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Making the Move on September 3rd!

Started by cameron, August 25, 2006, 11:03 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Dreepa on September 02, 2006, 08:40 AM NHFT
One more day!


Quote from: kira_jane on September 03, 2006, 12:17 PM NHFT
Welcome to New Hampshire.

I'm one hour away! Spending Sunday with family in Taxachusetts! I look forward to an evening arrival in Manchester and to meeting many of you very soon! - Cameron


I arrived in New Hampshire at around 9pm Sunday night and "home" about 40 minutes later. Many thanks to those who have been so welcoming. My first impression is so far GREAT. I look forward to further exploration of Manchester and surrounding areas on Monday before kicking off work on Tuesday. I look forward to eventually meeting everyone on this board and beyond as we work towards liberty for all.


Pat K

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning


Welcomehome Cameron, I hope to meet you soon.




Where in Manchester are you?
You lucky dog, Manchester has some cool reps, like Steve Vaillancourt, and at least 1 Free-Stater who is running for State Rep.

Be sure and vote on Tuesday!
You can register at the polls, just bring anything that indicates you live in NH now (a utility bill should do the trick).
Print out the NHLA Endorsements list and take it with you to the polling place -- if you see anyone on the list, vote for 'em!


Quote from: cameron on September 04, 2006, 02:25 AM NHFT
I arrived in New Hampshire at around 9pm Sunday night and "home" about 40 minutes later.

Dayumm. Somehow I missed this.  >:(

Cameron, YOU SUCK!

Welcome home.   :) :)

QuoteMany thanks to those who have been so welcoming.

Think nothing of it; it's my pleasure.

Now, keep my place warm, because I'm itching to get there!



Quote from: freedominnh on September 14, 2006, 09:13 AM NHFT
Welcome FTL Ian and Cameron!

Thank you!  Though do include Mark and Julia, they came with me.   ;D