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Chalking reduction would be appropriate response to MPD's slight loosening-up

Started by Dave Ridley, June 08, 2011, 02:43 PM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Jim Johnson

Ok Dada, it's been a week or two....

You've 'Loosened up on a particular pressure point to reward an opponent for loosening up'. 
I didn't see them loosen up.   Maybe I'm wrong... and them not arresting more people is your perception of them loosening up, because it looks like they haven't responded to you in any meaningful fashion.

Now what?  The 'moment of passion' is gone and they are drawing you into their life sucking rabbit hole of a bureaucracy.

Russell Kanning

yea .... maybe more irresponsible chalking is in order :)

I like chalking, since you can write your actual message.

So what is next Dada .... or did you already post it in another thread, sometimes I get confused.

Tom Sawyer