Biblical Forensics©

The Truth Shall Set You Free”

Part 2

In Part 1, the term “fealty” appeared once or twice. It is not a common term used in today’s conversational world. The definition of “fealty” is as follows: “a feudal tenant’s or vassal’s sworn loyalty to a lord” or “formal acknowledgement of this”. Before continuing with the rest of the King’s Concession of England to the Pope, I would point out something that is taking place around the world today. Centuries ago humanity was structured on a Feudal System which was built upon the idea that the lord of the manor would provide protection to the serfs in exchange for a portion of the proceeds that came from their agriculture produce or goods and services.

Feudalism was a combination of legal and military customs in Medieval Europe that flourished between the 9th and 15th centuries. Broadly defined, it was a way of structuring society around relationships derived from holding land in exchange for service or labor.

Modern society has been moving backwards into a direction of what is called “Neo-Feudalism” or the new or modern feudalism. You may not recognize this transition that began a few decades ago but this new form of feudalism is really based upon trans-national corporation structure. As an example, if a person works for a company like General Motors, Ford, or Chrysler, that individual is in an employer/employee relationship; virtually like his or her predecessor centuries ago. They are trans-global or trans-national corporations. The trans-national corporation holds fear over the employee that the corporation can always relocate to a nation where the costs of labor are significantly lower. A case in point occurred earlier this past summer (2016). Ford announced that it was moving its small car production to Mexico.

Just before the 2016 Presidential election, then candidate, Donald Trump announced that Ford would retain its SUV and Lincoln models would remain in Louisville, KY. I could illustrate my point with hundreds of similar examples of global Neo-Feudalism.

It is important to understand that this is the direction globalism is moving; for all intent, it is the establishment of a corporation-state. Feudalism was the creation of William the Conqueror in England. He gave up portions of the land to those who would defend the emperor and work the land, for which they received a portion of the product not given to the lord of the manor. In the last ten years, we have seen home-ownership decline to 58.6% today. This is a clear indicator of the slide toward Neo-Feudalism in the American way of life. Think of the coal-mining towns of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania, before the days of the unions where everything from the company store to the homes coal miners lived. Housing was owned and belonged to the coal companies. The coal companies owned the miners, their families, and whatever belongings the miners held as their belongings.

We now turn to the rest of the “Concession of England” made by the King to the Pope.(1)

As a sign, moreover, of this our own, we will and establish perpetual obligation and concession we will establish that from the proper and especial revenues of our aforesaid kingdoms, for all the service and customs which we ought to render for them, saying in all things the penny of Saint Peter, the Roman church shall receive yearly a thousand marks sterling, namely at the feast of Saint Michael five hundred marks, and at Easter five hundred marks, namely seven hundred for the kingdom of England, and three hundred marks for the kingdom of Ireland – saving to us and to our heirs our rights, liberties, and regalia; all of which things, as they have been described above, we wish to have perpetually valid and firm; and we bind ourselves and our successor not to act counter to them. And if we or any one of our successors shall presume to attempt this, whosoever he be, unless being duly warned he come to his kingdom, and this senses, be shall lose his right to the kingdom, and this charter of our obligation and concession shall always remain firm.

Form of the oath of fealty

I, John, by the grace of God, king of England and lord of Ireland, from this hour forth will be faithful to God and Saint Peter and the Roman church and my lord pope Innocent and his Successors who are ordained in a Catholic manner: I shall not bring it about by deed, word, consent or counsel, that they lose life or members or to be taken captive. I will impede their being harmed if I know of it, and will cause harm to be removed from them if I shall be able: otherwise as quickly as I can I will intimate it or tell of it to such persons as I believe for certain will inform them. Any counsel whom they entrust to me through themselves or through their envoys or through their letters, I will keep secret, nor will I knowingly disclose it to anyone to their harm. I will aid to the best of my ability in holding and defending against all men the patrimony of Saint Peter and especially the kingdom of England and the kingdom of Ireland. So may God and these holy Gospels aid me.

I myself bearing witness in the house of the Knights Templar near Dover, in the presence of master H., Archbishop of Dublin; master J., Bishop of Norwich; G., the son of Peter Earl of Essex, our justice; W., Earl of Salisbury, our brother; W. Marshal, Earl of Pembroke; R., count of Boulogne; W., Earl of Warren; S., Earl of Winchester; W., Earl of Arundel; W., Earl of Ferrieres; W., Briwer, Peter, son of Herbert; Warin, son of Gerold; on the 15th day of May, in the 14th year of our reign.

The various witnesses can be identified as:

The response from Pope Innocent III, to King John, 24th April 1214

This offer and concession so piously and wisely made we regard as acceptable and valid, and we take under the protection of Saint Peter and of ourselves your person and the persons of our heirs together with the said kingdoms and their appurtenances and all other goods which are now reasonably held or may in future be so held: to you and to your heirs, according to the terms set out above and by the general advice of our brethren, we grant the said kingdoms in fief and confirm them by this privilege, or condition that any of our heirs on receiving the crown will publicly acknowledge this as a fief held of the Supreme Pontiff and of the Roman Church, and will take an oath of fealty to them. Let no man, therefore, have power to infringe this document of our concession and confirmation, or presume to oppose it. If any man dares to do so, let him know that he will incur the anger of Almighty God and of SS Peter and Paul, His apostles. Amen, Amen, Amen.

I, Innocent, bishop of the Catholic Church, have signed. Farewell.


This Concession of King John of England to Pope Innocent III and the Roman Catholic Church is the primary document that the Vatican holds as perpetual ownership of the lands that we know today as Canada and the United States of America. Consequentially, because of King John’s concession to the Papacy, we are still a colony of England and thus owned by the Roman Catholic Church. In coming segments, I will provide the evidence to this hidden story. The late congressman of Youngstown, Ohio, James Anthony Traficant, exposed this fraud on the floor of the House of Representatives on March 17, 1993, and while most of the nation missed the message completely, his exposé cost him his seat in the U.S. Congress. It resulted in his fraudulent prosecution and sentencing to a U.S. Federal Prison. A short time after his release from federal prison, he mysteriously died on his farm in Poland, Ohio.

In brief, you and every other citizen of the so-called United States of America have been subjects of the Queen of England, and are owned by the Vatican, or are simply mere serfs of a Neo-Feudalistic system.

Background information from:

In the interest of providing corroborating reference documents, I will be devoting a segment that contains the many documents of laws that exist and are on the books, still in effect, and impacts every citizen to the present day. In the next segment, we take a closer look at the address he gave on March 17th, 1993 by James Traficant, on the floor of the House of Representatives. We owe so much to the brave and courageous efforts of Congressman James Traficant. For 17 years, he represented the Mahoning Valley Ohio District.

Returning now to where I left off in Part 1, I was discussing the Secret “Treaty of Verona”. Here in part is that Treaty:

The Secret Treaty of Verona

The undersigned specifically authorized to make some additions to the treaty of the Holy Alliance, after having exchanged their respective credentials, have agreed as follows:

ARTICLE I. The high contracting powers being convinced that the system of representative government is equally as incompatible with the monarchial principles as the maxim of the sovereignty of the people with the high divine right, engage mutually, in the most solemn manner to use all their efforts to put an end to the system of representative governments, in whatever country it may exist in Europe, and to prevent its being introduced in those countries where it is not yet known.

ARTICLE 2. As it cannot be doubted that the liberty of the press is the most powerful means used by the pretended supporters of the rights of nations to the detriment of those of princes, the high contracting parties promise reciprocally to adopt all proper measures to suppress it, not only in their own states but also in the rest of Europe.

ARTICLE 3. Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep nations in the state of passive obedience which they owe to their princes, the high contracting partners declare it to be their intention to sustain in their respective states, those measures which the clergy may adopt with the aim of ameliorating their own interests, so intimately connected with the preservation of the authority of the princes and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope for what he has already done for them, and solicit his constant cooperation in their views of submitting the nations.

Do we have a false god before us and worship him and his church instead of the real Lord, Jesus Christ, and His government? The divine right of kings exists in every President, and every Governor of the states in the corporate Union. You and I have the same right as the pope claims was given to him. Are you not a Steward upon the land of the Lord as a mere sojourner, the same as the pope? Are you not also a Steward?

Did the Lord make a covenant with Adam and Eve to subdue the earth and reign over the animals and to populate the earth? Doesn’t that contract still exist? Doesn’t it exist with you also? We the true believers in that contract, can take all the nations (man’s) laws in the world and dump them in the ocean to regain our rightful place on this earth under the Lord’s Natural Law to thwart the contract between King John and Pope Clement that appears to defeat the original contract the Lord made with man!

In theory, it is possible to go back to the original contract and destroy the Vatican’s control over everybody. In fact, that is something the nation’s leaders should have done. Before 1066 A.D., the pope did not claim all the land as the people claimed the land and didn’t pay taxes on it to anybody. Scripture tells us the Lord said to his people after coming out of Egypt, “why do you want a king when you have me and my contract?” Which Lord do you want to live under, a Pope, a King, President, Governors, Senators, Representatives, or a real Lord called Jesus Christ?

In the 236 years, since our country became separated from England, it has remained a colony under different compacts, but contains clever wording that the citizenry does not understand. In most cases the public is so naïve, as to believe they are free. The reason this is true is because true history is not taught in school. In the next segment, I will share the infamous address by Congressman James Traficant, where he uses the term “Allodial title”. The term Eminent domain and Allodial title impacts the public beyond the human imagination.

Eminent domain: the right of a government to take private property for public use by virtue of the superior dominion of the sovereign power over all lands within its jurisdiction.

Allodial title: Allodial title is a real property ownership system where the real property is owed free and clear of any superior landlord. In this case, the owner will have an absolute title over his or her property. Property owned under allodial title is referred to as allodial land. Allodial lands are the absolute property of their owner, and are not subject to any service or acknowledgment to a superior. In allodial lands there will not be any control by a superior landlord. Many Americans have not come to the realization that their homes, businesses, and properties are collateral on the federal debt, even if you have the deed and it’s paid for, in FULL! If the federal government defaults on its interest obligation, the private World Bankers automatically become the new "Land Lords" of every home, business, and property in the United States.

So, why and where did “eminent domain” rear its ugly head? Right after the King’s government was formed here in America, Eminent domain replaced the Law of Mortmain of England and when government wanted your land they have allodial title. Allodial title only existed in America when the King granted the use of the land to the likes of William Penn.

But it could be taken at any time. You may not be aware of it but your great, great, great grandfathers were free to hold land that could never be taken away from them. Ask some of today’s farmers and see how many lost their farms to the government that once belonged to their family members. I’ll bet none of the land goes back to the 1789 era. Isn’t it a wonderful world to live in the end times? Just read the description in the Bible on the “Harlot” in the book of Revelation. It is evident where the false teachers come from. Does the Vatican come close to that portrayal with a mortal calling himself the “Vicar” of Christ?

Consider the definition of ‘vicar’ (Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language):

You bet your life the pope has something to hide. He has no more power than you or me! The King is no more powerful than you or me. The American President and Governors are no more powerful than you or I do. We allow them to run our lives … WHY?

Friends, you cannot fight the Pope or the King on their contract even though the contract affects you. You must go elsewhere for relief. Remember the first contract in history, between God and Adam and Eve? You had better because you were a part of it as an heir and it is your redeeming quality. Why do you think the “courts of common law” are despised and government and states are acting to stop them? See where the power lies when this happens? The President, the Governors, the Congress of the United States, and the Legislatures of several states are only following orders and delegate to the U.S. Trustees, who always show up in bankruptcy which are generated mostly by IRS actions. This is a starting point.

What do Trustees administer? A trust? The Constitution is a trust, correct? The 1783 Treaty created it, correct? It is not the private man’s trust contract, correct? Only those entering the contract are UNDER the constitution and are bound by it, correct? Look up the definition of “under” in words and phrases found in a good dictionary such as Webster’s 1828 at Vol. II, 101. Dear readers, I am not “under” some corporate trust (constitution) drafted in secrecy by the King and the corporate lawyer esquires (you call them the “Founding Fathers”) who were controlled by the Treaty of 1213 A.D., wherein the Vatican still ruled over all. It was never “my constitution” or yours and never will be. The Constitution does not apply to me or you nor will it ever.

However, some of the states’ representatives in 1776 realized that the Constitution was a commercial contract among the Founding Fathers to protect their financial interests in the Americas and in Europe. The Articles of the Bill of Rights is designed to keep those United States citizens whom they are bound by the Constitution (contract) from encroaching upon my natural Law Rights. With this hint in mind you may discover where the IRS gets its purported power that makes you liable, because you claim to be UNDER the constitution, but they will never admit it because only a few know the real reason and they are not about to tell their agents. The same goes for any license issued to you by the corporate States.

You are not a citizen of the corporate or organic State if you want to be free. You cannot claim it is your constitution and remain free. You cannot claim representatives in the legislatures and remain free. How about your estate? State and Estate come from the same contract.

Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines it:

ESTA’TE: n, 1. in a general sense, fixedness; a condition; now generally written and pronounced state. (6) The general interest of business or government; hence a political body; a commonwealth; a republic.

But in this sense, we now use State. We are the ‘ryots’ tenure [peasant] holding the “estate” of the King called your estate. We belong to a body politic and you are a slave. The “republic” is essentially a fraud, for you belong to the estate of the King which makes you a law-merchant ‘acting’ as a trustee holding the King’s land that he is holding in trust for the Vatican. The States are the “estate” of the Vatican/King cabal with the money changers along for the ride. It is a full-blown consortium which includes the Congress, the President. Governors, et al. This is not to drive you crazy through word games, since you might not comprehend all that is here. Once you know the truth and let go of all you were taught by the government and the preachers you don’t become the man drowning and grasping at the lies to stay afloat.

Because the pope claimed all lands as the Vicar of Christ and the king owed money to the Vatican that was to be collected by the Church of England; the church reduced their parishioners to mere serfdom. When they (the parishioners) died, the church got the property. To preserve what property, he had, the King instituted the Law of Mortmain. This prevented the people from willing the land to the pope. When the pope got wind of this, he excommunicated the King. That is the explanation for the “WHY” the King made his Concession of England and Ireland to the Pope?

This is the answer to why all this is so important, even extending future in time to our day. These events are an indisputable fact of history; it is documented in the English documents of history at the Leeds Library. The conflict between each of the Holy Sees, one controlling the western front (America) and the other controlling the China side with the dividing line in Spain and France through Germany. The pope is the figurehead of the so-called Holy Sees.

We need to take a closer look at the original Magna Charta and why it doesn’t hold more force and effect than a later contract drawn up between the King and the pope. The pope decreed it as (the original Magna Charta) invalid; as it would break the contact he had initiated with the King.

The Magna Charta was a ‘contract breaker’ by third parties and that is not permissible in any law. Besides the pope owned England and how could the Barons take the land that the King pledged let alone all the surfs that the pope still controlled through the Church of England? He could not and so the Magna Charta was declared void. Now the pope, through the front man (the King), could create other contracts by calling them treaties and no one is the wiser. Remember, the pope was being controlled by the Vatican creditors, The Rothschild’s to whom the pope was indebted. By 1823/24, the Vatican commissioned the House of Rothschild to be the Jesuit-controlled Vatican’s “Fiduciary Agent”. The House of Rothschild is subservient to the Vatican, compensated at a rate of 6% per annum on all financial services.

This segment should help the reader understand James Montgomery’s writings why all the declarations, and Magna Charta, etc. have no effect.

To further prove all declared rights being from the King of England, you must read section 25 of the 1776 North Carolina Constitution, Declaration of Rights which states: “And provide further, that nothing herein contained shall affect the title of possessions of individuals holding or claiming under the laws heretofore in force, or grants heretofore made by the late King George II, or his predecessors, or the late lords proprietors, or any of them.”

In summary, this country has essentially been controlled by the Vatican since 1213 A.D. This suggestion has been made by many a Christian scholar in the field of Constitutional Law. When I first learned this in college, but I was both inexperienced, and naïve when it came to comprehending what it all meant. It ties in with the belief that the Vatican plays a superior role in the agenda of the New World Order. It seems more than likely that the Vatican’s invisible rule is exercised through the Crown or the City of London. The House of Rothschild banking interests is the vehicle by which this is all being brought about. The “end game” is the establishment of a New World Order or a One-World Government.

A second significant point this segment reveals is that the Magna Charta is not all that it seems or made to seem. It is intrinsically linked to the Treaty of Verona, signed in 1213 A.D., and is central to the control system this country has lived under for over two hundred years. It shows the guiding hand of the Vatican and that the EU is little more than the “Holy Roman Empire” reborn. That may not surprise some of you, but this has shown how the Treaty of 1213 A.D., the Magna Charta, and the Secret Treaty of Verona confirm these suspicions.

In the next segment of this series we will examine the address by Congressman James Traficant, whose address exposed the Vatican’s grand scheme of real claim to ownership of the world!

Below the ‘Notes’ section, the reader will find a link to a six-part series, “The New American History” – by ‘The Informer’, James Montgomery.(2) My assistant recovered this for me and it is a vital part of making sense of the legalese used to keep us deceived and enslaved.

Baruch HaShem (Blessed is the name of God)

Pastor Bob


