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Free State Rally for HCR 6 on Yahoo! news

Started by PattyLee loves dogs, March 02, 2009, 04:43 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

you really didn't care Dale ... then why were you there?

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: dalebert on March 07, 2009, 12:44 PM NHFT
I had no motivation whatsoever for that. It would have felt very dishonest. I didn't really care one way or the other whether it passed. To stage a massive protest for this silly little proclamation would have felt empty.

Yes, a silly little proclamation, one that, I have no doubt, would never be honored in the breach if it came to that--but at the same time, a chance to gather and show the lawmakers that a groundswell of opposition exists.  And if, Oh, fabulous surprise, they can't even be bothered to honor a simple gesture, maybe a display with a little more dentata is called for . . .
When I was participating in party hoop-de-do in North Carolina, a friend would frequently say that however futile it seemed, it had to be done, "so that in the future we can show that we tried to do it peaceably."  I have little doubt that lawmakers, judges and prosecutors, and, above all, police will one day push the situation to the point that only one solution--the ultimate--is possible.  I'd like to try to avoid that with a bit of precautionary pageantry.

John Edward Mercier

The Proclaimation would have asked the NH General Court to give up the 800 lb gorilla that it uses for 'muscle' to maintain its sovereignty.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 08, 2009, 10:17 AM NHFT
you really didn't care Dale ... then why were you there?

I already said.

Quote from: dalebert on February 27, 2009, 08:13 AM NHFT
I just think of it as a nice visibility thing for promoting the FSP. I want the fringies and the Keeniacs to be at least as visible than the politicos so we can get more Keeniacs!


Quote from: David on March 06, 2009, 11:28 AM NHFT
If Seth is right that many, maybe most in that crowd do not oppose general war, particularly offensive wars, than I am sad to have gone to that rally.

I don't think I'd go that far as saying Many or Most... but certainly there was a non-zero percentage who would support war under the 'right circumstances', and has in the past.  How big was that percentage, I dunno, it wasn't the focus of the event.  The fact we had anti-war speakers, but few from the 'left' otherwise says more about how the left believes that Obama will make it all better, than about the connection between HCR6 and the right, pro-war, or anything else you might disagree with folks in that crowd.

Keyser Soce

I had a great time at the rally. Saw lots of friends and met some possible new ones. I especially enjoyed my reading of the 10th in the gallery. I didn't chant although if they had stopped at "no king", I might have joined in on that one.


Quote from: Keyser Soce on March 10, 2009, 12:45 PM NHFT
I had a great time at the rally. Saw lots of friends and met some possible new ones. I especially enjoyed my reading of the 10th in the gallery. I didn't chant although if they had stopped at "no king", I might have joined in on that one.

At first I thought the "no king obama" chant was "no king above us"  Oh well.