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Hey, I have an idea: Let's hijack a thread.

Started by mvpel, May 07, 2007, 12:38 PM NHFT

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You do it but you don't tell the ENEMY WHEN you are going to and thus ensure that ALL the soldiers are killed before they can be brought home!



Quote from: Caleb on May 12, 2007, 09:02 PM NHFTOh, oh, mvpel.  Looks like you're going to have to join those of us calling for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq:

Majority of Iraq Lawmakers Seek Timetable for U.S. Exit

05/12/07 "New York Times" -- - BAGHDAD, May 11 — A majority of Iraq's Parliament members have signed a petition for a timetable governing a withdrawal of American troops, several legislators said Friday.

When the duly-elected government of Iraq enacts legislation or a resolution, signed by the duly-elected President, saying that in their judgment the liberation, occupation, and rebuilding of Iraq has reached such a level of success that US military and police support is no longer needed, I will celebrate along with the people of Iraq.

It's too bad that many people will probably be glum about it, since such a historic day will be an affirmation of the policies and actions of President Bush.

Russell Kanning

If some government in Iraq asks the US army to leave, that seems like a good day to me. Of course then the poor people in IRaq will have another US backed government .... kinda like the last one.
Maybe they should try going without any government thugs for a while. :)


No government thugs?

You forget they rule by religion. They will always have government thugs, if not elected then ordained. They refuse to allow logic to dictate their actions and accept only that which they are told by their so-called leaders.

I don't really care anymore about Iraq. I say, lets get out, let the whole middle-east take care of itself. If they become a problem, we apply our power of embargo against them like we did Cuba and lets show them that their behaviour is just as unacceptible as the government thugs in our own government that say they represent me.

Iraq and Afganistan, never have been a threat, never can be a threat, never will be a threat. Their government lack the technology and resources to actually attack the United States. They may have funded the terrorists that attacked us, they may continue to do so, however we are responsible for defending ourselves, on our own soil.

Often I hear, 'wouldn't you rather have them in someone else's back yard, then ours?' I say, 'no, you don't go over to your neighbor's house and kick the crap out of their guests, regardless if you like them or your neighbor or not.' That's just rude. Futher, I'd ask those terrorists to come over here and attack us, I'd love to take a few out myself personally.

I think the money would be better spent securing our borders, securing our ports, and lowering the tax burden on the rest of the American people then to go play war in other countries, regardless if they need us or not. Personally, I say, lets play nice and leave the rest of the world alone, unless we get another Hitler or someone else who wants to take over the world who actually may be able to do it.

I'm tired of this subject. I'm going back to my room.


Quote from: mvpel on May 15, 2007, 09:53 AM NHFT
Quote from: Caleb on May 12, 2007, 09:02 PM NHFTOh, oh, mvpel.  Looks like you're going to have to join those of us calling for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq:

Majority of Iraq Lawmakers Seek Timetable for U.S. Exit

05/12/07 "New York Times" -- - BAGHDAD, May 11 — A majority of Iraq's Parliament members have signed a petition for a timetable governing a withdrawal of American troops, several legislators said Friday.

When the duly-elected government of Iraq enacts legislation or a resolution, signed by the duly-elected President, saying that in their judgment the liberation, occupation, and rebuilding of Iraq has reached such a level of success that US military and police support is no longer needed, I will celebrate along with the people of Iraq.

It's too bad that many people will probably be glum about it, since such a historic day will be an affirmation of the policies and actions of President Bush.

You're kidding, right? I know a lot of people like to use sarcasm, so I hope that's what you're doing here...


Yeah, It was a pretty hilarious comment.  ::) I'm imagining hundreds of thousands of Iraqis holding the dead bodies of their children and admitting, "You know, it cost me my child, but I have to admit:  On this historic day, President Bush's wise policies have been vindicated. Praise Allah!"


Quote from: Caleb on May 15, 2007, 10:50 PM NHFT
Yeah, It was a pretty hilarious comment.  ::) I'm imagining hundreds of thousands of Iraqis holding the dead bodies of their children and admitting, "You know, it cost me my child, but I have to admit:  On this historic day, President Bush's wise policies have been vindicated. Praise Allah!"

That may be true, but they for once in several hundred years have the ability to do something that hasn't been done in their part of the world and that is to decide for themselves where their country is going.

Of course they will, if history is an indication, repeat the same mistakes that got them to where they were previously. We did, we traded a King for another King. Sure our new King only reins for 8 years at the most, or if Hillary is elected, 16 years, but he is a King, only his new title isn't King, its President. His court is now called a Cabinet, those within the Carbonate are given the titles of Secretary, and every other part of his Government titles such as, Officer, Judge, Attorney, Senator, Representative, and so on are given to everyone that is part of it. You fool yourself to believe this is anything but true.

As for people dying, is the cause of freedom not worth the risk of life? I personally would rather die then to live as a slave. If I were in the place of the Iraqi's I'd be willing to give my life for freedom. I say this because I live with a certain amount of freedom that they don't currently share. I agree that governments instituted by men should be avoided at all costs. I see that now as I look apon my own government and realize that what I was indoctrinated to believe in is false. That man ought to be free, entirely so. Any agreements ought to be made by the individual with other individuals.


Quote from: Caleb on May 15, 2007, 10:50 PM NHFT
Yeah, It was a pretty hilarious comment.  ::) I'm imagining hundreds of thousands of Iraqis holding the dead bodies of their children and admitting, "You know, it cost me my child, but I have to admit:  On this historic day, President Bush's wise policies have been vindicated. Praise Allah!"
I have to agree.  This is what it means to the Victims in Iraq.  We talk about strategy and policies, they talk about living or dying.  Maybe not everyday, but it only takes one 'misplaced' smart bomb. 


It would be kinda nice, if the neo liberals and cons would reject the idea that we should even involve ourselves in the middle east, or in any part of the world militarily.  then we wouldn't have to talk about setting deadlines and timetables that may give the insurgents notice.  But I see no evidence of any suggestion in congress or elsewhere that  the usa has no right to police others.  The only ones who say that, are usually not in any 'power'. 
The usa will eventually leave iraq.  Probably later rather than sooner.  But everyone knows we will eventually leave.  undoubtably al quada and the insurgents know we will leave.  Right now the damn politicians are either crossing their fingers that things will work out, or waiting for a good face saving time to leave.  The united states gov't has no right to play god with other peoples lives.