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MVP meeting this Saturday

Started by Dreepa, March 02, 2006, 11:09 AM NHFT

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Does anyone who is going to the MVP meeting this Saturday have these books:

101 things to do 'til the Revolution by Claire Wolfe

The Probabilty Broach by L Neil Smith

Footfall by Larry Niven

These were all mentioned on this site and aren't at my library.
Anyone want to lend it to me.?
Note... I probably won't be at the April MVP.  I probably will be at the trial for Kat and Russell.


Quote from: Dreepa on March 02, 2006, 11:09 AM NHFT
101 things to do 'til the Revolution by Claire Wolfe

The Probability Broach by L Neil Smith

I have "179 things to do 'til the revolution" by Claire Wolfe.  Obviously it must be a better book, since the number is higher. :)

I also have "The Probability Broach".  I'll bring both to the meeting.


Those are the two that I have as well.
