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Boycott 2008 China Olympics Videos

Started by John, August 09, 2008, 09:06 AM NHFT

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J’raxis 270145

I've been boycotting the Olympics for years for a variety of reasons. That's it more of a tacky string of commercial advertisements than a sporting event. Their obsessive and aggressive "intellectual property" enforcement. The idiotic regulations and worries over athletes' use of steroids and similar. That it's a competition between nation-States, not people, fostering nationalism, patriotism and related stupidities.

This just adds another to the list.


Nationalism ruins the glory of athletes pursuit of greatness for its own sake. I wish it was not about "Team America" or "Team China," but rather the individual (or individuals on a team) competing in each event, regardless of the geographical area they hail from.


I never cared about the Olympics so that makes it easy for me, never ever watched them. :)

Pat McCotter

Is there anybody but Michael Phelps competing in this Olympics?


Quote from: raineyrocks on August 15, 2008, 04:47 PM NHFT
I never cared about the Olympics so that makes it easy for me, never ever watched them. :)


Lloyd Danforth

They are playing all the games in the 'Middle Of The Night!'



I haven't paid any attention to the olympics.  I am kind of interested in shooting and fencing, but it's not worth trying to watch or pay any attention to them.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on August 16, 2008, 06:50 AM NHFT
They are playing all the games in the 'Middle Of The Night!'

I wouldn't know ...  :dontknow: :neenerneener:::)  :duh: :lockstep: :wav: :party-smiley-020: :worship:

Lloyd Danforth

Well......... actually, I've, only heard that they are playing the games in the middle of the night!



We've been enjoying the Olympics, but I can't imagine watching without a Tivo. We skips commercials, most interviews, most commentators, any country-based stuff, and end up with individuals that are the best in the world doing amazing things. I enjoy volleyball, archery, shotgun, hurdles, heptathlon/decathalon, etc. and I only get to see it every four years.

The government of China has the distinction of killing the most people in the 20th century. The USA is ahead this decade.


Meant to say I am suspicious of any boycotts of countries. They don't hurt the "leaders," they can hurt the ordinary folks, with the result that they hurt freedom. Cuba, Iraq, Iran, and North Korea have horrible governments but you prop them up by making barriers. When people deal with people, you get much better results than governments dealing with governments.


I have boycotted the Beijing Olympics.  I refuse to support an international 'coming out' party for a country that uses mobile execution vans, traffics in the human remains of criminals and political dissidents, and only has respect for individual liberty when it suits their propaganda.