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The Devil's Advocate

Started by Friday, October 12, 2008, 05:56 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Friday on October 12, 2008, 05:56 PM NHFT
Totally random question, but... has anyone seen the movie "The Devil's Advocate", starring Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves?  If so, do you remember the scene where they're on the subway, and two homeboys start talking trash to them, and Milton says something in Spanish and the one homie's eyes bug out and he rushes off the train?  And if you remember that, do you know what it is that Milton said?

The reason I ask is because I *do* know what he said, but I can't remember exactly why I know.  I rewatched the movie recently on On Demand and they never explained what it was he said.  So either there's a scene that was cut out on On Demand, or I watched it the first time with my ex who translated the Spanish for me.  It's just kind of bugging me.  Thanks if anyone knows.

Yes, that is the original scene and that's what he says. You can see why they might not have included the subtitles on some cable channels.


Quote from: William on October 14, 2008, 05:48 PM NHFT
Yes, that is the original scene and that's what he says. You can see why they might not have included the subtitles on some cable channels.
Considering that the movie was not edited for language, and both Charlize Theron and Connie Nielsen appeared full frontal, and Keanu's (or Keanu's stand-in's) ass made a lively appearance, I'm quite baffled if they edited out the subtitles in that one scene "for the children".


Quote from: Friday on October 14, 2008, 05:53 PM NHFT
Quote from: William on October 14, 2008, 05:48 PM NHFT
Yes, that is the original scene and that's what he says. You can see why they might not have included the subtitles on some cable channels.
Considering that the movie was not edited for language, and both Charlize Theron and Connie Nielsen appeared full frontal, and Keanu's (or Keanu's stand-in's) ass made a lively appearance, I'm quite baffled if they edited out the subtitles in that one scene "for the children".

I'm sure the morality police make a distinction between showing some skin and talking about a guy's wife getting fucked in the ass by his best friend while smoking crack.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: William on October 14, 2008, 08:18 PM NHFT
Quote from: Friday on October 14, 2008, 05:53 PM NHFT
Quote from: William on October 14, 2008, 05:48 PM NHFT
Yes, that is the original scene and that's what he says. You can see why they might not have included the subtitles on some cable channels.
Considering that the movie was not edited for language, and both Charlize Theron and Connie Nielsen appeared full frontal, and Keanu's (or Keanu's stand-in's) ass made a lively appearance, I'm quite baffled if they edited out the subtitles in that one scene "for the children".

I'm sure the morality police make a distinction between showing some skin and talking about a guy's wife getting fucked in the ass by his best friend while smoking crack.

And I'm sure it's a very rational and well-reasoned one, as everything involving censorship always is. ;D


Quote from: AntonLee on October 13, 2008, 05:24 AM NHFT
I didn't really want to see Righteous Kill because I felt it seemed like another cop movie where the cop takes the law into his own hands and starts executing people without a trial. 

Same with that movie Street Kings, won't see it. . . I don't need to encourage more movies where it's perfectly normal for a cop to bust into a drug dealer's business and destroy everything without a good reason except he has a hard on for being the "street king"

That about sums these 2 movies up alright.  I just watched Street Kings and didn't like it that much.  :-\

Remember that show Cops, (bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do)?   I used to watch that years ago when I watched a lot of television and that show started making me sick as I saw how the cops were treating people.  >:(


Quote from: Pat K on October 13, 2008, 08:24 PM NHFT
Quote from: Caleb on October 13, 2008, 08:18 PM NHFT
Quote from: dalebert on October 13, 2008, 06:29 PM NHFT
Actually, the Devil doesn't seem so bad. He strikes me as a pro-freedom anarchist type. He encouraged Adam and Eve to seek knowledge and become self-suficient adults. He rejects the AMOG (Authoritarian Model of God). I think he gets a bad rap. Might be one of those guys you have to meet for yourself and have a beer with before you pass judgment.

Not quite. The symbol of the Tree of Knowledge didn't end there. The Tree of Knowledge wasn't non-specific knowledge, it referred to a specific type of knowledge:  The Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil ... So the tree doesn't represent mankind taking on the world and beginning to explore it. The tree represents mankind rebelling against divine morality:  the acceptance of the norms of evil and the subjugation of good.

The Devil is a later archetype of this inner human impulse toward evil. He isn't mentioned in Genesis. So you are referring to The Serpent, which is an earlier archetype for this same impulse. The Devil has undergone transformation as an archetype, originally appearing as an angelic prosecutor in God's court and only later coming to symbolize the evil impulse within man.

Yeah and then, the Unicorn bit him in the ass; and then they went
and had Pizza; and then............
