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Terror attack by Sept 21st?

Started by Romak, August 28, 2007, 10:05 AM NHFT

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I dislike Alex Jones- he has an annoying tendency to twist words for sensationalism. I wish Ron Paul would stop going on his show. As for conspiracy theories in general, I think it's just as important to remain skeptical of such claims as you are of the government's. This case in particular is an excellent example of how otherwise rational people can set aside their skepticism when presented with a conspiracy theory. Is it possible this mystery investor did what they did because they have inside information on a terrorist attack that's going to be staged by a government? Sure, anything's possible. Is it a reasonable assumption that that's the case? Absolutely not. It's not even in the top ten likely explanations.

Occam's Razor is as valid when dealing with conspiracy theories as it is for everything else. At this point we have no reason to even believe that a terrorist attack is likely, much less that whoever did this knows anything about it.


In the current market environment, if I were in the stock market, I'd sell everything short. And I don't have ANY insider information. Saying that someone who does that is part of some evil conspiracy is completely ridiculous. It's too easy to see what the market is doing, and any investor worth his salt would be doing similar things.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Beavis on August 28, 2007, 11:56 PM NHFTIt's too easy to see what the market is doing, and any investor worth his salt would be doing similar things.
I would never sell a stock short. There is unlimited downside potential as opposed to owning a stock which can only go down so much. There are a few other people like me also.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Lex Berezhny on August 28, 2007, 01:10 PM NHFT
More Investors Are Betting on Major Selloff in Stocks
Somebody must be buying at those prices also. Some are selling. Some are buying.


If nobody's buying at a given price, somebody will be buying at a lower price. At least for a while.


Quote from: ThePug on August 28, 2007, 07:07 PM NHFT
I dislike Alex Jones- he has an annoying tendency to twist words for sensationalism. I wish Ron Paul would stop going on his show. As for conspiracy theories in general, I think it's just as important to remain skeptical of such claims as you are of the government's. This case in particular is an excellent example of how otherwise rational people can set aside their skepticism when presented with a conspiracy theory. Is it possible this mystery investor did what they did because they have inside information on a terrorist attack that's going to be staged by a government? Sure, anything's possible. Is it a reasonable assumption that that's the case? Absolutely not. It's not even in the top ten likely explanations.

Occam's Razor is as valid when dealing with conspiracy theories as it is for everything else. At this point we have no reason to even believe that a terrorist attack is likely, much less that whoever did this knows anything about it.

I completely agree that Alex Jones twists words for sensationalism. I'm extremely skeptical of him. But you can still get good information at times from some of his guests. Ron Paul is looking for votes, and most of Alex Jones listeners really take to the message of freedom. As for me believing their is some mystery trader with all of this inside information, I have no clue. I only posted this topic because its worth noting. Id rather be prepared. If that means adding some food to our stock then so be it. We always have a minimum of 3 months worth for a family of 4. With all that is going on they are going to need something as an excuse to attack Iran and they only have about a year left to do it. I'm also very weary of them suspending the elections in 08 and something like a major attack would give them a reason to do it. If the elections do happen I just pray Americans aren't as dumb as they were last time and think Democrats are any better, because if Hitlery gets in we are in a world of trouble.


I consider Alex Jones' radio show for entertainment first and foremost. I would guess he does the same, or he probably wouldn't be on any radio stations at all.


   Hey, didn't Rupert Molec (murdoc) just buy the Dow Jones?   Doesn't he party at Bohemian Grove with the Bushes and the Rocafellas????        ::)


I guess there is still a few hours left in the day for the world to end.  :-\


Quote from: Puke on September 21, 2007, 03:17 PM NHFT
I guess there is still a few hours left in the day for the world to end.  :-\

I'm so confused, I thought the world was supposed to end on the 14th.  ::)


Guess everyone is still alive, apparently that mystery trader lost a boat load. Or maybe it was all bs, either way unfortunately in this day and age if a warning makes its way through so many places it should be mentioned because you never know.