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FBI contacts me again - is this an opportunity?

Started by Dave Ridley, June 08, 2005, 08:11 AM NHFT

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Whatever you decide, I wouldn't be concerned about costing taxpayers extra $$$.  These guys get salary.  If he wasn't talking to you he'd be eating donuts.  ::)

Kat Kanning


Quote from: AlanM on June 08, 2005, 10:22 AM NHFT
Quote from: John on June 08, 2005, 10:21 AM NHFT
Secretary of LIBERTY to our new freinds?

Does Liberty have any friends in Government?

I'd like to think I qualify. I have the power to do squat, though. ;)


Kat Kanning

I wonder what the FBI thinks of the Underground President?  :)


Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 08, 2005, 11:32 AM NHFT
ok thanks for the kind words guys but i still haven't heard anything that is really *concrete* which we could ask for and get immediately.? I really want them to do some minor thing that benefits freedom in New Hampshire if I am going to spend an hour of my day sometime talking to them.

Don't wory about wasteing their time. ?ALWAYS remember that their FIRST words to you were untrue. ?They may continue to be untruthful - and just as important - likely have no power, authority, or interest in doing anything for you, me, or anyone else at NHfree.com
I would think that they laugh at that idea - while playing with your good intention.

I don't see any harm in meeting with them. ?Just remember that they have probably read everything that you have ever writen, yet tell you that this is all new to them.
Hey, they didn't even know about porcupines right?
I like the idea of having THEM speak - at a public meeting!

Dave Ridley

I'm not pissed at them for saying they were with a Seacost company, as that could have conceivably been done to protect russell, for all they knew I was his landlord and would kick him out for being sought by the FBI.

However when Phil called me yesterday he identified himself to the first person who picked up the phone as "rick"   That seemed like a pretty unnecessary lie.   I told him I had some concerns regarding the deception stuff and also did go ahead and gripe about the propaganda PSA's on WGIR even if he can't do anything about it.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 08, 2005, 03:38 PM NHFT
I'm not pissed at them for saying they were with a Seacost company, as that could have conceivably been done to protect russell, for all they knew I was his landlord and would kick him out for being sought by the FBI.

That is a legitimate technique that has several uses. Most important, like Dada says, it keeps peoples' business with the FBI private. If they do want to upset someone's life, they'll identify themselves and show badges while talking to all the neighbors, co-workers, friends, relatives, etc., that they can find. That's counter-productive if they just want to ask someone questions.

Here's an example: we have to undergo criminal background checks at hiring, plus follow-ups every five years. This isn't just an NCIC check, it's the real deal: the same background investigation that I underwent for a TS clearance in the Army. One of the investigators was a retireed Office of Personnel Management guy who still did contract work occasionally. My Army TSBI was still current, so they only had to follow up and verify the address changes. I saw some friends and neighbors give me the funny eye and steer way clear of me. I saw an old boss in a restaurant, and he wanted to know if I was in trouble; he said the FBI had come in asking all kinds of questions, but wouldn't tell him what it was about.

Come to find out, the OPM retiree, who wasn't a law enforcement officer of any kind, was telling people that he was FBI. And instead of telling them he was doing a pre-employment background investigation, he pulled the "if I told you, I'd have to kill you" routine. Questions about drug use or membership in groups seeking the violent overthrow of the government take on a whole new sinister tone when they're not in context.

Needless to say, he didn't last long. I'm disappointed they didn't prosecute him, though.


Kat Kanning

I don't think it's a good idea to talk to them, Dave.  Look what they did to Martha Stewart and this guy:


Nothing good can come from it.


It's bad to lie to them, but if he doesn't mind talking to them, then that's on him.  Now if they bug him when he doesn't want to be bothered, that's bad.

Russell Kanning

Dave Ridley

<<Nothing good can come from it.>>

I think something good can come from it if they give us something we want, in advance, in exchange for talking with me.   I still haven't heard a really good idea of what we should ask for though.


This is kind-of scarcy stuff. Dealing w/ the devil. I wouldn't meet w/ them.



Quote from: president on June 08, 2005, 09:51 PM NHFT
Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 08, 2005, 09:48 PM NHFT
<<Nothing good can come from it.>>

I think something good can come from it if they give us something we want, in advance, in exchange for talking with me.? ?I still haven't heard a really good idea of what we should ask for though.
They aren't going to give you anything.
It will probably piss them off if you make demands.

Dave, no insult intended here, but (after further thought about this) I have to say I realy don't think that they would be as pissed off as they would be just waiting to be out of your presence, so that they can laugh thier heads off.  They won't be able waite to get back to the office to share their story.

Then they could play with your good intentions.  Remember the old meening of the carot and stick - you never get the carot.
You are clearly a smart, honest and open man.  But, I think there is a big double standard.  If they are less than completely honest with you nothing is going to happen to them, but if you (in some error) even seem to fall short of that mark it could be made into a Federal case.  And all for what?

Kat Kanning

Please don't do this Dave.  Of course it's totally up to you, but there's nothing that we need from the government.

Lloyd Danforth