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I really need help again!

Started by Raineyrocks, November 13, 2007, 04:10 PM NHFT

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Quote from: raineyrocks on November 14, 2007, 03:45 PM NHFT
Well I feel like crap now. :(

I just told my daughter that she was being homeschooled and she is crying, asking for just one more chance.  She wants to go the rest of the week but my concern is that I know for a fact she's going to cry and probably go to the guidance counselor.  My main concern about that is what if the people in the school take it as something bad is happening at home and that's why she's so upset about being homeschooled.  Am I being paranoid?  Should I let her go the next 2 days?

She admits that she didn't think we would follow through on this and that's why her attitude hasn't changed but now it will if we give her another chance.  I already sent the "letter of intent".  I have my own other reasons for wanting her homeschooled too , like how they are trying to push vaccines, global warming and false history, etc.   That's why I wish we would've just kept homeschooling them when we moved here but I thought since they felt so strongly about wanting to go that I would be wrong to deny them.  I hate being a
parent on days like this when I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. :(

She said her grades were way better in school than homeschool and she is right about that she did not do well at home because I don't think she ever looked at it as "real" school.  I told her she would be able to continue with band, sports and art class, so she would still be able to see her friends and do some of the things she enjoys.  She said she doesn't want to go because she would feel weird.

If this was the right decision why do I feel so bad for her?  Again it would have been so much easier if I had just kept homeschooling them from the beginning.  :-\

Well she seems to have calmed down a little, she's taking a nap.  Does anyone have any advice though as to what I should do about letting her go to school for the "last" 2 days?

I know I've had 5 kids and maybe I should have more of the answers but I don't there have been so many new and different situations with each child .


Didn't she already have her "one more chance"?


Quote from: error on November 14, 2007, 06:39 PM NHFT
Didn't she already have her "one more chance"?

Hi Error!  Yes, she's had more than one chance and I know she won't take anything we say seriously if we keep giving chances and not following through.
I think we are going to make her stay home tomorrow and see how she is with that and then possibly send her in Friday to say goodbye.  Do you think that's a good idea?  Then again if I make her go to band and sports because I know she loves them no matter what she says now about feeling weird, she will still see her friends so why even send her in Friday, right?

Thanks Error! :)


Many kids don't like change, especially ones they are not initiating. Well, so be it. You're the parent, so you do get to control the shots. The kids don't have to like it - wouldn't it be weird if they always did??

You could tell her that her next opportunity to have input into public schooling will be for high school or something like that. And until then, she's going to have to make the best of her academic freedom she will be exposed to back at home! Boo hoo!!

Let her have input into her schooling (which you have probably already done!). Let her pick topics, books, field trips, projects, etc. Make it fun and she'll adjust even quicker. What does she like to do? Do it! I don't mean that in a kissing-her-fanny type of way, but in a fun way. Hey, I admit I wasn't above trying to make it fun for the kids, especially when they were younger. Shouldn't it be fun? If we wanted them to be miserable and grouchy, we could send them off to school, right??

Best of luck!


Quote from: dawn on November 14, 2007, 07:35 PM NHFT
Many kids don't like change, especially ones they are not initiating. Well, so be it. You're the parent, so you do get to control the shots. The kids don't have to like it - wouldn't it be weird if they always did??

You could tell her that her next opportunity to have input into public schooling will be for high school or something like that. And until then, she's going to have to make the best of her academic freedom she will be exposed to back at home! Boo hoo!!

Let her have input into her schooling (which you have probably already done!). Let her pick topics, books, field trips, projects, etc. Make it fun and she'll adjust even quicker. What does she like to do? Do it! I don't mean that in a kissing-her-fanny type of way, but in a fun way. Hey, I admit I wasn't above trying to make it fun for the kids, especially when they were younger. Shouldn't it be fun? If we wanted them to be miserable and grouchy, we could send them off to school, right??

Best of luck!

Ah, ha you did see this thread, (I just got done reading your other one under Liberty Ladies).  My husband just had a heart to heart with her and I finally hear her giggles in the living room so I'm feeling better. :)