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Aspartame Sniper Attack!

Started by dalebert, February 04, 2010, 03:15 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Quote from: dalebert on March 01, 2010, 06:39 PM NHFT
You pulling my leg again, Keith? Sheesh.

Does this belong in the TMI board?

Russell Kanning

is aspartame what they used to call nutrasweet?
so did they find that it causes cancer yet ... that was my easy prediction

have you seen the people buying huge bags of that splenda stuff? that looks scary. What do they use it for ... is it some sort of mind altering drug or do they make it into something else?

maybe the homeless guys could just buy the stuph at the store that doesn't have ingredient labels .... very healthy stuph and many of it cheap.


Aspartame has been around longer than Nutrasweet or Splenda. It's still common in diet sodas and yogurt. Splenda is newer and is very popular because you can cook with it while aspartame breaks down in heat. I think Nutrasweet does too. Splenda is supposed to taste a lot more like sugar. It's like... something like sugar with a chlorine atom added to it or something so your body can't digest it. Don't quote me. Dredging that up from hearsay I heard a while back.

Pat McCotter

Nutrasweet (the product) is the brand name for aspartame. NutraSweet (the company) also makes Neotame.
Splenda is sucralose.

Other artificial sweeteners are:
acesulfame potassium

And then there is the herb stevia.

Pat K

I am also very sweet. But it's  very hard to
get me to fit in those small cans.