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Yet, more heroics from the men in blue

Started by Pat K, October 16, 2007, 12:31 AM NHFT

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Pat K


What bastards...how violating....they can't do that.


Unfortunately, they obviously can.

Who's going to stop them?

If someone does stop them, what's to stop the third-party defender from the same treatment, or worse?


   I grew up in Haverhill where I know of a Haverhill Police Officer that put himself throu NECCO collage by selling drugs, got on the force and was told by a scenior police officer to make sure the hookers got the good heroine, not the bad stuff that would kill them.  I hate corrupt police officers.  Officer SUV hole, did what Officer Spiro did in 1985 in Haverhill at West Gate Plazza in my opinion, was loaded on drugs, and half in the bag, zipping around town in a police vehicle looking for kiddies to pillage, we almost had to kill the SOB and we had the hardware to do it and Spiro had the drugs in and on him to make himself a clear and presant danger to us kids in the area. This corruption isn't so bad in Manchvegas but the potential is there.
   I hope the feds read this and check out averhill Mass, do your jobs boys, get these assholes before they hurt somebody.


Quote from: penguins4me on October 16, 2007, 07:31 AM NHFTWho's going to stop them?
We all are. The people there (second story) could've. More of them than there were of the offenders. If actively fulfilling your duty isn't something you're into, hey, the story was published, right? And is being recirculated, right? As the word spreads and more such stories are read about by those who believe the police are there to save them, they will become distraught that they are paying for this and that it's out of control. So much so that they'll be more willing to intervene if it happens around them. Which will be published, recirculated... It's a process.

The only way we can't stop these things from happening is if we ask "Who's going to stop them?" ;)


Quote from: Pat K on October 16, 2007, 12:31 AM NHFT
Just lovely .


That is so chilling, I have goosebumps!  How much longer is this kind of stuff going to go on I wonder and I'm afraid it's only going to get worse if you imagine that. >:(


Quote from: dan_sayers on October 16, 2007, 12:10 PM NHFT
Quote from: penguins4me on October 16, 2007, 07:31 AM NHFTWho's going to stop them?
We all are. The people there (second story) could've. More of them than there were of the offenders. If actively fulfilling your duty isn't something you're into, hey, the story was published, right? And is being recirculated, right? As the word spreads and more such stories are read about by those who believe the police are there to save them, they will become distraught that they are paying for this and that it's out of control. So much so that they'll be more willing to intervene if it happens around them. Which will be published, recirculated... It's a process.

The only way we can't stop these things from happening is if we ask "Who's going to stop them?" ;)

Haven't there been enough articles out already though?  I don't ask who's going to stop them because your right; people have to but how is the question?



Cockroaches do not like the light.  Send these links to your elected officials (clearing of throat) :-\  Ya, pretty foolish but it MIGHT work.


Quote from: raineyrocks on October 16, 2007, 12:44 PM NHFTHaven't there been enough articles out already though?  I don't ask who's going to stop them because your right; people have to but how is the question?
Brush up on your V! :P

People see a number of school shootings and are convinced we need to outlaw guns. Not the product of an awake mind analyzing the data before them. These same people, who compliment their belief with the "just call the police" mentality view such blemishes as the exception to the rule. They observe that any group is going to have a few bad apples and assume THAT is what they're looking at.

I've been called a cop hater in the past for simply being able to observe that they're just humans and they DO make mistakes. Yet it wasn't until just a couple weeks ago that I found badcopnews.com.

What we need to do is keep spreading the word. And if I may sound self-righteous for a moment, when it's your turn, don't back down. See, the reason those in power need to use force and intimidation to keep us in line is because there's more of us then there are of them. A LOT more. As the word gets out, nature will surely run its course. The pendulum is already swining in our favor. Like children on a swingset, we just need to put our weight on it and help it swing far and true.


crazy shit,

but until it happens to you and yours you think it is an isolated incident that happens to someone out their, and that the cops around you surly will protect and serve.  There have to be more of these stories then there are good ones before people go, hmm maybe we should rethink this whole thing.  At least all the cops got suspended (then should have to do hard time) but thats better then most cases

I hope someone keeps watching and makes a big fuss if these guys get there jobs back



I see someone, (badge or no badge) on top of a S.O. of mine, there wont be any talking on my end; my physical freedom be damned.


Yeah, I'm thinking that the cops in that case are lucky to be alive.  I know if I walked in the room and saw THREE men, with one on the ground, clearly attacking, I'm pretty sure a jury would understand a shotgun blast to clear away the open targets.  Never mind suspended, indeed these guys should be in jail.


1.  do not call the cops

2. if they come to your house do not even open the door.

3. videotape their actions.



2b.  Do not talk to them: "I invoke my right to remain silent."