since the Illuminati is fully in control of the Vatican now, and since they plan on the Pope being the Religious False Prophet of Revelation 13:11-18, they have no trouble showing public obeisance to the Pope when they meet with him; thus, the Pope wears the white dress symbolic in the Zoroastrian religion of the Luciferian Sun God, while the Illuminists who meet with him dress in subordinate black. The “Black” Pope today is Dr. Fr. Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal, S.J.; Arturo Sosa for short.
Eric Jon Phelps, author of ‘Vatican Assassins’ correctly identifies the reason President Kennedy was murdered: he was going to take America out of the planned Vietnam War. Further, Kennedy planned to drastically reduce the power and scope of the CIA and the Federal Reserve, and some have even stated their belief that he was going to reveal the total plan of the Illuminati to stage Antichrist! It is no wonder the Jesuits took him out!
My Baptist pastor friend notes: however, the Kennedy Assassination bears large marks of Freemasonry. The Jesuit-subservient Freemasons merely carryout the orders of the Jesuits. As I stated, "President Kennedy was planning to use the powers of his office of the presidency to fully inform the American people of the Illuminati plan to enslave us”, and only weeks later, he was assassinated. However, his assassination was carried out according to the favorite number of the Illuminati, the number ‘eleven’:
Kennedy was murdered during the 11th month [November]
Kennedy was murdered on the 22nd day [11 x 2]
Kennedy was murdered at the 33rd parallel [11 x 3]
Kennedy was murdered in Masonic Dealey Plaza, the site of an old Masonic Lodge during the time of the Texas revolution designed to free Texas from Mexican control. Dealey Plaza also has an obelisk commemorating the site as being "the first fraternal Lodge in Texas". ‘Masonry: Conspiracy Against Christianity’, by A. Ralph Epperson, pg. 51).
Thus, Kennedy was murdered with the bold typical signature of the Illuminati, just as surely as the number 11 formed the Illuminist signature of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.
‘Vatican Assassins’ listed men involved in the assassination who were connected to the Jesuits, as we have detailed, above. Below are men involved in critical positions with the assassination who were Freemasons: [Taken from ‘Masonry: Conspiracy Against Christianity’, by A. Ralph Epperson, p. 332):
Earl Warren, head of the Warren Commission.
J. Edgar Hoover, a 33rd Degree Mason.
Further, Kennedy was shot in the exact location in which the legendary hero, Hiram Abiff, was struck by the three ruffians in the dramatic legend of the Masonic Lodge! As was Hiram Abiff, Kennedy was struck in the back near the area of the heart, the neck, and finally the head. The last blow killed both men.
Finally, the Illuminati signaled to the entire world that they were the force behind the assassination when they created the ‘Eternal Flame’ monument to the slain President. Freemasonry thus has its fingerprints all over the Kennedy assassination!
The GRAND MERGER OF ILLUMINIZED FREEMASONRY AND VATICAN JESUITS TAKES PLACE: Now, how can both the White Magic Jesuits and the Black Magick Masons be intimately involved in the leadership of the assassination of President Kennedy? One cannot possibly reconcile this question unless you understand that a grand merger of all Satanic forces occurred on June 29, 1963, at the secret Enthronement of Pope Paul VI.
The organizations set up by the Jesuits became the organization of the Masters of the Illuminati on June 29, 1963. A half century has gone by and following that eventful, secret Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer, as described by Malachi Martin, world events have proceeded apace. Now the world stands trembling at the precipice of what the Bible calls the Tribulation Period, and its ruler, Antichrist.
Our society is deteriorating, and Bible-believing Christians are ill-prepared to face that deterioration. The moral bankruptcy of our society is well-documented. Few people under-stand why we have become morally bankrupt. However, when we look at society through the eyes of God, through the Bible, we can easily see why we are facing the unprecedented troubles today. This study of America through the eyes of God is what we will always do here; stay with us for some eye-opening truths.
The links between Secret Societies and the implementation of the New World Order is like the tentacles of an octopus. The Vatican is an integral element and is thoroughly controlled by these Secret Societies or should I say it controls the Secret Societies as they move to complete the New World Order Religion, which they feel is an indispensable part of their New World Order. This may seem like a contradiction of terms, but as this series will reveal, at times there are signs that confirm each to be the case. The connection between all of these is that they are Luciferian to the core.
I will be discussing this subject from many sources including these below:
‘The Broken Cross’, by Piers Compton, 1981.
‘The Occultic Conspiracy: Secret Societies -- Their Influence and Power in World History’, by Michael Howard, 1989.
‘Behold A Pale Horse’, by Christian author Bill Cooper, 1991.
In the first book "The Broken Cross". Compton is an ex-editor of a Catholic newspaper, "The Universe". He died in 1988 but traces the alleged infiltration of the Roman church by the Illuminati. The author was a traditional and practicing Catholic, who has written this book as a protest against the Catholic Church abandon of its traditional teachings on Christian doctrine. Compton laments: "There is a feeling abroad that our civilization is in deadly peril. It is a recent awareness... For civilization declines when reason is turned upside down, when the mean and based, the ugly and corrupt, are made to appear the norms of social and cultural expressions...when evil, under a variety of masks takes the place of good."
"We of this generation...have become the willing, unconscious, or resentful victims of such a convulsion. Hence, the air of futility that clings about us, a feeling that man has lost faith in himself and in existence as a whole...Never before has man been left without guide or compass...divorced from reality...without religion." -(pg. 1-3)
Compton then lists some of the Catholic Churches' failings in recent years:
Decline in belief of absolutes -(pgs. 2-3)
Its readiness to compromise with the evil in this world, rather than holding the line against it. -(pg. 3)
Preaching of Humanism in the name of Christian charity. -(pg. 3)
Changing from being the inflexible enemy of Communism to taking part in compromising "dialogue", thus contributing to the ruin of society.
Surrendered its creed of One True God in heaven for the false creed that there are many gods in Heaven and Earth. -(pg. 3)
Compton then asks the critical question -- "what has caused the changes in the Church?” After acknowledging that most people naturally reject the idea of a "conspiracy", the author states, we "see...the working out of an age-long and deliberate scheme to destroy the Church from within. Yet there is more proof of every kind for the existence of such a conspiracy than there is for some of the commonly accepted facts of history...Secret scheming, hidden ... from the academic as from the public mind, has been the background or driving force of much world history." (pg. 4)
At this point, I sense the need to talk about the concept of an inner conspiracy in world events. Indeed, many people scoff at such a concept; yet, we remind our listeners of two facts:
The Bible states clearly and often that Satan has been conspiring against God from the beginning of world history to attempt to take control of this universe from God's hands. Both Satan and God work through human agents to control this world. We see this scenario in Daniel 10, where Daniel prays for 21 days for an answer to his prayer. When God's angel comes to him after this period of time, he tells Daniel that God had given His answer to Daniel's plea on the first day of Daniel's praying and He had commissioned this particular angel to deliver the answer. However, this angel had been delayed by Satan's demons, who were battling God's angels in the supernatural realm. What was the battle over? To see which force would actually control the kings of the earth, as they made daily decisions that would affect the history of man. The Bible teaches conspiracy of Satan and his earthly followers against God and His saints.
The renowned historian, Edward Gibbons, wrote in his masterful work, ‘The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’, that the major reason for the fall of the 1,200-year Roman Empire was an inner, most secret conspiracy within the government itself. All the while that the conspirators were wreaking their damage, they masterfully deceived the citizens of the Empire, through lies and through scoffing at the stupidity anyone who dared suggest such a thing as a conspiracy. A civilization who does not learn from history is doomed to repeat it, so we must wake up and take notice of the reality of conspiracy in our midst.
Now let us return to the words of Compton concerning the current Roman Catholic Church: "The urge for world domination, whether by force of arms, culture, or religion, is as old as history...." (pg. 5).
After tracing some of the attempts to take control of the Papacy by non-Christian elements, Compton then comes to Adam Weishaupt, the Jesuit priest who created the Masters of the Illuminati. Compton says, "...Adam Weishaupt could view the prospect before him with a military mind. He had thrust and vision. He knew the value of surprise, which is grounded in secrecy...He was single-minded....He would blend mankind into one whole, eliminate tradition...suppress dogma..." Weishaupt set himself apart from his fellows in the name of universal brotherhood. The ideal state that Weishaupt had in mind was...founded upon the impossible dream of human perfection... On the First day of May, 1776 A.D., the secret society that was to profoundly affect much subsequent history came into existence as the Illuminati.
The Illuminati had a plan they decided on a most ambitious line of conduct. It would form and control public opinion. It would amalgamate religions by dissolving all the differences of belief and ritual that had kept them apart; and it would take over the Papacy and place an agent of its own in the Chair of Peter." (pgs. 7-8). These Plans were written in 1776.
Later Nubius, a member of the Illuminati, writing in 1818, stated that the goal of the Illuminati, is "the complete annihilation of Catholicism, and even ultimately of Christianity. Were Christianity to survive, even upon the ruins of Rome, it would, a little later on, revive and live." (pg. 13). Later, we will examine the same goals as expressed in the New Age book, "The Occult Conspiracy". Compton continues to quote Nubius' explanation of the need for the Illuminati to infiltrate the Papacy:
"The Papacy has been for seventeen hundred years interwoven with the history of Italy. Italy can neither breathe nor move without the leave of the Supreme Pontiff...It is necessary to seek a remedy. Very well, a remedy is at hand. The Pope...will never enter into a secret society. It therefore becomes the duty of the secret societies to make the first advance to the Church and the Pope, with the object of conquering both." (pg. 13).
This was nothing more than a call to the Illuminati to infiltrate the Papacy. Thus, the goal from the beginning (1776) was to plant an avowed Illuminist into the Papacy, while the rank and file of the Catholic Church were to be completely unaware that this had occurred. Nubius then recognized that this process may take many, many years. He foresaw the need to invade and take over convents and seminaries, to win the minds of nuns and especially the priests who rise to become Cardinals. Cardinals elect the Pope. -(pgs. 12-15).
How was Adam Weishaupt financed in his drive to establish the Masters of the Illuminati? Compton explains: "He (Weishaupt) was backed financially,...by a group of bankers under the House of Rothschild. It was under their direction that the long-range and worldwide plans of the Illuminati were drawn up..." The House of Rothschild became the “Fiduciary Agents” for the Papacy in 1823/1824, firmly in that role to the present. Today, with a Jesuit as the ‘Black Pope’ and a the ‘White Pope’ the Jesuits are in full control of the Roman Catholic Institution.
Compton then confirms the Occultic spiritual nature of this Illuminati plan for a New World Order. "The claim to be possessed of an other-world influence may not have been wholly false... having the tests that made a full-blooded Illuminati (the ceremony took place at night, in an underground vault near Frankfurt)..." (pgs. 8-9). Remember, Anton LeVey reveals in his book, ‘Satanic Rituals’, that such a ceremony is standard in Satanism. Compton records more of the occultic influence of the Masters of the Illuminati. "...Some rites and symbols derived an undeniable significance from what is generally called Black Magic, or from the invocation of a Satanic power whose potency runs like a sinister streak..."
"By symbols...is a man guided and commanded...The Illuminati made use of ... a pyramid, or triangle, which has been long known to initiates as a sign of mystic or solar faith. At the top of that pyramid, or sometimes at its base, was, and in fact, still is, the image of a separate human Eye, which has been variously referred to as the open eye of Lucifer...or the eternal watcher of the world and the human scene."
"The pyramid was one of the symbols that represented the unknown and nameless deity in pre-Christian cults. Centuries later, it was resurrected as a symbol of the destruction of the Catholic Church; and when the first phase of that destruction had been brought about...by those who had infiltrated and since occupied some of the highest places in the Church, they reproduced it as a sign of their success."
Compton then shocks us all with this following revelation: "It (this All-Seeing Eye) overlooked the crowds who gathered for the Philadelphia Eucharistic Congress in 1976. It was taken up by the Jesuits who edited the Society's year book; and it appeared on a series of Vatican stamps issued in 1978." -(pgs. 10-11). Christian author, Bill Cooper, confirmed this fact verbally before he was gunned down by a Deputy Sheriff at his home in Arizona.
Compton more specifically identifies the true meaning of this All-Seeing Eye: "The Eye, which can be traced back to the Babylonian moon worshippers, or astrologers, came to represent the [Pagan] Egyptian Trinity of Osiris, the sun; Isis, the moon goddess; and their child, Horus..." -(pgs. 11-12). In fact, one of the identifying marks of Paganism is their worship of the Trinity as Father, Virgin Mother, and Son. One finds this Pagan Trinity in virtually every organized Pagan religion in the world.
Compton continues to examine the progress of the Plan of the Illuminati to infiltrate the Catholic Church from within. "By the mid-1800's, the State of Italy had been taken over by the Illuminati" -(pg. 17). But still, the religious office of the Papacy was outside their control.
At this point, we should remember that the Papacy and the entire Roman Catholic Church was being fatally weakened by the inclusion of false, pagan doctrines centuries ago when Constantine merged paganism with Christianity. It was only a matter of time before the Illuminati would be able to topple the Papacy by successfully implanting one of their own. The Papacy was doomed to fall like a tree which had been rotting for centuries before it suddenly fell under the onslaught of the persistent wind. This goal of infiltrating the Vatican with an Illuminist is also detailed in a book, ‘The Occult Conspiracy’, by Michael Howard, in Chapter 7 entitled "Secrets In the Vatican", pages 141-160.
This supreme Illuminati goal of infiltrating their own into the highest levels of the Roman Catholic Church was not successful until the early 1960's, when Vatican II was convened. Compton states, "the liberals or progressives, secure in having brought the designs of the secret societies to a successful conclusion, were exultant...The entire world of religion was now permeated by its influence..." (pg. 62).
"In less than a decade the church had been transformed from an implacable foe of Communism into an active and quite powerful advocate of coexistence with Moscow and Red China. At the same time, revolutionary changes in its centuries-long teachings have moved Rome closer and closer...to that of humanistic neo-paganism of the National and World Council of Churches." -(pgs. 62-63). When the effects of the Second Vatican Council became apparent, Doctor Rudolf Griurber, Bishop of Regensburg, was led to observe that the main ideas of the French Revolution, 'which represents an important element in Lucifer's Plan, were being adopted in many spheres of Catholicism'. Remember, Compton was a lifelong and still-practicing Catholic to his death. As one reads his book, he is reminded of the attitude of the writer of Lamentations.
Compton continues: "Although conducted largely behind the scenes...the struggle between the Church and the secret societies has been more bitter and prolonged than any international conflict..." -(pg. 75). Now that Vatican II had implemented Lucifer's Plan, as Bishop Griurber had observed, Compton then reveals the next step of the Illuminati Plan: "It now remained to round off a truly historic visit with an initiatory rite that would put the seal on this newly admitted realization.” Thus, "Pope Paul VI, on October 4, 1965, spoke to the United Nations, October 4, 1965), -(pg. 67) in a speech "which propagated the social gospel so dear to the heart of revolutionaries, without a single reference to the religious doctrines that they [the revolutionaries] found so pernicious". -(pg. 68).
After the speech, Pope Paul VI went to the Meditation Room of the U.N. "A carefully edited bulletin, that supposedly dealt with the meaning and purpose of the room, was produced by the Lucis Press, which issues printed matter for the United Nations." The fact that Lucis Trust is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations material is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Satanic nature of this organization. Lucis Trust was established originally in 1922 as Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey to be the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Blavatsky. In 1923, Bailey changed the name to Lucis Trust, undoubtedly because Lucifer Trust revealed the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly. -(Constance Cumbey, ‘The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow’, pg. 49). A quick trip to any New Age bookstore will reveal that many of the hard-core New Age books, especially all of Bailey's books, are published by Lucis Trust.
Now let us return to the story of the visit of Pope Paul VI to the United Nations on October 4, 1965. "This [meditation] room was a center of the Illuminati, given over to the Cult of the All-Seeing Eye that under a system of allegories and veiled secrets...was dedicated to the service of pagan cults, and the obliteration of Christianity in favor of humanistic beliefs." -(pgs. 68-69). This occultic initiation ritual by Pope Paul VI in the Meditation Room of the United Nations "represented the early stage of a scheme, the fulfillment of which would be...the erection of the “Temple of Understanding”, on fifty acres off the Potomac in Washington, D.C....The underlying purpose of the Temple was plainly revealed by its...All-Seeing Eye...that represented six world faiths -- Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Confucianism, and Christianity..." This abdication means that the Pope no longer considers himself to be the "Vicar upon earth of Jesus Christ". -(pgs.70-71).
The stage is thus set for the formation and announcement of the New World Order Religion. This new religion will be a combining of all world religions, which means the death knell to the Separateness of True Christianity. Remember Jesus' words, "I AM the Way, The Truth, and the Life; no man comes unto the Father but by Me". -(John 14:6). This dramatic assertion means that none of the other religions individually nor the New World Order Religion can provide the way to the Father in Heaven. By infiltrating and taking over the Roman Catholic Papacy, Satan will have won a huge victory, and the stage will be set for the unfolding of the events foretold in the book of Revelation. I deal more with this in the new series “The Beast Empire”.
Now consider the next step which Pope Paul VI took, as recorded by Compton: "He also made use of a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent or broken cross, on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term 'Mark of the Beast'. Yet not only Paul VI, but his successors, the two John-Paul’s, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ." -(pg. 72). On page 56 Compton prints a picture of the current Pope, John Paul II, holding this bent or broken cross of Satan. The picture below shows Jesuit Pope Francis holding the bent cross of Satan.
shocking that a Roman Catholic Pope could or would utilize a known
satanic object, representing Antichrist, and to have the faithful in
the crowd bow before it and revere it. We are reminded of the
prophecy in Revelation 13:12, that the False Prophet shall cause the
peoples of the earth to deify (worship) the Antichrist. But the
worst is Compton's revelation yet to come. Pope Paul VI then
appeared at Yankee Stadium "wearing the Ephod the ancient
garment...worn by Caiaphas... who called for the crucifixion of
Christ." -(Ibid.)
"Within a few days of Paul's return to Rome, the Bishop of Cuernavaca, Mendes Arceo, was declaring that 'Marxism is necessary in order to realize God's kingdom at the present time'; while Pope Paul let it be known that Rome...was ready to take a new look at secret societies." -(pg. 72). One summer morning in 1976, young Catholic seminarians were greatly alarmed by a revelation in a journal called the "Borghese”... for the paper contained a detailed list of clerics, some holding the most exalted offices, who were said to be members of secret societies. It was staggering news, for...the students were acquainted with...Canon Law 2335, [which] expressly declares that a Catholic who joined any such society became excommunicate...while Canon 2336 was concerned with disciplinary measures to be enforced against any cleric" who might join a secret society.
Michael Howard, New Age author of ‘The Occult Conspiracy’, speaks of this same list, but goes further to reveal that most of these Catholic officials were members of Freemasonry. -(pg. 152). Howard stated that some of these high Vatican officials were:
Pope Paul VI's private secretary
Director-General of Vatican Radio
Archbishop of Florence
Prelate of Milan
Assistant Editor of the Vatican paper
Seven Italian Bishops
Abbot of the Order of Saint Benedict -(pg. 152)
These students were shocked at this revelation because repeated Papal Bulls have been issued against secret societies, beginning with Pope Clement XII (1738) and ending with Pope Pius XI, who died in 1939. This article was denied most vociferously by a Catholic writer, in the periodical, ‘L'Aurora’, M. Jacques Ploncard, who asserted that no prelate had been affiliated with a secret society since 1830. However, determined investigators, some posing as members of the Government, gained access to the Italian Register of Secret Societies and compiled a list of Cardinals, Archbishops, and Bishops who were members of secret societies. This list included 150 prelates by name and office. Compton then lists of these names on pages 78-84. The stage was now set for full Papal approval of membership in secret societies. On November 27, 1983, Pope John Paul II, the then current Pope, issued the Papal Bull which legalized secret society membership for Roman Catholics.
Now we can understand how it is that Pope Francis can so brazenly display the occultic bent or broken cross and Pope John Paul can eagerly pursue domination of the New World Order, as asserted by Malachi Martin in his book, ‘The Keys Of This Blood’. Fr. Martin taught at the Vatican's Pontifical Biblical Institute and later died mysteriously in a fall down his second floor apartment staircase. Fr. Martin reportedly told his house-keeper he was pushed.
Finally, after over 200 years, the Masters of the Illuminati Secret Society the originators of the concept of “The New World Order”, have achieved one of their major objectives, the infiltrating of their own Illuminist as Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. This breakthrough occurred, as we have already noted, in the early 1960's when Pope Paul VI came into power. This time period also fits in with the general period of spiritual degradation and apostasy. Interestingly, in his book, ‘Behold A Pale Horse’, Christian author Bill Cooper writes, "In 1952, an alliance was formed bringing...together for the first time in history: The Black Families (European Nobility which have historically practiced occultic spiritualism), The Illuminati, The Vatican, and the Freemasons, now working together to bring about the New World Order." -(pg. 80).
Michael Howard adds the final footnote to this entire subject, as he concludes his chapter on the involvement of the Vatican in the drive to the New World Order. Remember, Howard is not criticizing the Vatican; rather, he is a New Age writer who is enthusiastic about this turn of events. Howard states, "At the celebrations in honor of St. Francis of Assisi in 1986, which stressed the unity of all the world's religions, the Pope participated in a multi-religious prayer for world peace. Traditionalists were horrified to see the Pontif happily share a platform with a Tibetan Lama, a Hindu swami, a Native American medicine man, a Jewish Rabbi, and a Maori high priest...The unity of all the world's religions and the recognition that they all derived from the same ancient source is the central philosophy of the secret societies."
At this point, remember Jesus' words, "Ye shall know them by their fruits". The drive to the New World Order has seen its most significant progress occur under the leadership of men who appeared most conservative and traditional on the outside. Do not be deceived. Finally, at a seminar in Boston, in August, 1990, the New England director of the Theosophical society boldly and enthusiastically stated that the Plan for the implementation of the Pagan New World Order Religion called for the Roman Catholic Pope to travel to Jerusalem at the right moment in world history to convene a special global religious conference (This was held in the fall of 2016). This conference would be attended by all the world's religions. At this conference, the Pope would announce that from this moment forward, all the world's religions would be one. The ultimate goal of the Masters of the Illuminati would finally be fulfilled, led by the present Pope Francis. But, why should we be surprised, because Adam Weishaupt was a Roman Catholic Jesuit priest. Thus, we see the Roman Catholic Church present at the beginning of this New World Order conspiracy and at the end.
This understanding means two important things:
The Plan to replace the Catholic Pope with an Illuminist has succeeded, after 200 years.
The Roman Catholic Pope is probably the False Prophet of Revelation.
Finally, add to these understandings the fact that key leaders of the New World Order Plan have publicly identified the Roman Catholic Pope as the planned leader of the New World Order Religion. This is the Biblical office of the False Prophet, the one who will serve with Anti-Christ to deceive the world, and who will wield the same occult power as the Anti-Christ.
In the current pope’s time in office we have seen abundant evidence of Francis’ deviation and even scorn of Biblical Christianity. The following statements come from the lips of Pope Francis. This was in a May, 2016 issue of the British paper ‘The Guardian’ following the election of a Muslim as mayor of London, England. “Islam and Christianity share an inherent “idea of conquest”, and those who refer to Europe’s roots as Christian often veer into colonialism”, Pope Francis said in a wide ranging interview about the immigration crisis and the ability of Christians and Muslims to live together harmoniously.
Speaking to the French Catholic newspaper ‘La Croix’, the Argentinian pope also hailed the election of Sadiq Khan in London, saying that a Muslim mayor personified the idea of integration within Europe. The pope said it was “fair and responsible” to ask whether Europe had the capacity to accept millions of refugees from the Middle East and Africa. But he said it was more important to ask why there were so many, pointing to war, the unfettered free market, unemployment, the arms trade, underinvestment in Africa and income inequality.
He appeared to reject any link between Islamic extremism within Europe and Islam itself. Instead, he condemned the way in which migrants were “ghettoized” rather than integrated into society. “In Brussels, the terrorists were Belgians, children of migrants, but they grew up in a ghetto. In London, the new mayor took his oath of office in a cathedral and will undoubtedly meet the Queen. This illustrates the need for Europe to rediscover its capacity to integrate.”
He said integration was even more necessary today than in the past because of the “grave problem” of Europe’s declining birth rate, saying a “demographic emptiness is developing”.
When he was asked why he never referred to Europe’s roots as Christian – he has often spoken of Europe having a multicultural identity – Francis, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, said he spoke of roots in the plural because there were so many.
“When I hear talk of the Christian roots of Europe, I sometimes dread the tone, which can seem triumphalist or even vengeful. It then takes on colonialist overtones,” he said. Christianity’s contribution to the culture was of service – of “Christ in the washing of the feet” - and not a “colonial enterprise”, he said.
When Francis was asked by ‘La Croix’ whether fear of Islam was justified in Europe, he said people’s real fear was of Islamic State. He then drew parallels between perceptions some non-Muslims may have of the Islamic faith, and of Christianity. “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest,” he said.
He said it was important for Christians to ask themselves whether an “overly western model of democracy” has been exported to countries such as Iraq, where a strong government existed before military intervention led to the ousting of Saddam Hussein. Francis also pointed to Libya, where he quoted someone as saying recently: “We used to have one Gaddafi, now we have 50”.
He said the co-existence between Christians and Muslims was still possible, pointing to his native Argentina, pre-war Central Africa, and Lebanon as models. When asked about the role religion ought to play in society and government, Francis strongly backed the separation between church and state, saying states must be secular, although they also needed strong laws guaranteeing religious freedom and needed to ensure individuals, including government officials, had a right to conscientious objection.
“If a Muslim woman wishes to wear a veil, she must be able to do so. Similarly, if a Catholic wishes to wear a cross,” Francis said. “People must be free to profess their faith at the heart of their own culture not merely at its margins.” He then expressed a “modest critique” of France, saying the country’s laws exaggerate laïcité – the separation between church and state.
“This arises from a way of considering religions as subcultures rather than as fully fledged cultures in their own right. I fear that this approach, which is understandable as part of the heritage of the Enlightenment, continues to exist. France needs to take a step forward on this issue in order “to accept that openness to transcendence is a right for everyone,” he said.
A few weeks after his election, Pope Francis received a collection of world religious leaders in his first ecumenical and interreligious event. His address to them contained diplomatic niceties and specific expressions of good will aimed at Orthodox, Protestants, Jews, and Muslims. His remarks to the latter recognized that Muslims “worship the one living and merciful God, and call upon him in prayer.” In this he echoed the 1964 dogmatic constitution ‘Lumen Gentium’, which gave a nod to “the Mohammedans, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind.” Unfortunately his diplomatic niceties do nothing for the horrible acts being committed against children, teens, and women across Europe being raped and sodomized by the Muslim invaders.
Now, both ‘Lumen Gentium’ 16 and Pope Francis’s words have a pastoral rather than doctrinal purpose. Their aim is to build interreligious bridges by generously acknowledging whatever can be found to be true in other faiths—not to make precise pronouncements about their theology. That said, ‘Lumen Gentium’ 16 is an exercise of the ordinary magisterium, and even casual statements from a pope (be it this one from Francis or similar ones made by his predecessors) shouldn’t be taken lightly.
So, what does it mean to say that Muslims adore the one God along with us—to say, as can be reasonably drawn from these statements, that Muslims worship the same God as Catholics? We can consider the idea in several senses.
The absurdity and insanity of Roman Catholicism’ “doublespeak” was expressed by Todd Aglialoro of ‘Catholic Answers Press’, a blog site for questions and answers on Catholicism. “I think we can say with confidence that any monotheist who calls out to the Lord is heard by the Lord, whether it’s a Muslim, a pagan philosopher seeking the God of reason, or a Native American petitioning the Great Spirit. As ‘Lumen Gentium’ 16 continues, God is not “far distant from those who in shadows and images seek [him].”
“Likewise I think we’re on solid ground in saying that the subjective intention of Muslims is to worship the one God—moreover, the one God from the line of Abrahamic revelation. Whether or not their version of that revelation is authentic or correct, that’s what they “profess to hold” to. Furthermore, some of the attributes of the God to whom they address their worship are comparable to the Christian God’s: He is one, merciful, omnipotent, and the judge of the world.
Just as clearly, though, we cannot say that the God in whom Muslims profess to believe is theologically identical to the Christian God. For the most obvious example, their God is a “lonely God,” as Chesterton put it, whereas ours is a Trinity of persons. Beyond that difference, in the divine economy our Gods are also quite different: most pointedly in that ours took human nature to himself and dwelt among us on earth, whereas the Muslim God remains pure transcendence. To Muslims the idea of an incarnation is blasphemy.”
“And so perhaps we can distinguish between worship of God and belief in him, the former being more about the intent of the worshiper and the latter being more about the object of belief himself. Thus could Gerhard Müller, bishop emeritus of Regensburg and since last year the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, assert in 2007 that Muslims and Christians “do not believe in the same God,” and yet not contradict any magisterial teaching.
Of course, Jews believe in an utterly transcendent and “lonely” God, too; the idea that Jesus was God’s son, Yahweh incarnate, was likewise blasphemous to the Jews of his day. Is their theology as deficient as Islam’s? Ought we to put them in the same category as Muslims: subjectively worshiping the one God but believing in him, as least partly, in error?”
“Well, at least one difference suggests itself. Muslims “profess” to hold to the faith of Abraham but really don’t; their version of Abrahamic faith is false. (Of course, they believe that our version is the false one, a corruption of the Qur’an.) Jews, on the other hand, know and believe in their God according to his authentic self-revelation—what they have received from Him is true, just incomplete. To be fully true, Jewish theology just needs to be perfected by Christian revelation, whereas, although we can identify many truths in it, Islamic theology needs to be broken down, corrected, rebuilt from an authentic foundation.”
“Now, it can be a bad practice to judge ideas by their sources. But if, as Benedict XVI has said, faith is at root a personal encounter with God, then the authenticity of God’s personal revelation of Himself is of the utmost importance. In other words, the source of God-knowledge becomes the very question. We worship and believe in God because and to the extent that we know him. And we know him, above all other reasons, according to how he revealed himself to us”.
“In this sense, then, I suggest that we can correctly say that Jews worship and believe in a God who is qualitatively truer, closer to the God of Christianity, than the God of Islam. Both Jews and Muslims lay claim to the same revelation, but where Jews have an accurate record of it (and thus of the God it reveals) Muslims have a fictionalized adaptation”
“This question of the theological similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam is perhaps more important than it ever has been. With religious folk of all kinds increasingly beset by secularism and moral relativism, we look across creedal lines for friends and allies—comrades-in-arms in the fight for unborn life, traditional marriage and morality, religious rights, and a continued place for believers in the cultural conversation. It can be an encouragement and a temptation, then, to look at Islam and see not warriors of Jihad against Arab Christians and a decadent West, but fellow-soldiers of an “ecumenical Jihad” against an anti-theist culture”
“Can Islam be that reliable ally? That’s the subject of the newest book from Catholic Answers Press: “Not Peace but a Sword” by Robert Spencer. The evidence he presents will help us understand Islam’s God more clearly, and make us examine more shrewdly the prospects for any future alliance with followers of the Prophet”. The evidence offered in this segment and those to come present a Roman Antichrist, and not that of an Islamic Antichrist. There is much more to share about the real Roman Antichrist beside what I have shared with readers.
Pastor Bob