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Motorhome Diaries Crew Arrested

Started by Kat Kanning, May 14, 2009, 03:01 PM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Just  say this...

RT @JDTalley: SURPRISE: confiscated camera placed in motorhome by police. NOT A SURPRISE: video of police by @adammueller DELETED. #MHD


Hmmmm... since videotaping the police was the basis for the arrest, isn't deleting the video destruction of evidence?

Russell Kanning

i wonder how many cops and cop cars were called in for the occasion

Tom Sawyer

Allison Gibbs & Jason Talley discuss springing the MHD3 from Jones County Jail

Pat K

Lloyd Danforth

Damn! Maybe we can get her to come to Porcfest!

Fluff and Stuff


Lloyd Danforth