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Bush lied ......again.pass it on

Started by traveler, March 02, 2006, 05:25 AM NHFT

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Greetings fellow freedom lovers,
                                             Received this email from moveon.org.http://www.moveon.org/r?r=1506This is really pathetic.I wonder how much more this country can or will put up with from such a poor excuse for a human being.Maybe you all can enlighten some others,who would ordinarily have to rely on the bush media machine for information.Thanks

Lloyd Danforth

I turned your address above into a link.  This is on all of the news networks.  I wouldn't think you would have to go to Move on to find it.


How can someone so STUPID be a president?


Thanks Lloyd,
                    I got the email last night,so I did not know if the 'news' would be covering it or spinning it.sorry