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Where's Liberty?

Started by JonM, August 20, 2007, 09:48 AM NHFT

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While driving to work, something made me think about the small collection of $2 bills I have to be stamped, and what to stamp them with.  Dreepa has 3 stamps at the moment, FSP, NHLA and Ron Paul, but I wanted something a bit more interactive, like Where's George has for $1 bills.

So FINALLY I had a "Why didn't someone else think of this?" moment.  I got to work and registered wheresliberty.org and wheresliberty.com.

Now, we just need to stick a website behind that. 


Kat Kanning


This is potentially a very cool thing.
$2 bills get noticed... maybe a tech journalist somewhere will do a news story about wheresliberty.org

Make it so, Jon!
(now I need to get my ass in gear and finish the NHLF registration stuff...)


And then we need EVERYONE to go get $2 bills.


Also I know a group that will buy an ad on that site.   ;)