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NH candidate goes missing!

Started by FTL_Ian, April 06, 2006, 05:45 PM NHFT

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Quote from: CNHT on April 07, 2007, 11:55 AM NHFT
Quote from: Captain Liberty on April 07, 2007, 11:45 AM NHFT
I don't understand this at all. What reason could he have for making up an accident? The only thing I can come up with is maybe some thugs beat him up for whatever reason and he doesn't want people to know.

That's just it -- there was no evidence of beating or injuries consistent with his story. Believe me, if the press is pointing a finger, the evidence has to be overwhelming, since Democrat criminals usually get a pass...

I'd say he either was someplace he was not supposed to be, or just wanted sympathy publicity for himself because he was running for office and most people had never heard of him. I mean, after Kennedy drowned a woman, he was elected with over 70%. You begin to see the picture here?

The woman who said he'd have been the next Congressman was naive. No one ever heard of this man!

I think that may be the closest to the truth based on everything I've seen about this so far.


Quote from: Dreepa on April 25, 2007, 10:06 AM NHFT
And now a felony charge:

Well I was right again....the line forms here to start kissing my ring, no just kidding! I guess they did in fact determine that he made stuff up and thus wasted the taxpayers money on rescue operations for his fake accident.


What's the point of adding a felony charge for "altering his feet"? If the guy really crippled himself for years to come, as the prosecutor said, what's the point of going after him with more and more and more and more charges?

Oh yeah, they're vindictive assholes. Have the guy pay back the cost of the rescue operation and be done with it. Going through a drawn-out criminal prosecution is nothing but harmful to all sides.


Quote from: error on April 25, 2007, 01:27 PM NHFT
What's the point of adding a felony charge for "altering his feet"? If the guy really crippled himself for years to come, as the prosecutor said, what's the point of going after him with more and more and more and more charges?

Oh yeah, they're vindictive assholes. Have the guy pay back the cost of the rescue operation and be done with it. Going through a drawn-out criminal prosecution is nothing but harmful to all sides.

He needs to pay the taxpayers for how he swindled them at the very least. And then people  need to know about his behavior so that they don't vote for him since he isn't trustworthy.


Of course he needs to make restitution. And certainly I might even want to know what really happened out there that day. But dragging him through a criminal trial and tacking on charge after charge after charge, each worse than the rest, seems rather vindictive and malicious to me.


I sure am disappointed with the general assumption that Dodds is guilty of something on a forum of Libertarians for whom truth and facts are supposedly germane to supporting opinions.

The real Dodds mystery is how Deputy Strafford County Attorney Thomas Velardi thinks he can overcome the lack of affirmative evidence supporting the charges brought against Dodds.

Unanswerable questions prove nothing.

This becomes most clear in light of the fact that Dodds doesn't claim to know what he did, when he did it or why. His statements have been offered as guesses. I imagine he remains as puzzled, no, more puzzled, than anyone else.

So much for any alleged "report" attributable to Dodds: he doesn't know what happened and he has said so from the beginning.

Furthermore, Velardi, to use a poker term, is beaten on the board before the hole cards have been turned over. He can't credibly overcome medical facts presented by medical personnel who treated Dodds: among other things, he suffered frostbite, hypothermia, and situational amnesia.

Therefore, neither Velardi nor anyone else is able to testify to what Dodds does or doesn't remember. This would be true even without Dodds' amnesia and cannot be overcome by simply making wild accusations and assumptions unsupported by even the most remote of facts.

So much for proving Dodds knowingly falsified anything.

The specious county charges, in my opinion, could be an attempt to make the County Attorney's office look like it's paying attention when in fact that office is wasting even more municipal funds by pursuing straw man fabrications built on innuendos. The case is a sure loser.

Of course, Velardi can be thrown under the bus when the suit tanks, he's only a deputy.

I have a question for the County Attorney: Was Mike Nifong a consultant on this?

I'm more inclined to think that these charges are a way of forcing Dodds to spend money against the deeper pockets of the County Attorney's office. They can afford to lose while Dodds spends down his assets to defend himself from what could be seen as prosecutorial misconduct. After all, Dodds is guilty of having run as a Democratic candidate without coming to heel for the NH Democratic party. Unforgivable.

As for Libertarians, Dodds is at least a fiscal conservative and a wildcat or mustang candidate. Those on this forum who are quick to condemn him without evidence probably missed that part. It is far more likely, in my opinion, that the real villains in this are somewhere in the higher altitudes of New Hampshire's Democratic Party where democracy is too important to be left in the hands of the New Hampshire people, its citizens. So how about a little forbearance and see what shakes out when prosecutors actually have to prove their charges.

In the interest of full disclosure, I know Gary and his family. I rent from them. I owe him no allegiance except the respect I would have for any person whom I believe to be honest. I've also written about this before. Here's one from a year ago.


Quote from: Fosty on May 05, 2007, 10:44 PM NHFT
I sure am disappointed with the general assumption that Dodds is guilty of something on a forum of Libertarians for whom truth and facts are supposedly germane to supporting opinions.

The real Dodds mystery is how Deputy Strafford County Attorney Thomas Velardi thinks he can overcome the lack of affirmative evidence supporting the charges brought against Dodds.

Unanswerable questions prove nothing.

This becomes most clear in light of the fact that Dodds doesn't claim to know what he did, when he did it or why. His statements have been offered as guesses. I imagine he remains as puzzled, no, more puzzled, than anyone else.

So much for any alleged "report" attributable to Dodds: he doesn't know what happened and he has said so from the beginning.

Furthermore, Velardi, to use a poker term, is beaten on the board before the hole cards have been turned over. He can't credibly overcome medical facts presented by medical personnel who treated Dodds: among other things, he suffered frostbite, hypothermia, and situational amnesia.

Therefore, neither Velardi nor anyone else is able to testify to what Dodds does or doesn't remember. This would be true even without Dodds' amnesia and cannot be overcome by simply making wild accusations and assumptions unsupported by even the most remote of facts.

So much for proving Dodds knowingly falsified anything.

The specious county charges, in my opinion, could be an attempt to make the County Attorney's office look like it's paying attention when in fact that office is wasting even more municipal funds by pursuing straw man fabrications built on innuendos. The case is a sure loser.

Of course, Velardi can be thrown under the bus when the suit tanks, he's only a deputy.

I have a question for the County Attorney: Was Mike Nifong a consultant on this?

I'm more inclined to think that these charges are a way of forcing Dodds to spend money against the deeper pockets of the County Attorney's office. They can afford to lose while Dodds spends down his assets to defend himself from what could be seen as prosecutorial misconduct. After all, Dodds is guilty of having run as a Democratic candidate without coming to heel for the NH Democratic party. Unforgivable.

As for Libertarians, Dodds is at least a fiscal conservative and a wildcat or mustang candidate. Those on this forum who are quick to condemn him without evidence probably missed that part. It is far more likely, in my opinion, that the real villains in this are somewhere in the higher altitudes of New Hampshire's Democratic Party where democracy is too important to be left in the hands of the New Hampshire people, its citizens. So how about a little forbearance and see what shakes out when prosecutors actually have to prove their charges.

In the interest of full disclosure, I know Gary and his family. I rent from them. I owe him no allegiance except the respect I would have for any person whom I believe to be honest. I've also written about this before. Here's one from a year ago.

I agree with Robert!
Don't we, as individuals, groups, and society as a whole, have much more important things to do than mentally masturbate over so many "unknowns"...
There are many "events" that I personally think are "fishy"...but, other than keeping them in my "unusual events" file, I don't waste time on them.