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court date on Friday for civil disobedience

Started by cynthia, October 01, 2008, 01:27 PM NHFT

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Quote from: cynthia on October 02, 2008, 03:47 PM NHFT

I don't anticipate getting much coverage as this IS just an arraignment

you'll have coverage from the indie nh media :). it's too bad dave ridley can't come. you should definitely check him out if you haven't yet - http://www.ridleyreport.com. it's better then any of the shit news on tv!

oh, and i'll be listening for you on ftl tonight!


 I LOVE ridley report! I visit the site every few days...


I've no time to read everthing,, BLA, BLA,
Please put the info on the 1st page of this thread.
Unlikly I'll make it --- but I'll try.

Fluff and Stuff

Dover District Court

25 Thomas Street
Dover, NH



Quote from: cynthia on October 02, 2008, 03:47 PM NHFT
Hey Sam... THANKS for the useful info; I'll buy you a tall Winterbrew when you finally make it up here!

It seems now that I am focusing more on getting out of the whole thing(false reg/ins)... my point was to treat it as a civil disobedience of not agreeing with the state about it.

I'm not a big drinker, and I would much rather get a discount on a custom clothing item you design. :)  I love my clothes, and have my tailor alter stuff all the time.

I see what you are saying about CD. Do what you think is best. I would work in both, but I think we need to come at this from as many different angles as possible. My questions can be asked to the judge/prosecutor, and if the prosecutor can't answer these basic questions, I would ask to deposition the police officer. :) However, it sounds like your heart is set on another direction. Good luck tomorrow.


Russell Kanning

Quote from: cynthia on October 02, 2008, 01:09 PM NHFT
How's this: In order to drive around town with all of my senses fully engaged, I felt it necessary to have the same colors on my vehicle as everyone else does, so as not to draw attention to myself.
that's funny


Hi guys!

Back at work.

I took notes so after I work for a few hours I will post my experiences.
There were several supporters there, which made it an extra good time.

I have a court date set for dec. 8, which I will be changing b/c it is smack in the middle of the day.

Along with my post later on, I will also be giving details about another civil disobedience that my daughter and I will be doing tomorrow(Sat.) during apple harvest day. I will videotape that as well.


Quote from: cynthia on October 03, 2008, 09:10 AM NHFTI have a court date ... , which I will be changing b/c it is smack in the middle of the day.

Be sure to keep us posted, and make it a calendar entry.
With more notice, next time you are likely to have more support.

Thanks for what you are doing.


it was really funny watching the prosecutor (or whatever the hell he was) telling her that she'd better not be recording him, as i'm sitting 15 feet away from him recording the entire time. guess he didn't notice?



Here are the details of what ensued this morning at the Dover District Courthouse, Oct 3, 2008, 8:00am

I arrived at 8:00 am to ensure that I had sufficient time to file my motion for recording devices. As this was just an arraignment, it may not have been relevant, but it will be for my trial, and what occurred later with the prosecution regarding this is telling.

My daughter and I entered the building, I with my laptop, camera, notes and water. They now don't allow food or water in. I thought that was just at the fed courts. (I did notice a baby slurping on her sippy cup after we went upstairs, so I GUESS there are certain exceptions. No problems with the other items, though.

I filled out the Motion for recording devices, citing 78(a) of Supreme Court rulings on this matter, including statements in that which are relevant yet brief for my purposes, specifically that proceedings should be open to the public in making the judicial process more accessible to all citizens. The clerk stamped and photocopied a copy for me(for free!), the funny thing was the stamp was dated Oct. 02... and it was the 3rd. Guess it takes them a few hours to wake up before they realize that their official stamp is not what it should be.

At 8:30 I entered the courtroom and was pleasantly surprised of the presence of supporters for me, and more that came in after(5 in all!) It was great to have our little social huddle to share the events as they occurred. About 30 people total were in the courtroom, with a prosecutor(I believe, or someone representing the state) giving a pep talk to the peanut gallery. He was explaining various ways in which the state could fine or enslave you, in a somewhat jovial manner. This is new, but I realized that this was their veil of  expediency; keep people actively involved in the process, rushing them into making rash decisions, to either plead not guilty or just make it go away – go downstairs to pay your bribe and be done with it. The judge was most likely in the other courtroom dealing with civil cases while this was going on. With so many "crimes" going on these days, they have implemented some efficiency into their system of extracting dollars from the po' folks.

We were then instructed to stand in line to be herded through, to weed out the people who were guilty, not guilty or no contest. A good research point would be this last one b/c the definition he gave as to why one would use this was not quite complete, it seemed lacking, at least. As I've always been a back-of-the class/bus, kinda girl, I was close to the end of the line, so I had a chance to witness the thievery up-close, while chit-chatting and joking with our group. I had my laptop and camera with me. After 10 minutes I was up and it was my turn to pass through the swinging door to madness. On the right was a man and a girl, seated at one table, on the left was the middle-aged, fashion challenged clerk at the other table. I proceeded to the right and showed him my motion and asked if he had a problem with my recording him, as I removed my equipment out of my bag onto the table. He asked me my name w/out really comprehending what I stated. I gave him my name when the girl beside him blurted out, "Wait, are you giving her permission to record you?!" He opend his eyes large and said that no, he didn't want to be recorded. I showed him the motion as I said, "so you're not giving me permission to record you? He emphatically stated no, the girl mentioned something about the court records everything. I cast her an unimpressed glance and put my stuff back into my bag. He then stated, "So you're pleading not guilty?,  which I thought bizarre as I had not made my intentions apparent at all. He was quite adamant about it, I am sure the recording had something to do with it. But, his wish was thwarted!, as an unknown entity , did what I had requested but was not allowed.. So, the lesson here is the military's statement on gays: Don't ask don't tell(just do). I looked at him after he stated/asked this for a good long second or two, and said yes. I was then directed to give this sacred slip of paper to the woman 3 feet to the left.. I guess I could have refused to take the paper and had him give it to the clerk but that would have seemed unnatural, as we have been programmed to deliver things our entire lives. So, here is maybe another lesson or experiment to try: tell him that he can deliver his paper to the clerk as it is not yours. I guess in my case, I am interested in the trial so I can further test the system, but someone in another situation that really wants no involvement could certainly be justified in doing that particular action.

I sat back in the gallery with my friends and within minutes the scrawny bailiff came over and told one fellow of the group to take his sunglasses off of his head – his head, not his eyes, they were resting on his head! I watched him to see if he told any of the other gallery victims to pull up their droopy drawers, or remove their tilted caps.

A minute later the bailiff delivered a paper to me which was my trial date. It is in December. I am going to reschedule it as it is in the middle of the day and that is not convenient for me for my business.

In the meantime, I will see if I receive anything in the mail, such as the judge's motion decision, and I will also file a motion to see the complaint and evidence against me, so that I can be prepared for my trial. It will interest me to see if they saved my blue decorations for evidence.

I will hive updates as they come in and will give plenty of lead time when I finalize the trial date.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps with anyone else's future travails!



Hey cynthia,
You rock, and your writing style inspires me - but - but - did you just refer to their next go-around with you as "my trial"?
Please be on guard.
They try to control us by getting us to use their words/concepts. The words one uses effects one's own mind. They are trained in fishing for you to accept their (false) concepts. Please, don't take that bait.

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: cynthia on October 03, 2008, 03:22 PM NHFT
I will hive updates

Appropriate typo (whether for "give" or for "have"), as we careen toward Timothy Leary's "twelfth brain" . . .


I like your approach Cynthia.  When the actual trial starts, do what you feel comfortable doing.  I was ticketed awhile back for no NH registration.  I am not comfortable going the legalistic approach that Sam uses, so I choose the direct civ dis approach.  I am glad you are challenging the ticket rather than just paying the fine, and the dec. court date will give you time to choose what you want to say/do. 
I'm glad you had some supporters, it definitely makes these things easier.   :) 
A suggestion, you can modify your initial post as important details such as the new time for the next court date.  This is useful to keep us updated. 
Shoutout to the seacoast porcs, as much as we'd love you to come to Keene, I am grateful to see some out of the system activism going on over there.  Jared, you wrote that your wife likes it in the seacoast area, if you lead by doing the out of the system activism, much as Kat, Lauren, and Russell did over here, you will draw those of like interests your way.   :)  Or you can convince her that the 'Greater Metropolitan Keene Area' is all that and a bag of chips, and move here.   >:D